Mennonite Historical Society

of British Columbia

Genealogies and Family Histories

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Family History

A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - R - S - T - U - V - W - Z - Misc

Filed by title and cross-referenced by name.


65 Years of Freedom: Penner-Sawatsky 1923-1988
Compilers listed only by their first names: Al, Ken. Large hardcover. Nearly exclusively family trees, with b/w photos. Unpaginated photocopy, some brief narratives. Russian Mennonite 1920s stream.

Abe and Susie: A Family History of Abram C. Ens and Susie Schellenberg.
Compiled by Alvin Ens. Large hardcover. Brief memoirs, numerous photos, genealogies, maps. Russian Mennonite immigrant story, good first person accounts. Abbotsford: Ens Publishing, 2010, 135 pp.

Abraham Heinrich Toews and Susanna Martha Friesen
Includes the family story, genealogy and photos plus some additional writings about their life in Russia and Canada.

Abraham J. (1877-1943) and Maria Froese (1882-1935) Reimer
Descendants are listed into the 1990s. Included is an ancestor tree of Abraham Reimer back to 1817. Contains an index of names.

Abraham & Johanna Funk Family Album – 1985

Abraham Jacob & Maria Loewen Family: A Journey Under God’s Providence
By David F. Loewen. Superbly designed hardcover, photos, family trees, numerous scanned documents, and some well-told stories. Russian Mennonite history. Published by David Loewen at 180 pp.

Abraham Jacob Loewen: 100 Years Celebration 1874-1974
Compiled by Tina Loewen. Detailed program of hundredth birthday celebration. Photos b/w, family registers, genealogies. Bound photocopy. Clearbrook: A. Olfert & Sons, 1975. 23 pp. + appendix.

Abraham John and Susie (Ewert) Wiebe
Ancestors and descendants are identified with stories and photos. An extensive production of family information. Abraham 1873-1947. Susie 1875-1942.

Abraham L. and Elizabeth Dueck and their Descendants
Abraham L. und Elisabeth Dueck und ihre Nachkommen 1841-1965
Compiled by Peter H. Dueck. Bilingual edition. Short biographies in both languages, family names and dates. This paperback ends with a poetic tribute to the immigration of 1874. 78 pp.

Abraham Penner Book 1783-2003
Biographies, Genealogies and old Russian stories.

Abraham P. Hiebert And Descendants
Genealogy and History of Abraham Hiebert (1889-1958) and Maria Wolfe (1896-1962) and their descendants.

Abraham R. Reimer 1841-1891 Book 1
This book includes a brief biography of Abraham R. Reimer of Kleefeld Russia, followed by genealogical listing of his progeny. The listing closes on 1 September 1986.

Abraham Toews Family & Descendants 1774-2012
Compiled and written byArlene Stoesz. With subtitles Bernhard J. Toews, Katharina J. Funk, Aganetha P. Harder. Detailed genealogies and family trees, indexed. The 1870s Russian Mennonite stream, with immigration to Canada, the United States, and Paraguay. Butterfield, Minnesota and Altona, Manitoba, 2012.

Abram Johann Froese Family
This family history details the descendents of Peter Froese (1775-1806). The contents included lists of family members for each generation, as well as numerous black and white photographs.

Abram L. and Helena Regehr Family Book
Compiled and published by Ralph Regehr and Lyle Regehr. Large bound photocopy. This book contains a great many entertaining family stories, as well as genealogies and family trees. The Mennonite family described is descended from Kanadier, that is, Russian Mennonites who immigrated to the Canadian prairies in the 1870s. Self-published, 1999. 76 pp.

Abrams. See also Jacob Harder and Maria Abrams

Accompanied by His Presence: Life Story of Margaret Brucks
Large bound photocopy. Charming first-person narrative by Margareta Brucks. Russian Mennonite who immigrated to Canada in 1923. Margareta Hamm Brucks wrote her story at a late age. Translated by Victor Janzen, edited by Arnold Peters. 40 pp.

Aeltester Johann Funk: A Family Tree
Edited by Mary Dueck Jeffery. Subtitled “with Notes on His Life and Work.” Mostly family tree data, emanating from the Bergthaler stream. Winnipeg, 1990. 229 pp.

Affleck, Elizabeth Reimer, see A Mother's Heart.

Aganeta Loewen Genealogy Chart

Agnes Janzen
This is the story of a period in the life of Agnes Janzen from 1941 to 1948 being forced to move from Russia, to Poland and Austria and finally to Canada. (Translated by Helen Janzen).

All in a Row: The Klassens of Homewood.
By Katherine Martens. Attractive paperback. The story of minister D. D. Klassen, his wife, Susan, and their fifteen children in Manitoba. A family saga with the emphasis on the father. Genealogies, b/w photos. Well-written narrative. Mennonite Literary Society, Winnipeg, 1988. 164 pp.

Always Further Eastward: A Factual Account by Abram J. Loewen. Subtitled
A Seventeen Year Mennonite Family Trek from Russia to China to Canada

A story told by Abram J. Loewen, translated by Rosemarie Matsuda, edited and published by Leland Harder. Originally German language. This is a fascinating and well-told story of a flight from the Soviet Union to China in the late 1920s and early 1930s. Eventually these individuals were able to immigrate to Canada. Originally Published as Immer Weiter Nach Osten. Winnipeg, CMBC Publications, 1981. 65 pp.

Amazing Story of the Friesens in Canada, The.
Photocopy. Coats of arms, glossary, addresses, genealogical resources. Author, Sharon Taylor, 1984.

Ancestors of Anna Voth Voth.
Binder of photocopied genealogical information. Meticulous family trees, some handwritten documents. Detailed genealogies.

Ancestors of John Froese: Born 16 December, 1902.
Bound photocopy. Detailed genealogy, n/d, n/a.

Ancestors of Peter Berg & Eva Wiens
Compiled by Theresa A. Berg. Large bound photocopy. Detailed genealogies of a Russian Mennonite family who settled in the United States. Photos, documents, some life-writing, maps, index. Revised 2019.

Ancestors of Walter Wiens
Compiler: Walter Wiens? Bound photocopies, mostly family trees, some documents. Undated.

Ancestry and Descendants of Daniel Johann Hildebrand and Anna Dyck
Compiled by Marvin D. Hildebrand, December 1988.

Ancestry of David and Katharina (Schmidt) Dick - Book I
ANCESTRY OF DAVID DICK (1861-1919) and KATHERINA SCHMIDT (1866-1919) DESCENDANTS OF DAVID DICK (1861-1919) and KATHERINA SCHMIDT (1866-1919). A genealogy of the David Dick and Katherina Schmidt family1556-1993, 54 pages. Compiled and translated from the German by John Lenzmann. Key family names include Dick, Epp, Loewen, Martins, Schroeder, Reimer, Toews, Van Dyck and Wall. The book, though in one volume, is divided into two books, Book 1, pages 1 through 23, covers the ancestry,; Book 2, pages 25 to 52, the descendants. It includes an index.

Ancestors and Descendants of Johann Wiebe August 3, 1866-July 12, 1924
Authored by the Wiebe History Book Committee. Account of “Kanadier” Mennonites who immigrated to the Canadian prairies in the 1870s. Some historical text, a journal published in Die Rundschau, maps, but dedicated primarily to family histories. 1999. 156 pp.

And in Their Silent Beauty Speak: A Mennonite Family in Russia and Canada 1790-1990.
Written, edited and compiled by Anne Konrad. A beautifully written history of a Russian Mennonite family, in a sense more impressionistic than linear. "The crowd of ghosts chatters in snatches of dialogue, comes to us in letters, journals, memories. ...
Whoever thinks chronologically for one full hour, or even a minute?" The volume contains a multitude of anecdotes and good storytelling. Numerous photos, maps, family trees. Well indexed. 2004. 507 pp.

And Johann Begat…
The story of Johann Neufeldt (1815-1884) and his descendants. Wife Sara (Rempel) Neufeldt.

Andres. See also My Experiences: By the Grace of God

Andres. See also My Family: My Memories

Andres Family History & Genealogy.
This begins with Gerhard Andres (b. 1691?) and Anna Toews. Extensive genealogical record beginning in Germany (Prussia) to U.S. & Canada.

Andres, Gerhard & Anna (Toews).
Family of Peter and Agathe Penner Andres. Peter 1821-1882. History, genealogy.

Andrew B. Ratzlaff
1824-1972. Maps, genealogies, 51 pp.

Anna: Anna Niebuhr Story

Anna Ediger Wall: A Heritage Story
"As Told by Anna in Her Stories and Through Her Letters." Translated and edited by Lydia Neufeld Harder and Martha Neufeld. The story of a woman who lived through the Stalinist tyranny, escaped the USSR during World War II, and immigrated to Paraguay. Well-organized book, b/w photos, a preface and some genealogy. Scarborough and Hamilton, Ontario, 2015. 102 pp.

Anna's Journey: Back to the Roots
A memoir by Anna Harder Goertzen, who was born in Canada, then lived much of her life in Paraguay. At the time of publication, Goertzen was living in Abbotsford. Beautifully designed book by Bill Glasgow. The narrative is broken into small sections and is interspersed with photos, both colour and b/w. Abbotsford, Judson Lake Publishers, 2016. 157 pp.

Anna (Van Eitzen) & Helena (Sawatsky)
Journals, writings, obituaries, family names of these women. Submitted by Jack Block, Langley, BC.

Anny: Sheltered in the Arms of God. A true story of survival in Russia
Anny’s story begins with her grandparents, Jakob G. Penner (b.1834) Anna Krahn (b.1842) in Russia. It recounts the story of her earlier days in Russia leading to the Russian Revolution, repression and imprisonment. Photographs and family tree are included. By Anny Penner Klassen Goerzen.

Anny Part 2: Sheltered in the Arms of God. The Years in Canada
This is the continued story of the author during her years in Canada, 1948-2003. Includes family trees of the Penners and Goerzens.

Anny 2. Teil: In Gottes Armen geborgen. Die Jahre in Canada
German version of Anny Part 2: Sheltered in the Arms of God. The Years in Canada

Aron Enns Family, The: History and Genealogy 1819-1990
Written and self-published by Susan Enns Suderman. Large paperback. The first part contains the stories of Russian Mennonite families and their journeys to China, Paraguay, and North America. The last part consists of a meticulous family tree. Surrey, 2016. 185 pp.

Aron Esau and Descendants
Family history and genealogy of Aron Esau (1783-1845) and Elizabeth Huebert (d. 1902?).

Aron F. Peters (1893-1972) and Elizabeth Dueck (1895-1963).
Includes bios, genealogy charts and photographs. Inserted in a Peters family tree (chart)

Aron R. Reimer 1885-1953 and Margaretha L. Dueck 1885-1968
Compiled by Emil Reimer. Russian Mennonite story, immigration to Canadian prairies. Numerous b/w photos, personal memories, genealogies. Includes some brief notes of the Kleine Gemeinde, Russia, 1801-1866, kept by minister Johann A. Dueck. Steinbach: Martens Printing, 1992. 347 pp.

Art and Vicky Warkentin Hoock Story.
Compiled and written by Art Hoock. Numerous photos, colour, b/w. Genealogies. Excellent source material. Self published, 213 pp. plus appendices.

As I Remember It
He describes his growing up years in Saskatchewan and beyond. Included are some notes on their ancestors with beginnings in Russia. By Henry Baerg.

As It Was: Experiences in the family of Henry and Katie Regehr
By Henry and Katie Regehr as told to their children and grandchildren. Well-written memoir written by a Mennonite born in the Crimea. He immigrated to Canada via Mexico. Bound photocopy. No date. 68 pp.

A. T. and Mary Koehn: 1914-2001 Descendants
This family history includes descendants of (a) A.T. and Mary Koehn (b) Elmer and Susanna Koehn, (c) Jesse and Elsie Koehn, (d) Clifford and Minnie Koehn, (e) Herman and Irene Nightingale Family, (f) Duane and Mildred Johnson Family, (g) Vernon and Evelyn Smith Family, (h) Kenneth and Betty Koehn Family, (i) Delano and Neoma Koehn Family, (j) Stanley and Joyce Koehn Family, (k) Obituaries.

Aus Meinem Leben (From My Life).
By Johann Epp. Bound photocopy. German language memoir and family history. The author, born in 1920 in Siberia, tells of his life as a medical practitioner and prisoner under the Soviet regime. A compelling story. Author Johann Epp managed to immigrate to Germany in 1983. The manuscript appears to have been originally typewritten. Genealogies, documents, b/w photos. Self-published, Bielefeld, Germany, 1986. 129 pp.

Aus Meinem Leben
By J.J. Neudorf, with other contributions. German-language story of a family living through the 1920s Russian Mennonite emigration and settlement in Canada. Paperback photocopy. Charming hand-drawn illustrations. 1920. 86 pp.

Autobiography of Abram H. Reimer
Translated by Ernie Reimer. 56 pp.

Autobiography of Abraham Stobbe of Abbotsford, BC, 8 1/2 x 11.
Typewritten and photocopied, self-published, 1976, 29 pp. Colourful and well-written.

Autobiography of Elizabeth (Unruh) Schulz, The
An autobiographical account of Elizabeth Unruh Schultz, born 1866 in Heinrichsdorf, Russia.

Autobiography of Isaak Isaak Zacharias
Translated by Ruth Heinrichs and Heinz Bergen. Edited by Ruth Heinrichs. Large bound photocopy. Another dramatic story emerging from the 1920s stream of Russian Mennonites. Mostly text, some maps and photos. 51 pp.

A. Vogt Family
Compiled by Anna Grace Flickinger. Large photocopies. Photos, b/w, maps, documents, some obituaries and life stories, family trees. Includes the compelling story of Russian Mennonites who fled the USSR with the retreating German army. Stories from Paraguay, Canada and the United States. 1992.


Baerg. See also As I Remember It

Baerg. See also Family History and Genealogy of Jacob (1840-1912) and Susanna (Baerg) Janzen, A (1842-1917)

Baerg. See also Not Without Zeal.

Baerg. See also The Story of William Baerg.

Baerg Family.
The story of the Baerg Family. Extensive genealogy is included beginning with Peter Baerg (1856-1933) and Margaretha Loewen (1860-1945).

Baerg, Henry - As I Remember It.
He describes his growing up years in Saskatchewan and beyond. Included are some notes on their ancestors with beginnings in Russia.

Baerg, Johan & Anna (Duerksen) - Family Record - 1836-1960s.

Baerg, Johann and Catrina (Neuman) - 1777-1992.
A family history and genealogy of Johann and Catrina (Newman) Baerg Compiled by Russell H. Janzen--355 pages. Published by Family History Publishers In addition to Baerg/Berg, key family names include Classen, Friesen, Janzen, Loewens, Lorenz, Martens and Toews. The introduction covers a brief overview of Mennonite history from 1534 to 1926 and includes maps and pictures. Johann Berg was born in 1760 in West Prussia and immigrated to the Lechfelde area of West Prussia. A grandson, Gerhard, settled in Mountain Lake, Minnesota, in 1870. This is an extensive genealogy of Johann and Catrina's descendants. There is a comprehensive index.

Baergens, The - 1925-1970 - Forty-Five Years on the Prairies. Gerhard Gerhard and Maria.
Peters Baergen. Family tree, genealogies, photos b & w. Personal memoir, GG Baergen.

B.B. Janz (1877-1964) and Maria Rogalsky (1879-1953) – Janz Reunion 1992
An extensive genealogy of their descendants with a brief account of the Janz ancestors. Photos included.

Berg. See also Ancestors of Peter Berg & Eva Wiens

Bergen. See also Isaak Derksen and Helene (Bergen) Derksen

Bahnmann. See also The Last Days of the H. Bahnmann Family in Russia and their voyage to North America in 1903

Bahnmann Centennial Celebration.
Commemorating the arrival of Heinrich and Katharina (Wiens) Bahnmann and family. It contains extensive genealogical information beginning with Heinrich Peter Bahnmann (1852-1906) and Katharina Wiens (1859-1936). Also included is a CD of 775 photos of the family.

Bahnmann, Heinrich and Katherina (Wiens).
1859-1936 Diary of Katherina (Wiens) Bahnmann. Introduction by Granddaughter Clara (Epp) Klassen. Katherina Wiens, daughter of Nickolai of Berdyansk began keeping a diary as a young girl. Her mother also kept a diary. Those entries were put on tape by a granddaughter Anna. A great grandson, Stewart Epp, had them translated into English. Clara Klassen, a granddaughter, wrote the introduction and conclusion to the book. The entries date from 1870 to 1974 and provide interesting information about life in a wealthy Mennonite family.

Balzer. See also My Life in Retrospect.

Balzer Book, The: Ancestors and Descendants of Henry and Sarah (Neumann) Balzer
Compiled by Linda M. Wiens. Large glossy bound paperback. Russian Mennonite story. A great many reminiscences, photos both colour and b/w, and family stories. Vancouver, Vanprint Broadway, 2015. 186 pp.

Bargen.See also Genealogy of Bargen, Schmidt, Wittenberg and Friesen.
This extensive genealogy includes Gerhard Bargen (b. 6 June 1840-16 Mar 1924), his ancestors and descendants. Also included are photographs and family stories.

Bargen - Neufeld Genealogy.
Earliest ancestors are Isaac Bargen (1821-1875) and Justina Loewen, and Gerhard Neufeld (1827-1916) and Anna Teichroew. Extensive genealogical information.

Barkman Family, The
In two volumes. Hardcover. Compiled and written by Johanna Ruth Ferguson, Betty Jane Barkman, and Gary Wayne Barkman. Documents, family records, photos b/w, family stories. Well-indexed. The history of a Russian Mennonite family that immigrated to the United States in the 1870s. 1982.

Bartel. See also Chronik der Familien Epp und Bartel.

Bartel - 1834 - 1990s by P.K. Bartel.
Heinrich Bartel (1884 - 1872) and Gertrude Warkentin (1832 - 1872). Extensive genealogical data and family stories.

Bartholomäus Tiessen: 350 Jahre Familientradition
Edited by Frank Tiessen, compiled by Hermann Thiessen. Harcover. Detailed genealogies of a European German Mennonite family. German-language. Long and meticulous index of names. Hameln, CW Niemeyer, 1986. 596 pp. + photo section.

Bartsch Family History by Larry D. Sawatzky (N. Vancouver).
This is the family record of Absalom Bartsch and Maria Konrath who emigrated from Russia to Minnesota, U.S.A. in 1875.

Batum Story, The
A collection of memoirs compiled by Mary Dirks Janzen. The stories of Russian Mennonites who fled Crimea in the 1920s and immigrated to America via Batum (in present-day Georgia) and Constantinople. 1974. 55 pp.

Bauman Family History, The.
Subtitled: Family Records of the descendants of Pioneer Joseph Bauman;
also some records of David and Henry Bauman.
Compiled by Sarah Bauman and Erna Freeman. A hardcover that consists almost entirely of numbered and indexed family records. Meticulous detail. The story of a Swiss Mennonite family that emigrated from the eastern United States to Canada before Confederation, pioneering the lands now centred by Kitchener/Waterloo. St. Jacobs, 1967. 308 pp.

B. B. Janz & M. Rogalsky: Janz Reunion 92
Possibly compiled by Linda Friesen. Large paperback. Nearly exclusively family trees, often with the addition of photos. B. B. Janz, the subject of this book, was a prominent Mennonite leader. 1992. 103 pp.

Beitrag zum Familien Buch von Heinrich Penner und Anna Woelk.
By David G. Penner. "Supplement to the Family Book of Heinrich Penner and Anna Woelk." Typed and copied. Strictly text. 1983. 57 pp.

Ben & Käthe Krahn: A Family Tree
By Margaret Petker. Large bound photocopy. Nicely designed book, with many photos, brief life stories, vignettes. The history emanates from the Russian Mennonite stream. Some of these individuals only managed to escape the USSR during World War II. Undated. 197 pp.

Berg See also Ancestors of Peter Berg & Eva Wiens

Berg See also Memoir: My Life’s Journey, A

Berg See also Unsere Flucht

Bergen. See also Genealogy of Peter & Maria (Hiebert) Bergen

Bergen. See also Heinrich and Katharina (Bergen) Woelk

Bergen. See also Johann Bergen’s Story

Bergen. See also Mennonite Legacy of My “Kanadier” Grandparents, The

Bergen. See also Not Only With You...The Story of Kornelius Penner (1876-1923) & Katharina (Bergen) Penner (1877-1959)

Bergen. See also Willems Family Story: God Made a Way When There Was No Way

Bergen Family Tree.
Bound photocopy. Detailed family tree. n/a.

Bergen Reunion
Family members recount stories of the family including migrations to Germany, Paraguay and Canada.

Bergen, Salomon - 1831-1995.
Contains some general information about the Bergen name and Anabaptist beginnings. Begins with Bernhard von Bergen (1769-1809) and his wife Katharina Penner (1773-1809) in Chortitza and continues to include family information to 1995. Also include family trees, anecdotes and over 600 photographs.

Bergmann. See also Genealogy of Johann Janzen 1752-1823 and Maria (Bergmann) - 1758-1808

Bergmann, Abram P. (1884-1971) and Katharina Wiens (1887-1980).
"Of Russian Roots and Canadian Migration" by Michael Penner. This is an illustrated story of family history and ancestry.

Bernhard Peters: Ancestors & Descendants
This book includes a summary of Mennonite History from Switzerland to Canada, maps, photographs, family tree and notes. Begins with the lineage of Maria Fast whose ancestors are traced to Berend Dyck, & Elizabeth Regehr (1700s) and the Peters lineage beginning with ancestors Gerhard Peters (b. 1772) and Agathe Bueckert (b. 1778)

Bestvater. See also Our Family Heritage

Bestvater. See also Our Heritage: The Story of the Philip Wiebe Family from Russia to Canada

Bible and a Plow, A
Begins with the early history of the Mennonites and then the Wieler story begins with 1776 census in Prussia in which the names of Peter Wieler and his wife Judith Fast are found. Author is Edith Mae Wieler. 1740-1996.

Bilder aus Meinem Leben
1886-1951. Von P. P.Wiebe.

Block. See also Family Record of Henry & Katharine Block, Arkadak: Ancestors and Descendants 1600 to 1970

Block. See also Memories

Block. See also Peter Kornelius Froese & Descendants: What Is my House?

Block. See also Vogt Family History, A: The Descendants of Andreas Vogt (1854-1914) and Aganetha Block Vogt (1857-1930)

Block. See also Way We Were, The

Block Buch, Das
German-language document. Compiled and edited by Peter Block and Viktor Petkau. Family stories and genealogies of the Aussiedler, Russian German Mennonites who immigrated to Germany. Large bound photocopy, numerous photos. No date. 432 pp.

Block Family Book, The
By Anna Penz. “Dedicated to Grandma.” Some narrative, mostly family photos, small stapled paperback. Waldheim, Saskatchewan, 1983. 59 pp.

Block Family Journal – Ancestors and descendants
Written and researched by Henry J. Block, Ontario. Compiled and submitted by Jack Block, Langley, BC. Family names include von Kampen and Siemens.

Blumstein Legacy, The: A Six Generation Family Saga
By Leland D. and Samuel W. Harder. Large well-researched paperback, photos, narratives, family trees, all deriving originally from Blumstein, South Russia. North Newton, Kansas, no date. 332 pp.

Boehs. See also Jacob H. Boehs Family Record

Benjamin Boese Family, The.
Compiled by Martha Tschetter, 1976. Photocopied and bound. Numerous genealogies of Russian Mennonite families that immigrated mostly to the United States. Some photos and maps.

Boehs. See also Jonas and Ida Schmidt: Genealogy, Biography and Memories

Boldt. See also Jacob & Margareta Mierau Family Ancestors & Descendants

Boldt. See also Katherine (Boldt) Kasper

Boldt. See also Heinrich & Margareta Boldt: Their Life Story

Boldt. See also Life Story of Henry H. Boldt, The

Boldt Family Tree
Compiled and edited by Walter B. Boldt. Large bound copy. Genealogies, some maps and illustrations, brief narratives. A compilation of family trees and documents. Abbotsford.

Boldt Genealogy.
Compiled by Art and Hilda Kasper. Handwritten and photocopied. Bound 8x11. 96 pages of family genealogies. Russian Mennonite story.

Born. See "The Neufelds & Borns of Kubanka: A Pictorial History of Two Families."

Born, Anna. See also CHANGES: ANNA BORN:

Born. See also Finding a Better Land: From Prussia to Matsqui

Born. See alsoTO BE BORN

Bornn. See also Family Record of Abraham and Aganetha Bornn.

Brandt Family Tree Album: Esther (Brandt) Born.
This is the story of the Brandt Family beginning with Kornelius A. Brandt (b.1852) and Margaretha Rempel (b.1852) The Album contains much genealogical information, stories and photographs and includes an index.

Braun. See also And in Their Silent Beauty Speak.

Braun. See also Early Lives of Katharina and Gerhard Wiebe, The

Braun. See also Family Reflections.

Braun. See also Memories of Susanna (Braun) Loewen

Braun/Brown Book.
An extensive genealogical study of the descendants of Jacob John Braun, born 1840.

The Braun Family, The.
Information on the descendants of Jacob John Braun & Anna (Warkentin) 1840-1909, Ukraine, Russia. Compiled by Isaac and Annie Braun--64 pages. Includes lineage chart, photographs of family groups and a list of names and addresses of the descendants.

Braun Family Tree.
Genealogy of Jacob D. Braun 1826-1919 and Katherina (Funk) Braun 1827-1920 A family history and genealogy of the Jacob D. and Katherina (Funk) Braun family, 1776-1995 Compiled by Henry J. Braun, Published by Braun Family Tree Committee--282 pages
Printed by Martens Printing.

In addition to Braun (Bruhn), key family names include Dueck, Funk, Giesbrecht and Harder. The family story begins in Lakendorf, Poland, in the mid seventeen hundreds. Braun family emigration to South Russia began in 1788 and the move to Canada in 1875. Subsequently branches of the family emigrated to Paraguay, Bolivia and Mexico. This extensive genealogy includes those family members. Includes brief histories and photographs of early family member, lineage charts and maps.

Brown (Braun). See also Memoirs of Anna (Braun) Brown, The

Brubacher. See also Samuel M. and Magalena (Brubacher) Horst Family Book, The. 1841- 1925

Brucks.See also Accompanied by His Presence: Life Story of Margaret Brucks

Brucks. See also God's Hand on My Life

Brucks. See also Henry & Elsie Brucks.

Bückert. See also Chronik der Familien Hübert und Bückert.

Buhler. See also Franz Penner and Sarah Buhler

Buhler. See also Genealogy of Abram Buhler

Building Life's Bridges: A Memoir and Tribute by Henry Rempel.
Large glossy coffee table hardcover. The story of post-World War II Russian Mennonite refugees that starts in Einlage. Numerous photos both colour and b/w. Namesake Publishing, 2013, 95 pp.

But for the Grace of God: Life History of Jacob Warkentin.
Autobiography of Jacob Warkentin. Bound photocopy. Russian Mennonite story, immigrants to Manitoba. No photos. 1981. 103 pp.

Buxbaum Family Reunion July 13-14, 1974 in Komoka, ON.
An extensive collection of memoirs, letters, songs and genealogical charts illustrating the Buxbaum family history.

By His Grace: The memoirs of Nicholas and Elizabeth (Wall) Dyck
The focus of this book is the memoirs of Nicholas and Elizabeth Dyck. The volume also contains genealogical material and numerous photos, both colour and b/w. Large bound paperback. Russian Mennonite story. No date. 158 pp.


Called to Witness
This is the story of the Ernest Dyck (b. 5 Apr 1922) family with family background information in Russia and Canada. It is an extensive account of missionary involvement in the Congo and Quebec.

Call to Remembrance: Abraham C. Neufeldt & Elisabeth Heinrichs.
Bound 8x11 photocopy. Story of Russian Mennonites who moved from Bergthal to Canada in the 1870s (Kanadier). Excellent photos, maps, well researched, with footnotes. Compiled by Margaret Neufeld Froese, 2001.

Canadian Story: The Bill and Martha Strahl Story, by Gary Strahl.
Large red hardcover, glossy, numerous b& w photographs, as well as genealogies, maps, recipes, some original manuscript material, family history of Kanadier Mennonites, Canadian prairies, printed by Canadian Photoscene, 1994, 385 pp.

Canadians Through Miracles: Heinrich Dietrich & Sarah Neumann Family
Compiled and edited by David F. Loewen. Many b/w photos. Well-organized genealogies, family by family down the generations. Some history and anecdotes. 2016.

Celebration of Family, A.: The Heinrich P. & Helena (Wiebe) Peters Family
Compiler unknown. Large paperback. Some narrative, mostly photos with family stories. No date.

Celebration of Family, A: The John Philip, George Philip, Frank David, and Henry David Dyck Family
Compiler unknown. Large paperback. Nicely designed and written. Photographs with family portraits in word. No date.

Changes: Anna Born
Stories from the life of Anna Born. Assembled by Anna Schroeder. 174 pages. Printed by Regehr’s Printing, Winnipeg. Interesting stories about life in Manitoba from the late 1800s to the 1980s. Includes photographs.

Children and Heirs: The Story of Gerhard and Helena (Thiessen) Klassen. Their Ancestors and Descendants.
By Margaret Froese. The family tree of a Russian Mennonite family. Numerous stories of family members down to the tenth generation. Photos, genealogies, good graphics. With an index of names. Self-published, Winnipeg, 2004. 163 pp. + appendix.

Chronicles and Genealogy of the Abram Edmund Klassen Family (Insel Chortitz)
Compiled by Isaac P. Klassen, David Friesen, and Helena Braun. Large bound photocopy. A previous incarnation of this book was released in 1973 by Isaac C. Klassen; this is an expanded version published in Sardis, BC by Helena Braun in 1988. Except for some brief histories and life profiles, the volume consists strictly of genealogies and family trees. Russian Mennonite family history. 164 pp.

Chronik der Familie Esau 1794-2002
Compiled by Peter Block and Anna Block. Large glossy paperback. German-language, published in Germany. Nearly exclusively family genealogies with photos, both colour and b/w. 2001. 320 pp.

Chronik der Familie Hege
Compiled by Otmar Heinrich Hege. German-language. Thick paperback. Nearly exclusively genealogical data. Heidelberg, 1983. 403 pp.

Chronik der Familien Epp und Bartel.
No author listed. Large glossy bound book, German language, thorough genealogies, numerous b/w photos. No date or publisher.

Chronik der Familien Hübert und Bückert.
No author listed. Large glossy bound book, German language, thorough genealogies, numerous b/w photos. No date or publisher.

Chronik über den Zeitabschnitt 21.Januar 1945 bis Ende 1946
By Helga Mersch born Lemke. Subtitled “geschrieben und dokumentarisch zusammengestellet von Eurer Mutter.” Mother to Helmut Lemke is the author: “Chronicle on the time period Jan 21 to the end of 1946, written and compiled with documents by your mother.” Narrative, clippings, documents. Wartime story.

Chronology of the Toews Family, The
Begins with Peter Toews (1818-1867) and Elizabeth Penner (1818-1905) in Russia eventually moving to USA and Canada. Great genealogy and family stories.

Claassen Family, The 1665-1958
Compiled by Menno and Sara Claassen, Beatrice, Nebraska. Exclusively genealogy and family data. American Mennonites.

Come Walk With Me: the autobiography of Margaret Martens Janz
Large colourful hardcover. Memoir of a Russian Mennonite. Stories culled from diaries, letters and memories. Some stories from Australia. 2009. 102 pp. John B. Toews Collection.

Cornelius P. Toews: 1836-1908.
This bound photocopy was a centennial project: "Dedicated to His Descendants: A Centennial Project: 1873-1973." Strictly genealogy. Compiled by Henry E. Toews, Frank P. Wiebe, and Cornelius L. Toews. 85 pp.

Cornelius Jacob Isaak (1887-1968) & Lydia Adolf Pidde (1887-1967)
Compiled by Ken and Ron Isaak. Russian Mennonite story, the flight from the USSR to Canada in the 1920s. Bound photocopy. Family trees, photos, documents. No date.

Cornelius Reimer Story
The story of the life of Cornelius C. Reimer, 1892-1968, from Russia to the Soviet Union to Germany, Argentina, Paraguay, Brazil and Canada.

Cornelsen. See also Marie Cornelsen geb. Wieler: Stationen eines Mutterlebens in Briefen und Bildern

Cornelsen. See also Our Family Tree: Cornelsen-Kornelsen

Crossing Continents: The Stories of Henry and Anna Hildebrandt
A family story of the post-World War II Mennonite refugee stream, including immigration to Paraguay, and then to Canada. Large paperback, well designed, photos, family trees. By Renate Schulz. 2022. 148 pp.


Dahl. See also A Genealogy of the Jacob Dahl Family.

Dahl. See also Dahl/Wiens Cousins Family Album

Dahl/Wiens Cousins Family Album by Fred Peters.
This family album begins with Johann Dahl 1871-1954) and Lena Hooge (Wiens) (1876-1963) and gives an extensive listing of their descendants along with photos and family stories.

Daniel and Annie (Weber) Horst Family Book 1876-1955, The.
This book, which deals with a Swiss Mennonite family history, is laid out in two sections: Family Stories and Family Trees. It deals with Mennonites who lived on both sides of the Horst, family trees laid out by Howard S. Bauman. Bauman Printing, Elmira, 1990.

Daniel John Peters
Genealogy roll.

Daniel Olfert Family Story, The: Our Heritage
By Ernest Olfert. Well-designed and written paperback. Photos, b/w. Appendices of Christmas and New Year’s cards/poems. Bibliography. Kanadier Mennonite stream, immigration to the Canadian prairies before World War I. Self-published, Saskatoon, 2020. 110 pp.

Dankt Dem Herrn Mit Frohem Mut
These are the memoirs of Mary (Dueck) Petker from Elizabethal, Molotschna to Rosedale, BC. A brief genealogy is included beginning with Peter and Margarete Barg Dueck and Peter and Maria Pauls Funk.

David F. & Helena Penner Family Picture Book
This book begins with David F. Penner (b. 1903) & Helena Reimer (b. 1907) and records their progeny. By Michael B.G. Penner

David Heinrich Friesen & Family 1720-2001
A family history book containing extensive genealogical information, family notes and photographs which provide a detailed record of the family beginning with Heinrich Friesen (1802-1875) and Katarina Driedger (1808-1861). By Lynne Kroeker Ward.

David J. Peters & Katharina Krahn Family History 1895-2016
Compiled by Maria Peters. Large hardcovers in two volumes. Almost solely genealogy and family trees, accompanied by photographs. Well indexed. The story of a Kanadier family. Printed by Friesens, 2016. 494 and 622 pp.

David W. & Sarah (Wall) Fehr Family History 1880-2001
Written by committee. Large hardcover, b/w photos, family trees, detailed genealogies. Mennonite family and descendants of immigrants of the 1870s: “Kanadier.” Prairie residents. 412 pp.

Days Gone By: The Wilhelm Wiebe-Elizabeth Martens Family
By Jack Wiebe and Elizabeth Bell. Story of Russian Mennonites who immigrated to Canada in the 1870s. A multitude of photographs. Documents, family trees, genealogies. Hardcover. Steinbach, Derksen Printers, c. 1998. 104 pp.

Days That Were Ordained for Me, The
An autobiography of Sylvester Dirks (b.1916) beginning in Saskatchewan, missionary work in Latin America and pastoring in a variety of churches.

Dear John: A Schartner Saga
Compiled by Wendy Wild. Large bound paperback jammed with genealogies, stories, documents, photos. The book concerns Russian Mennonites who immigrated to the United States and Canada during the 1870s. Thoroughly indexed. Self-published, Calgary, 1999. 305 pp.

Deep Sorrow, Great Joy (Veel Lied, Groote Fred): Katharina Klassen neé Peters; The Story of Her Life
The story of a Russian Mennonite who survived World War II and Stalin’s terror. Transcribed by Margarita Klassen de Melo, based on conversations and interviews with Katherina Klassen and her sister Margarethe Fröse. Written for "Women in Text and Image," Professor Judith M. Davis, 1994. Bound photocopy. Intriguing, well written. and organized. 26 pp.

Defer. See also Defer and Klassen

Defer and Klassen by Peter Defer.
Steppes to the Prairies - family stories and family tree.

Delesky. See also Edna’s Journey

Derksen. See also Gerhard G. Derksen (1866-1933) and Anna J. Pankratz (1871-1969)

Derksen. See also Isaak and Helene (Bergen) Derksen.

Derksen. See also My Father’s House

Descendants of Abraham Giesbrecht and Margaretha Wiehler: A Mennonite Family from West Prussia
A genealogy report by Albert L. Ratzlaff, Dallas, Oregon. Bound photocopy. This book consists of meticulous family records and is well-indexed. Descendants in Canada and the United States. No date. 64 pp.

Descendants of Abram Froese 1754-1998
Compiled by Marianne Reimer Kennel. Large paperback. Strictly genealogy, well- indexed. Russian Mennonite stream. Self-published, 1998. 251 pp.

Descendants of Bernhard deVeer & Margaretha Dyck, The
Large bound paperback. Composed almost entirely of family group records. Edited and compiled by Eric Janzen, Surrey, BC. No date. 316 pp.

Descendants of Daniel D. Peters 1794-1879, The
Compiled and printed by Herbert D. Peters. Large paperback, nearly exclusively devoted to genealogy and family trees. Based on records kept by Anna Peters Kampen. This family’s roots extend to several Russian Mennonite colonies. Very detailed work. 2001. 459 pp.

Descendants of the Daniel P. Miller Family
Compiled by Bessie Hooley. A brief historical introduction. Genealogies of Swiss Mennonite families in the United States. Paperback. 1963. 48 pp.

Descendants of David Dick (1861-1919) and Katherina Schmidt (1866-1919)
Descendants of David and Katharina (Schmidt) Dick - Book II ANCESTRY OF DAVID DICK (1861-1919) and KATHERINA SCHMIDT (1866-1919) DESCENDANTS OF DAVID DICK (1861-1919) and KATHERINA SCHMIDT (1866-1919). A genealogy of the David Dick and Katherina Schmidt family 1556-1993, 54 pages. Compiled and translated from the German by John Lenzmann. Key family names include Dick, Epp, Loewen, Martins, Schroeder, Reimer, Toews, Van Dyck and Wall. The book, though in one volume, is divided into two books, Book 1, pages 1 through 23, covers the ancestry; Book 2, pages 25 to 52, the descendants. It includes an index.

Descendants of Franz Ens
Strictly genealogies, beginning with Franz Ens, born 1751. Thoroughly indexed. 8x11 bound photocopy, 30 pp.

Descendants of Gerhard Klassen (1855-1920) & Anna Klassen (1860-1936).
Bound photocopy. Detailed genealogy. n/d, 68 pp.

Descendants of Jacob and Maria Dueck 1939-1986
Some articles, photos b& w, but primarily genealogical material, Derksen Printers, 1986, 317 pp. By John Dueck.

Descendants of Jacob Dyck and Elisabeth Jaeger
Large hardcover, detailed genealogies, numerous photos, Prussian/Russian/Mennonite history, compiled by John Dyck, Winkler, 1992, 302 pp.

Descendants of Jacob Heinrich Thiessen 1781-1994
Compiled by Margaret Warkentin and Gerhard Thiessen. Some German-language text alongside the English. Nearly exclusively family trees, with some narratives and photos. Large hardcover. Russian Mennonite story. Self-published, Steinbach, 1994. 153 pp.

Descendants of Jan DeVeer
An extensive genealogy beginning with Jan DeVeer born c. 1536 in the Netherlands and continuing into the 1900s. The book contains an introduction and additional family information and has an index of names.

Descendants of Johann & Agatha (Neufeld) Peters
Compiled by Judith (Judii) Rempel. Large volume of family data compiled after 18 months of research. Russian Mennonite stream. Tabulated pages. 1994.

Descendants of Levi J. Miller and Mattie Zook
Thin paperback. Compiler unlisted. Swiss Mennonite genealogies and family trees. Well indexed.

Descendants of Ohm Abraham Wiebe, The 1831-1991
Compiled, edited and designed by a variety of people. Large hardcover. A very complete and detailed genealogy of a Kanadier family. Photos and documents, thorough index. No publication data. 304 pp.

Descendants of Paul Schellenberg 1634-1719 and their Families.
Compiled by Bob and Barb Strong, Winnipeg, 1998. Extensive and detailed genealogies, with table of contents and appendix. Photocopied and bound, 333 pp.

Descendants of Peter Andreas & Katharina (Nickel) Vogt, The
Large glossy paperback with detailed and well researched genealogy. Family of Peter (1865- 1922) & Katharina (1867-1941) (Nickel) Vogt. Many b/w photos and maps, 173 pages with index. Compiled by Margaret Irene (Voght) Ediger of Kelowna. Copyright 2012.

Descendants of Peter Doerksen, The
This family genealogy includes eight generations of Doerksens, with the family name variously spelled. Doerksen, Peter (1752-1826).

Descendants of Peter Niebuhr (1828-1894) & Margaret Paetkau (1834-1916)
Compiled by Bill Klassen. Russian Mennonite family history. Loosely bound photocopy. Nicely written stories and family sketches interspersed with b/w photos. 1996. 97 pp.

Descendants of the Bell Ringer, The
This is an extensive genealogy of this family beginning in Prussia, moving to Russia in the early 1800s and then on to Canada. Klaas Wiens 1732-1794. Edited by Justina Peters.

Descendants of These Kulchiski's: Helen, Sam, John.
Bound photocopy. Detailed family tree, 2000, 51 pp, n/d, n/a.

Descendants of William Hiebert and Katherine Esau.
Committee authorship, 125 pp bound, strictly genealogical information.

deVeer. See also Descendants of Bernhard deVeer & Margaretha Dyck, The

DeVeer. See also Descendants of Jan DeVeer.

DeVeer, See also The Other DeVeers.
Genealogy of Gijsbert Jansz DeVeer born 1556 in Schiedam and Debora Harnasveger in 1580. Includes a name index.

Diary of Franz Voth
Includes original German and translation. Life under Stalin. Contains some Gothic German-language calendar pages with notations by Voth. 1930s, 1990s recounted.

The Diary of Jacob H. Teichroeb, 1915-1926.
Diary, 8 1/2x11, translated from Russian and German by Jacob Teichroeb, detailed diary entries, photo, map, self-published, 57 pages, intriguing narrative of Mennonite experience in Russia.

Dick. See also Ancestry/Descendants of David Dick and Katharina (Schmidt) Dick

Dick. See also Life Story of Peter P. Dick and Margareta Harder, The

Dick. See also:
Memories Are Made of This: The Story of the Johann and Liese Dick Family of Coaldale, Alberta.

Dick. See also Perspectus, Dick family: footprints on the sands of time

Dick, David and Katharina (Schmidt)
Ancestry of David and Katharina (Schmidt) Dick - Book I

Dick, David and Katharina (Schmidt).
Descendants of David and Katharina (Schmidt) Dick - Book II ANCESTRY OF DAVID DICK (1861-1919) and KATHERINA SCHMIDT (1866-1919) DESCENDANTS OF DAVID DICK (1861-1919) and KATHERINA SCHMIDT (1866-1919). A genealogy of the David Dick and Katherina Schmidt family--1556-1993, 54 pages Compiled and translated from the German by John Lenzmann. Key family names include Dick, Epp, Loewen, Martins, Schroeder, Reimer, Toews, Van Dyck and Wall. The book, though in one volume, is divided into two books, Book 1, pages 1 through 23, covers the ancestry, Book 2, pages 25 to 52, the descendants. It includes an index.

Dick, Peter.
Family Register & story written by Peter H. Dick and translated by Hugo Friesen. The register begins in the late 1700s with Peter Dick who died in 1840 in Altonau, Molotschna. Family members are listed into the 1900s and notes are included which describe some of the family events and activities.

Dick, Peter P. and Margareta Harder, The Life Story of--"In The Shadow of the Almighty".
This family history begins with Peter P. Dueck and Louise Peters in Prussia in the mid-1800s. The bulk of the story traces the family history through Russia to Canada against the backdrop of early Mennonite history. Definite genealogical information begins with Peter P. Dick ( Dec. 2, 1898) and Margareta Harder (March 20, 1904).

Dietrich P. Neufeld and Anna G. Sawatzky
Lists the ancestors and the descendants of Dietrich Peter Neufeld (1888-1941?) and Anna Gerhard Sawatzky (1890-1965). The history and movement of Mennonites is reviewed giving extensive information about places and people.

Dietrich Loewen Family History and Genealogy, The 1820-1985
A thorough family history which includes maps, photos, narrative and genealogical lists.

Dirks. See also Days That Were Ordained for Me, The

Dirks. See also Peter Lotkeman and Helena Dirks

Dirks. See also Remembrances.

Doerksen, Peter (1752-1826). The Descendants of Peter Doerksen.
This family genealogy includes eight generations of Doerksens, with the family name variously spelled.

Doerksen. See also Isaac & Maria (Penner) Doerksen.

Doerksen. See also Life Story of Sue Warkentin Doerksen, The

Doerksen. See also Von Riesen – Friesen Story

Down Memory Lane: The Kornelius J. & Maria Neufeld Family 1820-1994
By Waldie N. Neufeld. This large paperback consists mainly of detailed genealogies. It contains a few maps and b/w photos. Sexsmith, Alberta. 1994.

Driedger. See also Let Me Tell You My Story

Driedger. See also Stammtafel der Familie Driedger 1962

Driedger Family History.
Large hardcover, b/w photos, genealogies, brief biographies, family histories, documents, maps. The family story begins with David Driedger's immigration to Canada in 1874: a "Kanadier" history. The book is well indexed, and each direct descendant is assigned a personal identity code. Steinbach, Manitoba, various authors, but editing and layout by Edwin Driedger, 1986. 123 pp.

Driediger. See also Kornelius and Anna Driediger Family Roster 1876-2018

Driediger. See also Reflections of Herman Driediger: My First 65 Years.

Duane & Martha Goertzen - Goertzen to Goertson
A look at the Goertson's ancestors and some Mennonite history. Heinrich Goerzen - 1832 and on to 2000. Includes extensive genealogy data and a large collection of photographs.

Due and Fitting Praise
By Marie Penner Thiessen. Russian Mennonite story based on an interview with the author. Mary J. Thiessen, transcriber. Story of the flight from Russia to the Canadian prairies.Large bound paperback, photos, mostly narrative. Clearbrook, BC, 1993. 106 pp. John B. Toews library.

Dueck. See also Abraham L. and Elizabeth Dueck and their Descendants

Dueck. See also Aron F. Peters (1893-1972) and Elizabeth Dueck (1895-1963)

Dueck. See also Aron R. Reimer 1885-1953 Margaretha L. Dueck 1885-1968

Dueck. See also Dankt Dem Herrn Mit Frohem Mut

Dueck. See also Descendants of Jacob and Maria Dueck 1939-1986

Dueck. See also Family Genealogy of Anthony Dueck

Dueck. See also Family of Henry B. Falk and Margaret (Dueck) Falk, The

Dueck. See also Family of Peter & Margarethe (Janzen) Dueck, The

Dueck. See also Family Record of Rev. Johann Dueck, The

Dueck. See also For Thou Art With Me: "A Tribute to My Mother"

Dueck. See also Frank and Tina (Dueck/Nikkel) Their Story

Dueck. See also Friesen – Dueck Family

Dueck. See also God's Leading in My Life

Dueck. See also Good Stock, The

Dueck. See also John Froese and Katherine Dyck/Dueck

Dueck. See also Klaus Dueck and Descendants

Dueck. See also Lebensgeschichte Jacob und Elisabeth – Regier – Dueck

Dueck. See also Memories of Jacob & Katherina Dueck

Dueck. See also Stammbuch der Voreltern Jakob und Maria L. Dueck
This is the life story of Jacob A. Dueck. It is an account of places of residence, family growth and church involvements. Includes photos and a brief family record.

Dueck. See also Story of My Life: Peter Dueck (Dück)

Duerksen/Dirksen. See also Spuren: Die Chronik der Familie Duerksen/Dirksen.

Duerksen Genesis
Compiler of the information is unknown. A thin volume telling the story of the origins of the Duerksen name and of the Duerksen family in Mennonite Russia. Well-illustrated. No date.

Dyck. See also Ancestry and Descendants of Daniel Johann Hildebrand and Anna Dyck

Dyck. See also By His Grace: The memoirs of Nicholas and Elizabeth (Wall) Dyck

Dyck. See also Called to Witness

Dyck. See also Celebration of Family, A: The John Philip, George Philip, Frank David, and Henry David Dyck Family

Dyck. See also Descendants of Bernhard deVeer & Margaretha Dyck, The

Dyck. See also Descendants of Jacob Dyck and Elisabeth Jaeger

Dyck. See also Endurance: One Family’s Story of Surviving Communism, War, Famine, and the Soviet Gulag

Dyck. See also Family Chronicle.

Dyck. See also Family Register of George and Anna (Wiebe) Dyck

Dyck. See also Genealogy of Berend Dyck

Dyck. See also God’s Chosen Path for Me: Memoirs of Katherine Dyck Heppner

Dyck. See also He Leadeth Me: A Tribute to Abram & Johanna Dyck

Dyck. See also Jacob Dyck Family Genealogy (1754-1929).

Dyck. See also John Froese and Katherine Dyck/Dueck

Dyck. See also Memoirs of Isaac Abram Dyck

Dyck. See also Memory of the Righteous will be a Blessing, The: The Wilhelm Isaak Dyck Family

Dyck. See also My Remembrances in Four Books

Dyck. See also Never Complain! The Life Story of Anna (Dyck) Rempel

Dyck. See also Our Family Heritage

Dyck. See also Peter, A Man of Stamina and Courage

Dyck. See also Peter Dyck Family, The

Dyck. See also Peter Lohrenz Family

Dyck. See also Search for Faith, Peace & Home, A: A History of [sic] The Bernhard Jacob & Katharina Martens Dyck

Dyck. See also Stories of My Life / Dyck Family Register: 200 Years of History

Dyck. See also Tagebuch/Diary of Maria Dyck

Dyck. See also Unsere Familie Dyck aus Rosental, Suedrussland

Dyck/Dueck. See also John Froese and Katherine Dyck/Dueck


Early Lives of Katharina and Gerhard Wiebe, The
A Russian Mennonite story from the 1920s stream of immigration to Canada. An introductory history, followed by maps, documents, family trees, and numerous archival photos.

Eby Family.
This is a thorough history and genealogy of the Eby Family beginning with Theodorus Eby (1663-1737) born in Switzerland, moved to Pennsylvania and numerous descendants have spread to many parts of the US and Canada.

Eck, Zacharias - Family Record.
Genealogies, typewritten, in binder. Compiled by Lydia,Eck Cooper, Bethel College, Newton, Kansas, 1959.

Ediger. See also Anna Ediger Wall: A Heritage Story

Ediger Family Record Book, The
Compiled and edited by Anna Toews Wiens, San Jose, California. A large coil-bound paperback. No date, but compiled circa 1960s-1970s. A brief history of Mennonites, some personal stories, but the book is composed mostly of family records. The history pertains to the stream of Mennonites who left Russia in the 1870s and immigrated to the United States. 157 pp.

Edna’s Journey
Written by her husband, Art Isaac. Large bound paperback, attractively designed and well-written. Russian Mennonite background. Photos, colour and b/w. John B. Toews Library.

Einlage, Chronik des Dorfes 1789-1943
German language, text, photos, maps, 195 pp, Selbstverlag, Regina, 2009, edited by Heinrich Bergen, story of the village of Einlage, South Russia. Beginning with Johann David Rempel.

Van Eitzen. See also Anna (Van Eitzen) & Helena (Sawatsky)

Ekk See also Heinrich Cornelius Ekk Family and Descendants

Elias. See also Remembering the Jacob and Maria Reinke Elias Family.

Elias Elias Loewen (b. ca. 1764), his wife Helena Fast (b. ca. 1773), and their Descendants
Numerous and detailed genealogies. Well indexed. Compiled by Helmut Adolf Epp in 2002, Fonthill, Ontario. 45 pp. plus index.

Elias Heritage 1766-1989
Compiled by Mary Zacharias
A comprehensive genealogy beginning with Peter Elias (1766-1841) born in Holland who married Maria Penner (d. 1819). Includes many photographs along with other family information.

Emma Möllmann Suderman Enns Travel Diaries
From 1955, 1961, 1967, 1975. Edited by Janet Boldt, translated by Peter Neudorf. Well- organized compilation. Photos, b/w. 2019. 29 pp.

Endurance: One Family’s Story of Surviving Communism, War, Famine, and the Soviet Gulag
By Anne-Marie Elizabeth Ferngren Nakhla. This is a family history that tells how the Dyck family endured the Russian Revolution and the Second World War. Some made it out via the Great Trek westwards with retreating Germans in 1943. This handsome and well-designed hardcover also relates the totalitarian history of the Soviet Union. The book emerged from a Master’s thesis by the author. 2018. 394 pp.

Enns. See also Aron Enns Family, The: History and Genealogy 1819-1990

Enns. See also Descendants of Franz Ens

Enns. ee also Genealogy of Abraham & Katharina Enns 1784-1981

Enns. See also Our Enns Family History.

Enns. See also Schmidt-Enns Story, The: Family History Volume 1

Enns. Also see Side by Side

Enns. See also Trials and Triumphs of a Mennonite Lady.

Enns, Franz F. & Elizabeth (Franz)
Compiled by F.F. Enns & Anna Epp Ens -The genealogy of Franz F. (1850-1899) & Elizabeth Franz (1850-1922) Enns of Alexanderthal, Molotschna and their descendants.

Ens. See also Abe and Susie

Ens. See also Descendants of Franz Ens

Ens. See also In Retrospect: The Alvin and Irene (Wiens) Ens Story

Ens: A Family Heritage
Edited by Peter D. Zacharias, Published by Ernst J. Klassen, Printed by D. W. Friesen & Sons. Genealogy of the Gerhard Ens (1804-1893) and his wife nee Peters (1799-1864) who are buried in Neuendorf in Russia. Key family names include Dyck/Dueck, Fast, Friesen, Guenther, Heinrichs and Klassen. To quote from the book, Today several thousand descendants are scattered from Siberia in the east to British Columbia in the west, from Anchorage, Alaska, in the north to Curitiba, Brazil, in the south.

Ens, Kornelius Ens 1819-1884
A Record of Descendents in Canada and the USA Compiled by George Dyck and Verne Ediger

Ens. See also Schoenfeld - Ens

Ens, Kornelius Ens 1819-1884
A Record of Descendents in Canada and the USA. Compiled by George Dyck and Verne Ediger

Epp. See also Johann Epp’s Aus Meinem Leben

Epp. See also Chronik der Familien Epp und Bartel.

Epp. See also Familienstammbaum

Epp. See also Family History Epp-Friesen from 1822 and 1760

Epp. See also Family History of Johann W. Rempel and Katharina Epp Rempel

Epp. See also Freuden und Leiden der Familie Olga Wiebe und Johann Epp

Epp. See also From the Root to the Fruit, or Our Heritage (Epp)

Epp. See also Das Haus Des Heinrich

Epp. See also House of Heinrich, The

Epp. See also Iwanowka.

Epp. See also Jacob Krause

Epp. See also John H. Epp: A Biography

Epp. See also Last Train, The

Epp. See also People of Peter and Margaretha Epp, The

Epp. See also Reminiscences From the Lives of Peter & Anna Epp

Epp. See also Side by Side.

Epp. See also Der Stammbaum Epp.

Epp. See A Tree Transplanted.

Epp. See also Wieler/Epp Family History

Epp Family Path, The
by Henry P. Epp


(Recollections) By D. D. Rempel. German-language memoir of Russian life, flight to Canada, and life in North America. Large softcover photocopy, with some whimsical illustrations. Second edition. 1973. 107 pp. John B. Toews library.

Erinnerungen eines Ruβland-Deutschen
By Hermann Rempel. German-language memoir. A Mennonite in the Soviet Union: prison, war, labour camps, and eventual emigration. Well-written. 1979. 149 pp.

Esau. See also Aron Esau and Descendants

Esau. See also Chronik der Familie Esau 1794-2002

Esau. See also Descendants of William Hiebert and Katherine Esau

Esau. See also From the Urals to the Fraser Valley

Esau. Se also Hiebert. See also Genealogy of Wilhelm Hiebert & Katherine Esau

Esau. See also Jacob and Anna (Wiebe) Esau

Esau. See also Memoirs of Abram J. Esau

Esau. See also Memoirs of Abram J. Esau
This comprehensive memoir begins in the 1800s with Johann J. Esau (b.1838) and Helena Pauls (b. 1884) in Halbstadt and Schoensee, Russia. Memories of life in Russia, Saskatchewan, B.C. and the Congo comprise an interesting account of a full life. Included is a large collection of fine photographs.

Esau. See also Peter and Helena (Neufeld) Esau

Esau. See also Russia Letters

Esau. See also Something for Posterity: The Esau Family Story 1740-1933

Esau. See also Wilhelm and Katherina (Esau) Hiebert Family Story

Esau, Peter P. and Elizabeth (Penner) Esau
The Descendants of Peter P. Esau (1794-1874) and Elisabeth (Penner) Esau (1801-1869): A Genealogical Outline compiled by Richard Thiessen, December 2006. This genealogy includes an exhaustive index.

Escape from Arkadak: The Gerhard Penner Story
By Kenneth Peter Petkau. Large glossy paperback. Russian Mennonite story of the flight in 1929 from Arkadak Colony in Russia to Paraguay and North America. A fair amount of history. Genealogies, family stories and family histories. Indexed. Saskatoon, 2015. 148 pp.

Es War Einmal
An autobiography beginning in the 1930s to present. Included is a genealogy beginning with Johann Friesen & Helena Niebuhr (1700s to present). By Jacob Friesen.

Ever Circling Years, The
A memoir by Benno and Marjorie Friesen. Benno’s heritage is the Kanadier, Mennonites who immigrated to Canada in the 1870s. Benno eventually served as a Conservative Member of Parliament. An attractive paperback, colourful graphics, photos, entertainingly written. Abbotsford, Judson Lake Publishers, 2015. 212 pp.

Ewert. See also Abraham John and Susie (Ewert) Wiebe

Ewert. See also Memoirs

Ewert. See also Pilgrims and Strangers

Ewert Family Story
As told by daughter Mary Ewert, to granddaughter, Rebecca. The story of Frank John Ewert, (1842-1871?) and Maria Robby. Featuring William Frank Ewert, son of F. J. Ewert, father of Mary Ewert, author. Key family names: Fleming, Dick, Braun, Friesen, Robby, Enns, Klippenstein Summary: Family history - lineage of paternal and maternal grandparents and extended family of siblings on both sides. Details of life in Russia, America and Canada spanning 1842-1950. The families relocated frequently both in Russia, in the United States ie Kansas, Oklahoma, California, Texas - to Vanderhoof, BC. Canada, back to Oregon, then to various places in California. Some of the story must have been taped in the 30s and 40s are in the form of a diary.

Ewert, Franz P.
This is the story of the Ewert family beginning in Prussia in the 1830s eventually moving Russia and then to Canada in 1905. Some family photos are included. Added to this is some research done by Lawrence Warkentin regarding to the beginning of the MB Church in Winnipeg.

Exodus: One Refugee Family’s Story of Coming Out of War, Loss and Poverty
By Anne-Marie Elizabeth Ferngren Nakhla. Beautifully designed hardcover book, coffee table size. Focuses on the Loewen family, Russian Mennonites who fled the USSR with the Great Trek in 1943. 2018. 109 pp.


Faith, Love, Laughter: The Henry and Agnes Goertz Family Legacy
By Ruth Goertz Keighley. Paperback story of a Russian Mennonite family who fled the emerging Soviet Union in the 1920s and immigrated to Canada. Pioneer stories. Photos, genealogies, nicely designed. Self-published, 2022. 126 pp.

Falk. See also In Days Gone By... The Memoirs of George Henry Falk

Falk. See also The Family Record 1818-1971 of Bernhard B. Falk.

Falk. See also The Family of Henry B. Falk and Margaret (Dueck) Falk.

Falk. See also Jake

Falk. See also My Journey: My Autobiography

Falk. See also My Life: as written by Abraham Henry Falk

Familienbuch von Peter und Margareta Fast
A well-documented German-language book regarding Russian Mennonites who emigrated or, failing that, stayed behind in the Soviet Union. Many later moved to Germany. Family trees with photos, hardcover. 2003, 127 pp.

Familien Chronik Erster Band von David D. Rempel

Familien Chronik Zweiter Band von David D. Rempel
Detailed German-language account of Khortitsa Mennonite family. Genealogies. Photocopy. Saskatoon, 1968.

Familien Chronik von Jakob Isaak Wiens. (Family Register of Jakob Isaak Wiens)
Compiled by J. I. Wiens, 1958. Slim volume, photocopied and bound, of family registers. German language. Coaldale, Alberta.

Familien Johann und Kornelia Penner und deren Nachkommen 1790-2006, Die
(The Families of Johann and Kornelia Penner and their Descendants) Compiled and published by Adelgunde Zajonc. German language, published in Germany, where the author resided at time of publication. Easily accessible, however, to English speakers, as there is very little text: the volume consists mostly of photographs and genealogical data. Mennonites concerned originate in Molotschna, but descendants have lived in North America, Paraguay, Germany, etc. This is a global family, well-documented. Bound photocopy, 153 pp. + index.

Familienregister der Nachkommen von Groszeltern Kornelius und Sarah Plett 1953
Compiled mostly by Gerhard Thielman, edited by D. P. Reimer. Paperpack. Bilingual, German and English. Exclusively family tree data. 140 pp.

Familienregister der Nachkommen von Klaas und Helena Reimer
Family register of Klaas and Helena Reimer, German language, some brief articles but primarily genealogical material, some Gothic script, Regehr’s Printing, 1958, 404 pp.

Familienstammbaum (Family Tree)
Compiled by D. D. Epp. Large hand-drawm family trees (literally). Kept in archives. A reduced size copy in Family Histories section. Cornelius and Sara Andres Epp family trees. Published in Winkler, Manitoba, 1958. Very little text, in German.

Familienstammbuch der Familie Köhn 1776-2003
A hardcover two-volume family history of Russian and German Mennonites. Edited and compiled by Helene Isaak. German language. Some history and maps, meticulous genealogies and family trees. Well-indexed. 818 pp.

Familienstammbuch der Familie Pankratz 1804-2004
Edited and compiled by Helene Isaak. German language. Handsome hardcover in two parts. Aside from a brief introductory history, the volumes consist nearly exclusively of family trees with photos where available. Thorough index. Bielefeld, Logos Verlag, 2005. 770 pages.

Familienstammbuch & Geschichte der Familie Regier
This family history has been edited by Adina and Annie Regehr. It includes a rich collection of photographs, maps and charts.

A Family Book from 1694 to 1916 and Personal Experiences by Peter Isaac
Binder of genealogies, stories, documents. Some German language. Rosenort, Manitoba, 1980. Photocopies. Originally published by Center for MB Studies, Fresno, California. Story goes from Prussia to Russia to North America.

Family Book of David and Aganetha Klassen, The 1813-1900
Publications committee: John F. Friesen, Peter W. Brandt and Dick B. Eidse. Paperback. A few life sketches and photos, but nearly exclusively family names and dates. Rosenort, Manitoba, 1974. 357 pp.

Family Book of Jacob W. Isaac 1879-1964
Compiled by Herman and Frieda Isaac. 1993. Rosenort, Manitoba. Genealogies, anecdotes, diaries, a letter, poem, and list of sayings. Brief paperback, congenially written.

Family Chronicle Volume 1.
Compiled by David D. Rempel. Photocopied and bound. Some brief histories. Fifty Pages of detailed genealogies.

Family Chronology of the Janzen Family
Compiled by H. Janzen. Large bound photocopies. Nearly exclusively family trees and genealogies. Unillustrated. Clearbrook, 1971.

Family Genealogy of Anthony Dueck
This extensive genealogy begins with Heinrich Dyck and Judith Preuss in the 1700s. Many photographs are included.

Family Genealogy Schroeder (1700-1973) & Neufeldt (1810-1973)
Compiled and edited by Dwayne Schroeder. Bound softcover. Mostly lists of individuals, birth and death dates. A limited amount of history. Story of Russian Mennonites who immigrated to the American prairies. Self-published, 1973. Unpaginated.

Family History and Genealogy of Jacob (1840-1912) and Susanna (Baerg) Janzen, A (1842-1917)
Their ancestors and their descendants. Compiled by Russell H. Janzen.

Family History Epp-Friesen from 1822 and 1760
Compiled by Lois Elizabeth (Epp) Schroeder. Bound softcover. Story of Russian Mennonites who immigrated to the Canadian prairies. Consists mostly of lists and genealogies. Some brief stories, maps, documents, b/w photos. The book absorbs the material from some previous family histories. Self-published, 2015. Unpaginated.

Family History of Aaron B. and Elizabeth Weaver Rutt, The 1985
Small paperback, a few photos, some text, but mostly family genealogies. Swiss Mennonite stream, a family that lived in Pennsylvania. Compiled by A. Richard (Ruth) Weaver and J. Eby Hershey. 39 pp.

Family History of Isaak Kasdorf
Genealogy, village plan, numerous photographs with captions.

Family History of Johann W. Rempel 1875-1953 and Katherina (Epp) Rempel 1887-1923
Russian Mennonite immigrant memoir, 55 pp. of text. Genealogies, b/w photos, numerous documents, some handwritten, maps. Bound copy. Compiled by Margaret Rempel Pump.

Family History of Nickolai and Sara (Peters) Reimer, The 1625-2017
Edited and compiled by Frieda Reimer Kasdorf. Large well-designed hardcover. Russian Mennonite story, connections with the Mennonite village of Yarrow, BC. Numerous photos, colour and b/w. Some history and brief memoirs. 154 pp.

Family History of Peter Shirk
Genealogies, photos, index, 73 pp.

Family Kaleidoscope: From Russia to Canada
By Maria von Rosenbach. Story of a non-Mennonite German Russian family. 1976.

Family Life in Speedwell, Sask. 1930-1943
Describes family, church and school life. Some photos included. By Mary Loewen Fehr.

Family of Abram and Maria Friesen, Great Deer Saskatchewan, The
By William Schroeder. This large hardcover contains the story of a Kanadier Mennonite family living, first of all, in the East and West Reserves of Manitoba and then Great Deer, Saskatchewan. The book opens with a biographical sketch, and features a family diary. Some family trees. Numerous photographs, some in colour. Published in Winnipeg, 2005.

Family of Abram N. Hiebert & Maria Wiebe Hiebert, The
Compiler unknown. Bound photocopy. Large blank spaces following the names of married couples, presumably for filling in. No date.

Family of Henry B. Falk and Margaret (Dueck) Falk 1890-20 ...
Photocopied and bound. Strictly genealogical data.

Family of Peter & Margarethe (Janzen) Dueck, The
Written and compiled by Lydia Vogt. Russian Mennonite family who lived and worked in the USSR until 1943, when they fled the Soviet Union with the German forces. Fascinating account. Many photos and documents. Bound photocopy. 2020.

Family Record of Abraham and Aganetha Bornn (1977)
Compiled by Tina Klaassen. Large bound photocopy. Family records, family trees, a few brief biographies. This is the story of Russian Mennonites who left Russia for Canada in 1892. Indexed. 61 pp + family records.

Family Record 1818-1971 of Bernhard B. Falk, The.
Compiled by Henry B. Falk. Bound photocopies. Detailed family data and genealogies. 105 pp.

Family Record of Henry & Katharine Block, Arkadak: Ancestors and Descendants 1600 to 1970
Typed and photocopied. Compiler unknown. This book consists nearly entirely of family records. Herbert, Saskatchewan, 1969.

Family Record of Rev. Johann Dueck, The
Compiled by A. J. Dueck. Ancestry record 1803-1961. Typewritten and photocopied. Presumably printed in 1961. Most of this booklet consists of a list of individuals with their life data. 48 pp. + room left for additions.

Family records & diaries of Annie Goertz (1919-)
This is a record of descendants of Peter Sievert Goertz (b. 1882) & Catharina Heppner (b. 1885). These are photocopies and include information into the 1990s.

Family Reflections (1860-1991)
This album contains a brief history of the Mennonites, a timeline, some maps and other general information. There is a section of genealogical data including ship records. The remainder of the book details the family records beginning in the Bergthal Colony in Southern Russia with the biography of Abram Braun (1860-1919) and Anna Falk Braun (1866-1938). Many family stories and photographs bring the story up to date in the 1990s.

Family Register of David Aron and Anna Pries 1870-1970
Compiled by Mrs. G. D. Pries. Photocopy. Family histories, genealogies. Russian Mennonite story. Maps and index. 44 pp. + appendices. John B. Toews library.

Family Register of George and Anna (Wiebe) Dyck
George Dyck (1853-1937) and Anna Wiebe (1856-1926). Some ancestors are listed but the bulk of this extensive genealogical record contains the descendants along with some family and individual stories.

Family Register of Gerhard Wiebe
Compiled by Mary Enns, 1987. 128 pages of detailed family registers. Photocopied one sided and bound.

Family Register of Gerhard Wiebe 1847-1934 #1
Large bound photocopy. Gerhard Wiebe was born in Prussia, moved to Russia in 1871, then to Canada in 1888. Numerous b/w photos. Family records, documents, a travel diary to Europe in 1912. Editor/compiler is unlisted.

Family Register of Gerhard Wiebe 1847-1934 #2
Bound photocopies. Compiler unknown. Photos b/w, clippings, family trees. Type- and handwritten. Includes “My Journey to Europe in 1912,” a translation from German of a diary written by Gerhard Wiebe. No date.

Family Register of Peter and Maria Nickel
1854-1985. Compiled by Allen and Louise Schmidt

Family Story of Johann and Maria (Walde) Klassen, The
By John and Erika Klassen. Photos and life stories of Mennonites in Russia, Paraguay, and North America. Subtitled “Bless the Lord o my soul and forget not all his benefits.” 130 pp.

Family Story of Peter J. and Susanna (Rempel) Rahn
By John and Erika Klassen. Subtitled “Thus far the Lord has helped us.” Stories of Russian Mennonites from Russia, Paraguay and North America. Well-illustrated. 122 pp.

Family Tree of George Krahn
Begins with the ancestors of George Krahn (1735 – 1791) and Sara Neustaeter (1740 – 1789) in the Ukraine. Included are Froese, Thiessen and Klassen family trees.

Family Tree of Gerhard Peters
1772-1964. Compiled by K. Peters, Winnipeg.

Family Tree of Heinrich J. Wall and Maria Peters, The
Probably compiled by Barbara Loeppky; the introduction is not clear. Large bound volume of photocopies. Strictly family trees with b/w photos. The book was compiled after a Wall family reunion took place. Detailed index of names. 1999. 623 pp + index.

Family Tree of Johann A. Reimer, Margaretha Funk and Descendants 1780-1985
Compiled by John B. Reimer. Bilingual edition: “Stammbuch des Johann A. Reimer, Margaretha Funk und Nachkommenschaft 1780-1985.” Apart from some brief text and a handful of photos, this paperback presents genealogies and family trees. Standard Press, Beausejour, Manitoba, 1985. 97 pp.

Family Tree of Peter and Katherina Riediger (Penner), The 1782-1983

Fast. See also Bible and a Plow, A

Fast. See also Elias Elias Loewen, his wife Helena Fast, and their Descendants.

Fast. See also Familienbuch von Peter und Margareta Fast

Fast. See also So Not to Forget

Fast Family Tree - 1763-1963
Brief historical background but very comprehensive. Variations of the Fast name as used in different areas. Information on common family names, village names in Prussia, farming and industry. Emigration to Russia, beginning in 1788 - Emigration to America, 1875. Trip reported in detail, to Mountain Lake, Minn. Family trees and information on 10 branches of the Johann Fast III.
Anna Fast Fishe       Rev. Heinrich Fast
Johann Fast       Sara Fast Fleming Dick
Helena Fast Baerg       Gerhard Fast
Katharina Fast Fast       Herman Fast
David Fast       Elizabeth Fast Wall

Fehderau. See also From the Heights to the Depths

Fehr. See also David W. & Sarah (Wall) Fehr Family History 1880-2001

Fehr. See also Discovering Our Heritage: Forefathers and Descendants of Isaak I. Fehr 1861- 1917 andKatharina Dueck 1860-1917

Fehr. See also Family Chronicle.

Fehr. See also Family Life in Speedwell, Sask. 1930-1943

Fehr. See also Heinrich Fehr (1846-1911) and Sarah Neufeld (1847-1922)

Fehr. See also Peter J. Fehr Family, The

Fehr. See also P. J. Fehr Reunion August 92, Hague

Fehr. See also Solomon and Marie (Fehr) Schmidt

Finding a Better Land: From Prussia to Matsqui
By Jacob W. and Hilda J. Born. Large paperback, beautifully designed, photos, maps, journals, storytelling, genealogies. Well-written. Russian Mennonite family story. Published by David F. Loewen, 2019. 124 pp.

Fleming. See also Genealogy of the family Voth

F. P. Unrau Family
This is an account of the ancestors and descendants of Franz P. Unrau (1879-1961) and Elizabeth Kroeker (1881-1941). Includes stories, genealogy and photographs.

Frag deine Eltern, was damals geschah ... Lebensgeschichte meiner Eltern
Peter und Eugenie Rempel
"Ask your parents what happened ... Life story of my parents Peter and Eugenie Rempel." By Erwin Rempel. German language paperback, self-published in Harsewinkel, Germany, 2004. High quality paperback with numerous photos b/w and genealogies. The story of Umsiedler (resettlers) who migrated from Russia to Germany when the doors opened in the USSR. Good history and background material. 199 pp.

Frank and Marriane Goossen
Life before Canada. The family history of Franz and Katharina Goossen and Jasch and Maria Kornelson. This account covers their time in the Ukraine, the post WWII trek and eventual migration to Canada.

Frank and Tina (Dueck/Nikkel) Their Story
By Abe Dueck. Large glossy book, part history, part memoir, excellently edited and written. Many photos, both b/w and colour. Bibliography. Self-published, East St. Paul, Manitoba, 2012. 105 pp.

Fransen, Nicholas N. - My Pilgrimage

Franz & Anna Guenther and Their Descendants 1761-1989: Collections & Reflections
Compiled by J.B. Guenter. The story of a Mennonite family that begins in Russia. Histories, stories, detailed genealogies, some maps and documents. Large hardcover. Saskatoon, 1989. 231 pp.

Franz & Justina Klassen Family Book
Various authors. Paperback. Well-organized into small sections. Family trees, b/w photos. 89 pp. John B. Toews Library.

Franz Franz Hübert and His Descendants
Coiled paperback, compiled by Marg and Frank Martens, Surrey, BC. Russian Mennonite wave of the 1920s. Glossy paper, packed with colour and b/w photos. Text is limited. This volume is akin to a photo album. 2013. Non-paginated.

Franz Penner and Sarah Buhler
Family History of Franz Penner (1850-1906) and Sarah Buhler (1853-1935). There is an excellent historical background of Mennonites in Russia and extensive genealogical records.

Franz Thiessen
By Kaethe Klassen. Life account, 1881-1950, numerous b/w photos, Regehr’s Printing, 1979, 70 pp.

Freuden und Leiden der Familie Olga Wiebe und Johann Epp
Compiler/editor unknown. Hardcover, German-language, mostly text. Some b/w photos. Composed of brief memoirs: Zusammengefaßt in Kurzgeschichten des eigenen Lebens. Stories of Russian Mennonites, some of whom survived the Soviet years. 1982 (?) 72 pp.

Friesen. See also Abraham Heinrich Toews and Susanna Martha Friesen

Friesen. See also The Amazing Story of the Friesens in Canada.

Friesen. See also David Heinrich Friesen & Family 1720-2001

Friesen. See also Es War Einmal

Friesen. See also Ever Circling Years, The

Friesen. See also Family History Epp-Friesen from 1822 and 1760

Friesen. See also Family of Abram and Maria Friesen, Great Deer, Saskatchewan, The

Friesen. See also Friesens, The 1768-1983

Friesen. See also Genealogy of Bargen, Schmidt, Wittenberg and Friesen

Friesen. See also Genealogy of Johann von Riesen - Friesen

Friesen. See also Godly Inheritance, A

Friesen. See also Heimat in der Fremde

Friesen. See also Heinrich Sawatzky Family

Friesen. See also Help from Prison – Verwehte Spuren

Friesen. See also Henry L. & Anna Friesen Family, The: Then & Now

Friesen. See also History of the Dietrich Johann Friesen Family

Friesen. See also History of the Tiefengrund Friesens, A

Friesen. See also Jacob: An autobiographical sketch by Jake H. Friesen

Friesen. See also Jacob and Justina: Pilgrims

Friesen. See also Jacob Friesen and descendants

Friesen. See also Johann Wiebe Family

Friesen. See also Kith & Kin: D. Friesen Family Record

Friesen. See also Meine Lebensgeschichte

Friesen. See also Mein Lebensweg "Er führet mich ..."

Friesen. See also Memories from my Life

Friesen. See also Memories that Linger: Autobiography of J. Sandy Friesen

Friesen. See also My Father Jacob Jacob Friesen

Friesen. See also My Life on Fast Forward

Friesen. See also Neuman-Friesen Family History

Friesen. See also Njunja, the Little Girl from Franzovka

Friesen. See also Penner and Family

Friesen. See also Penner Family History Book 1680-2000. The Descendants of Peter O. Penner and Margaretha Friesen

Friesen. See also Perseverance Prayer & Progress: The Friesen Story, Canada - 1967

Friesen. See also Peter D. Friesen Family History 1500-1950

Friesen. See also Pictorial History and Genealogy of the Thiessen and Friesen Families, A

Friesen. See also Story of Peter Jacob Friesen and Elisabeth Siemens Friesen and their Family, The

Friesen. See also Zur Erinnerung an unsere Groß- und Urgroßeltern Jakob Friesen und Anna Friesen geb. Neufeld

Friesen - Dueck Family
Begins with Abraham Friesen (1823-1903) and Maria Heinrichs (1831-1904) and also Wilhelm Dueck (1868-1936) and Helena Epp (1871-1961). Contains family and genealogical information.

Friesen Family History, The
Compiled by Erna Ericka Friesen Froese. Large bound photocopy. A compilation of Friesen family group records from the GRANDMA database. Some photos. 2019

Friesen Family Reunion – 1997

Friesen/Hoock - Nick and Helen - 1800s to present by Art Hoock
Includes genealogical charts, family stories and photos

Friesen, Friesen - Loewen Family History
The Neuman - Friesen Family Tree

Friesens, The: Past and Present
Compiler unknown. Large hardcover. Stories, photos, family histories. Santa Barbara, 1979. 47 pp.

Friesens, The 1768-1983
by Helen E. Regier. Maps, genealogies, 245 pp. Mennonite Press, Newton.

Froese. See also Abraham J. (1877-1943) and Maria Froese (1882-1935) Reimer

Froese. See also Abram Johann Froese Family

Froese. See also Ancestors of John Froese.

Froese. See also Im Wandel Der Jahre

Froese. See also John Froese and Katherine Dyck/Dueck

Froese. See also John Peter and Maria Froese Klassen

Froese. See also Life Story from 1925 to 1943

Froese. See also Maria, Our Mother.

Froese. See also Patkau-Harder Family Album – 1759-1980

Froese. See also Peter Kornelius Froese & Descendants: What Is my House?

Froese. See also Unger Family Tree

Froese Book 93 - David E. Redekop - Chairman of Committee.

Froese, Kornelius (1760).
Memories of the lives and families of Kornelius and Anna Froese. Begins with Kornelius Froese (1760) and traces the family through the generations to the present. Fine photograghs are included plus obituaries and life history of Cornelius Froese (1904-1981) and Maria Thiessen (1905-1994)

From Bolshevik Russia to America: A Mennonite Family Story
By Henry D. Remple. Foreword by Paul Toews. Hardcover. Russian Mennonite family story, Rempel. Settled in the United States. Indexed. Nicely organized and edited. Sioux Falls, South Dakota, 2002. 366 pp.

From Moscow to Plum Coulee: Escape from Russia of the Paul P. Peters Family
Original story in German language by Anne Peters Neufeld. Translated by Jake Hildebrandt. Transcribed by Elvira Neufeld. Vividly told tale of the flight to Canada by a Russian Mennonite family. Slim volume, stapled, 11 pp. + appendices.

From Prussia to Russia to Canada: The Sawatzky Family 1802-2009
Compiler unknown. Russian Mennonite narrative. Nearly exclusively family trees, with colour and b/w photos. Large bound photocopy. Family history begins with Dietrich Peter and Margaretha (Loewen) Sawatzky. 55 pp.

From Russia ... with Love: Diaries of Jacob I. Regehr (1897-1989)
Tranlated by Walter M. Regehr. Large bound photocopy. Mostly text. Good idiomatic translation. Appendices on creative writing. Walter Regehr’s wife and daughter completed the translation due to the deterioration in his health. The diaries span the years 1917 to 1930, with gaps. 216 pp.

From the Don to the Fraser
This autobiographical account describes in general terms Mennonite origins and then provides an autobiographical account of the author’s life. Translated from German, entry above, “Von Don an den Fraser.” By Erich Leonard Ratzlaff.

From the Heights to the Depths
Memoir by N. J. Fehderau, finished in 1971. Translated by Margaret Harder, but a project of Elenore Marie Fehderau Fast, daughter of N. J. Fehderau. Large hardcover, mostly text, with some photos, maps. Includes a glossary. Well written and translated. Russian Mennonite story of revolution and flight.1997. 396 pp. + appendices.

From the Life of D. J. Teichrob and Family. Translated from his manuscript
Russian Mennonite story. Translation is good but the translator is not identified. A life story told simply and well. The bulk of the story was written in 1967. This copy is a bound photocopy with some genealogical information inserted. 42 pp.

From the Life of Heinrich Unrau & Wife Elizabeth Goertzen & Family
Compiled by Helen Peters. Bound photocopy. Genealogies, stories, photos. Self-published, 1991.

From the Root to the Fruit, or Our Heritage (Epp).
Translated and compiled by Henry Epp in 1975. This bound photocopy is based on family registers and other writings found in an old book brought by the author's ancestors from Prussia to Russia and finally to Canada. Some text telling the family story. The author's family resided in Siberia but managed to escape the USSR during the 1920s. Genealogies.

From the Steppes to the Prairies
Written and compiled by Paul Klassen. Large paperback, well-designed, b/w photos and family trees. The story of Russian Mennonites who fled Russia in the 1920s. Subtitled “A History of the Agneta and David Klassen Family in Russia and Canada.” City Press, no date. 304 pp.

From the Ural Mountains to the Canadian Prairies
By John Pauls. Memoir of the Russian Revolution and flight to Canada. The book contains stories of previous ancestors as well. Vividly told. Photocopy. Photos, genealogies. John B. Toews library.

From the Urals to the Fraser Valley
A Biography and Genealogy. Includes an extensive record of the Esau ancestors from the 1700s in Prussia to the current descendants in Canada. Many photos and stories help to chronicle this family story. By Richard D. Thiessen. The story of Peter Jacob and Anna Neufeld Esau.

Funk. See also Abraham & Johanna Funk Family Album – 1985

Funk. See also Abraham Toews Family & Descendants 1774-2012

Funk. See also Aeltester Johann Funk: A Family Tree

Funk. See also Family Tree of Johann A. Reimer, Margaretha Funk and Descendants 1780-1985

Funk. See also Life filled with God’s Leading, A: The Life Journey of Peter and Elsa Tielmann (nee Funk)

Funk: See also Sara's Family - My family.

Funk. See also Wiehlerchronik (Chronicle)

Funk Family (1749-2000).
A thorough genealogical study of the Funk Family, with historical narrative, copied photos, genealogical listings.


Geddert Family History.
Compiled by Ben Geddert and Martha (Geddert) Striker. Large hardcover. Numerous b/w photos. Some historical text. A wealth of family tree information. Well indexed. Russian Mennonite history. Self-published in 2007.

Genealogy of Abraham & Katharina Enns 1784-1981
Also includes an abbreviated version of the above.

Genealogy of Abraham Kroeker
1816-1965. Compiled by K. Peters, Winnipeg.

Genealogy of Abraham Riediger
1782-1978. Compiled for Ernest J. Klassen by K. Peters, Winnipeg.

Genealogy of Abram Buhler
Indexed genealogy, some photos. About 1736-1784. 2002, 240 pp.

Genealogy of Abram Janzen 1724-1979
Compiled by Ernest J. Klassen - by K. Peters, Winnipeg

Genealogy of Aron Martens
1754-1977. Compiled for Ernest Klassen by K. Peters, Winnipeg.

Genealogy of Bargen, Schmidt, Wittenberg and Friesen
This extensive genealogy includes Gerhard Bargen (b. 6 June 1840-16 Mar 1924), his ancestors and descendants. Also included are photographs and family stories.

Genealogy of Berend Dyck
Compiled by K. Peters. Genealogy of the Berend Dyck/Elizabeth Regehr family. 198 pages. In addition to Dyck/Dueck, key family names include Fast, Penner, Peters, Rempel and Unger. Berend and Elisabeth had three sons, Jacob, Klaas, and Berend, who settled on an island in the Vistula River around the year 1790. Included are brief individual histories, family charts and an index.

Genealogy of Bernhard Klippenstein
1836-1910. Compiled by T.E. Friesen.

Genealogy of Bernhard Krahn 1847-1930 and Helena Peters 1849-1919
Compiled by T. E. Friesen. Bound photocopy. Except for an introduction and some brief history, the book is devoted exclusively to genealogies. Indexed. Altona, 1988, 100 pp.

Genealogy of Cornelius Willms
1730-1972 Compiled for Ernest Klassen. By K. Peters, Winnipeg.

Genealogy of Gerhard Peters
1772-1978. Compiled by K. Peters, Winnipeg.

Genealogy of Heinrich Klippenstein
1849-1929 Compiled by B.D. Klippenstein

Genealogy of Heinrich Kornelson
1807-1975, Compiled for Ernest J. Klassen by K. Peters, Winnipeg

Genealogy of Henry J. Willms
Begins with ancestors Kornelius Willms(1730-1787) and Kornelia Thunen (1731-1779) and Peter Neufeld(1697-17690) and Gertrude Rogalski (1728-1806?) also includes some family stories.

Genealogy of Jacob Rempel
(1766-1984). Compiled for Ernest J. Klassen by K. Peters-A. Stein, Winnipeg.

Genealogy of Johann Gerbrandt
Compiled by Etta S. Schmitt. Large hardcover. Almost exclusively genealogies and family trees. Numerous b/w photos, well-indexed. The genealogy of a Russian Mennonite family that emigrated to the United States in the 1870s. Bartel Printing Co., Indiana. 1980. 156 pp.

Genealogy of Johann Janzen 1752-1823 and Maria (Bergmann) - 1758-1808
Compiled for Ernest J. Klassen by K Peters, Winnipeg

Genealogy of Johann Klippenstein
Compiled by T.E. Friesen.

Genealogy of Johann von Riesen - Friesen
by K. Peters, Winnipeg. Compiled for Gerhard I. Peters.

Genealogy of Katherina Klippenstein
Wife of Heinrich Klassen 1833-1878. Compiled by T.E. Friesen.

Genealogy of My Grandparents Johann and Aganetha (Nickel) Thiessen
Compiled by Esther Born. Genealogies, photos, maps, Russia to Canada, 38 pp.

Genealogy of Peter & Maria (Hiebert) Bergen
Hardcover book edited and compiled by Peter Bergen. Photos b/w, numerous detailed genealogies. Names are meticulously numbered. 1988, Winnipeg. 124 pp.

Genealogy of Peter Klippenstein
1831-1904. Compiled by T.E. Friesen.

Genealogy of Reinhard Hiebert and Anna (Gunther) Hiebert
Family tree outlines some of the descendants. Reinhard 1856-1919. Anna 1860-1949.

Genealogy of the Descendants of Heinrich Ratzlaff (1848-1922), The
Compiled by Cornelius and Elizabeth Unruh. Family history of Russian Mennonites who immigrated to Nebraska in the 1870s. Nearly the entire contents consist of family trees, but the diary of Heinrich Ratzlaff is included. Winnipeg, no date. 86 pp.

Genealogy of the Family Voth
Hans Voth (1800-1828) and Maria Fleming (1801-1884). Both were born in Prussia and moved to Molotschna, Russia in 1828. This book contains an extensive genealogy with family stories interspersed. 1800-1974.

Genealogy of the Jacob Dahl Family, A.
Compiled by Herbert D. Peters, Saskatoon. Undated. Sixty pages of detailed genealogical lists, with appendices. Photocopied and bound. 60 pp.

Genealogy of the Schoenweiser Janzens 1752-1979
Compiled for Ernest J. Klassen by K. Peters, Winnipeg

Genealogy of the Voth Family 1800-1974
Compiled by Abraham H. Voth in 1975. A slim photocopied booklet with introduction and some stories and photos. Otherwise, family trees.

Genealogy of Tina Plenert nee Neufeld.
Bound photocopy. Nearly all of this volume consists of family charts. A few photos.

Genealogy of Wilhelm Hiebert & Katherine Esau
Compiled by committee. Other than a brief preface, all genealogies.

Genealogy Prepared for the Descendants of Lloyd and Adelia (Stover) Kreider, A
By Rachel W. Kreider, with J. Evan Kreider. Some narratives, predominantly genealogies.The Swiss Mennonite stream, eastern United States, Midwest, and so on. Bound photocopy. Goshen, Indian, 1995. 174 pp. + appendices.

Generations Come and Go: Legacy and Destiny from History and Experience
Generationen Kommen und Gehen: Erbe und Schicksal aus Geschichte und Erfahrung

By Hans Kasdorf. First half of the book English language; second half, German. The story of Russian Mennonites who settled in Brazil in the 1920s. The author taught at the Mennonite Brethren Biblical Seminary. Large glossy paperback that includes numerous photographs, family histories and genealogies, and some poetry. Pennsylvania, 2008. 227 pp.

Gerbrandt. See also Genealogy of Johann Gerbrandt

Gerhard A. & Ageneta Martens Wiens
Descendants are listed into the 1990s. Included is an ancestor tree of Gerhard Wiens back to 1735. Contains an index of names. Gerhard 1864-1907. Ageneta 1869-1951.

Gerhard (1836-1886) & Agatha Hiebert Issac (1836-1912) – An Isaac Family Record
Compiled by J. Harold Moyer – pub. 2001. Includes extensive genealogical information, some maps, photographs, charts and a name index.

Gerhard & Aganetha Regehr 1853-1993
Compiled by Alice Regehr Unrau. Large hardcover. Brief history, mostly photos with family data. Indexed. Russian Mennonite story. 1993. 141 pp.

Gerhard & Anna Klassen Genealogy
Family genealogies. Typed and bound. 1839-1980s.

Gerhard & Anna (Redekopp) Wiebe: From Prussia to Russia, to Canada, USA, Mexico, Paraguay
561 pages plus and index of their ancestors and descendants.

Gerhard G. Derksen (1866-1933) and Anna J. Pankratz (1871-1969)
This family story includes the stories of the following generations and includes numerous photographs.

Gerhard J. Klassen: Collected Memories
Well-designed large paperback, written and edited by George Klassen. Russian Mennonite story. Nicely illustrated, with photos, graphics, and family trees. Detailed footnoting. Available at 2014. 115 pp.

Giesbrecht. See also Descendants of Abraham Giesbrecht and Margaretha Wiehler

Giesbrecht. See also Johann F. and Aganetha Giesbrecht

Giesbrecht. See also Memoirs from the Lives of Peter P. and Elizabeth Giesbrecht

Giesbrecht. See also Schönwiese: ein deutsches Dorf in Sibirien

Giesbrecht. See also Stammbuch der Familie des Abraham und Margeretha (sic) Giesbrecht

Giesbrecht. See also World Book of Giesbrechts, The

Giesbrecht Fest 2015. Family History
The editor/compiler is unnoted. Bound photocopy. A few family memories interspersed with genealogical information.

George Krahn Family, The: 1839-1999
By Isaac Bergen. Mostly English, some German language. Large hardcover. Numerous photos b/w, family portraits, pioneer photos. Extensive family trees. Indexed. Self-published, Abbotsford, 1999.

Gift of Laughter, The: The Story of a California Mennonite Family
Paperback. Written by Loretta Willems. A family history of Mennonites who left Russia in the 1870s and consequently lived in Minnesota, Manitoba, and California. Well-written. A frank telling, includes a story of excommunication. Photos, letters, vignettes. Self- published, 2016. 239 pp.

Godly Inheritance, A
Written by Ruth Friesen about her grandmother. “Kanadier Mennonite” story. Much of the book is devoted to narrative. Genealogies towards the end, with photos and family trees. Large hardcover. Hague, Saskatchewan, 1988. 222 pp. + appendices.

God’s Grace in the Family: John and Erika (Rahn) Klassen
By John and Erika Rahn Klassen. Photos, life stories, of a Russian Mennonite family, focusing on life in Canada.157 pp.

God’s Grace Is Sufficient: The Life Journey of Peter and Catarina Rahn
By John and Erika (Rahn) Klassen. A family history of Russian Mennonites in Prussia, Russia, Brazil, Paraguay and Canada. Photos. 197 pp.

God’s Grace Is Sufficient: The Life Stories of the Children of Peter and Catarina Rahn
By John and Erika (Rahn) Klassen. A family history of Russian Mennonites in Prussia, Russia, Brazil, Paraguay and Canada. Photos. 197 pp.

God's Hand on My Life. See Henry & Elsie Brucks Autobiography.

God's Leading in My Life
This is the life story of Jacob A. Dueck. It is an account of places of residence, family growth and church involvements. Includes photos and a brief family record.

God's Chosen Path for Me: Memoirs of Katherine Dyck Heppner
An entertainingly written memoir. Russian Mennonite story, immigration to Canada and specifically British Columbia. Photos, colour and b/w. Large bound photocopy. 1998, 243 pp.

God’s Miracles on our Journey
By Jay and Kay Neufeld. Large hardcover, numerous photos. Life stories and anecdotes from a Russian Mennonite family who immigrated to Canada. Experiences in the United States. Abbotsford, 2003. 117 pp.

Goertz. See also Faith, Love, Laughter: The Henry and Agnes Goertz Family Legacy

Goertz. See also Goertz Memories

Goertz. See also Tale of Two Families, The: Henry Klaas & Nicolai Goertz Families

Goertz Memories
Talk given by Aaron Goertz on August 19, 1989 at Goertz family reunion, 10 pp, Photocopy, 8x11.

Goertzen. See also Anna’s Journey: Back to the Roots

Goertzen. See also Anny: Sheltered in the Arms of God. A true story of survival in Russia.
Anny Part 2: Sheltered in the Arms of God. The Years in Canada.

Goertzen. See also Duane & Martha Goertzen - Goertzen to Goertson

Goertzen. See also From the Life of Heinrich Unrau & Wife Elizabeth Goertzen & Family

Goertzen. See also God’s Hand Upon My Life

Goertzen. See also Tina Richert Goertzen

By Peter Goertzen. The story of “Kanadier” Mennonites who left Russia in the 1870s, but includes migration narratives to Mexico as well. Mostly prairie settlers. Photos b/w, documents, detailed birth and death records, as well as short life sketches. Edmonton, D.W. Friesen, 1976. 176 pp.

Goerz. See also Family records & diaries of Annie Goertz (1919-)

Goerz. See also My Legacy

Good Stock, The
Family stories of Russian Mennonites, paperback, numerous photos, b & w, many in colour, maps, sketches, genealogies, footnoted and indexed, 2009, 217 pp. By Mary Regehr Dueck.

Goossen. See also Frank and Marriane Goossen

Goossen. See also Kaethler-Goossen-Wiebe Familie & Nachkommen bis 2005

Goossen. See also Life Before Canada

Gottes Führungen in unserm Leben: Die Lebensreise von Peter und Elsa Tielmann (geb. Funk)
"God's Leading in our Lives: The Life Journey of Peter and Elsa Funk Tielmann." By Peter and Elsa Tielmann. Bound 8x11, self-published. Large print, German language, numerous b/w photos. Well-written Russian Mennonite narrative. 140 pp.

Götz Familienbuch: Vorfahren und Nachkommen von Gerhard und Maria (Wiebe) Götz

Great Is Thy Faithfulness, Life and Experiences of David Nickel.
Disc with 14 PDF files, photos, text, maps, genealogies, family and personal memoir.

Great Is Thy Faithfulness, Life and Experiences of David Nickel
Disc with 14 PDF files, photos, text, maps, genealogies, family and personal memoir.

Guenter. See also Warkentin Family History

Guenther. See also Franz & Anna Guenther & Their Descendants

Guenther. See also Memories of David Dietrich Guenther

Gunther. See also Genealogy of Reinhard Hiebert and Anna (Gunther) Hiebert

Gunther. See also My Life’s Story


Hamm. See also Käthe (Schartner) Hamm 1923-1992: Journals 1946-1948 and Life Story

Harder. See also Abraham Toews Family & Descendants 1774-2012

Harder. See also Blumstein Legacy, The: A Six Generation Family Saga

Harder. See also Jacob Harder and Maria Abrams

Harder. See also Life Story of Peter P. Dick and Margareta Harder, The

Harder. See also Man of Peace in a Time of War, A

Harder. See also Peter P. Harder & Gerhard P. Quiring

Harder. See also Twig on a Branch of the Harder Family Tree, A

Harder Heritage, The.
Large bound book. Meticulous genealogies. Some memoirs, b/w photos. 1974, 164 pp.

Harder History - The Blumenstein Legacy.
A Six Generation Family Saga begins with Johann Harder (1764-1827) and Helena Stees and their descendants. Includes extensive historical background and photos.

Harder - The Blumstein Legacy - 2nd Edition.
This is an edited and expanded version of the Blumstein Legacy by Leland D. and Samuel W. Harder.

Harms. See also Schmidt Family Record

Harvest of Memories: The Story of Heinrich and Maria Unger, A
A very extensive, spiral bound family history with copious photos, genealogical listings and other copied family memorabilia.

Haus Des Heinrich, Das
Die Geschichte von Heinrich Epp 1811-1863 Rosenort, Molotschna und Seine Nachkommen Sammlung und Redaktion Anna Epp Ens Das Haus Des Heinrich; Die Geschichte von Heinrich

Hearts Set On Pilgrimage
Autobiography of David Nightingale, but it includes some genealogical information.

Heese, Heinrich, autobiography and genealogy--1787-1978.
Compiled by Ernest J. Klassen and K. Peters, Winnipeg Other family names include DeFehr, Dyck, Ediger, Ewert, Fast, Funk, Heinrichs, Klassen, Martens, Riediger, Toews. Includes an index. The Heinrich Heese autobiography in German is included as well as an English translation.

Heidebrecht (Heydebrecht). See also Peter Heydebrecht und seine Nachkommen

Hege. See also Chronik der Familie Hege

He Has Qualified Us
Subtitled Memories of Our Parents, Henry and Sara Kornelsen. Autobiography written by Henry and Sara, translated by Elvira Dueck. 1995. 92 pp.

Heidebrecht. See also What Happened to Grandmother? A gift of letters from the Willms family in Eurasia

Heimat in der Fremde
This is the story of Jacob Friesen. Includes many family photographs and a genealogical record beginning with Kornelius Wieler (1826-1889) and Elisabeth Braun (1828-1919).

Heimat Neuendorf.
By Isaak Thiessen, 1982, Bielefeld. German language. Some memoir. < Description of Mennonite life in Neuendorf, Germany. Letters, poems, musings. Maps. Bound photocopy.

Heinrich and Katharina (Bergen) Woelk
This family history is divided into four sections: Introduction, Woelk Family, Bergen Family and stories. Included are Woelk and Bergen genealogies together with photos, important documents and narratives of their histories.

Heinrich & Margareta Boldt: Their Life Story
Translated by Henry H. Boldt. Edited by Janet E. Boldt, daughter. Glossy paperback. Photos, b/w. The first half is the family story as told/recited by Henry Boldt. The second half consists of genealogies. Companion volume to The Life Story of Henry H. Boldt. 2019. 28 pp.

Heinrich and Sara (Tiesen) Janzen Family
This is a comprehensive listing of the descendants of Heinrich Janzen (b.1816) and Sara Tiesen (Klassen) (b.1814). The story begins in Kronsweide , then to Russia with descendants in Germany, Paraguay and Canada.

Heinrich Cornelius Ekk Family and Descendants

Heinrich Fehr (1846-1911 and Sarah Neufeld (1847-1922)
This is an account of the descendants of the above named persons with background information about beginnings in Holland and Prussia. Extensive genealogy records are provided.

Heinrich F. Janzen Family Record, The 1849-1992
Genealogies, maps and plans, numerous photographs with explanatory text

Heinrich H. Rempel Story, The
Authored by David Rempel, 1986. Photocopied bound material. Some family narrative, Russian Mennonite story. Numerous b/w photos, detailed genealogies. 128 pp. plus appendices.

Heinrich Janzens Familie! Die
Compiler unknown. Bound photocopy, German language, photos and genealogies. No date.

Heinrich Kasper Genealogy.
Bound photocopy. Apparently compiled by Art and Hilda Kasper. Handwritten. Detailed genealogies. 2007, approx 50 pp.

Heinrich Penner & Anna Woelk. See also Beitrag zum Familien Buch von Heinrich Penner und Anna Woelk

Heinrich Penner and Margaretha (Loewen)
Includes the genealogy of Heinrich Penner (1801 – 1834) and Margaretha (1804- 1869) and their descendants.

Heinrich Sawatzky Family
This genealogical record begins with Peter Sawatzky (1834) and Maria Friesen (1834) and traces their descendants until the 1990s.

Heinrich Woelk genealogy
Copies of genealogical information from the family Bible made up by Heinrich Woelk between 1943-1945.

Heinrichs. See also Call to Remembrance: Abraham C. Neufeldt & Elisabeth Heinrichs.

Heinrichs. See also Kornelius Heinrichs and his descendants 1782-1979

Heinrichs of Halbstadt.
Begins with Peter Heinrichs (1804-1849) and Maria Janzen (1810-1852) in Chortitza and later in Manitoba. Ancestry, history and genealogy along with photos are all included.

He Leadeth Me: A Tribute to Abram & Johanna Dyck
Written and compiled by Abe Dyck Jr. Paperback. Russian Mennonite story. The long marriage of the author’s parents, their flight from Russia in the 1920s, and life in Canada. Winnipeg, Christian Press. 103 pp.

He Leadeth Me: Genealogy
Large paperback. Family registers compiled by Henry John Neudorf. “Genealogy of the Neudorf, Koslowsky, Klassen & Hildebrandt Families.” Some introductory history relating the the Russian Mennonite village of Osterwick. Photos b/w, maps. A. Olfert & Sons, Clearbrook, 1975. 131 pp.

He leadeth me in the right path See Peters, Gerhard Isaac.
By Gerhard Isaac Peters. A large paperback, photocopy. Russian Mennonite story, with a nice mix of memoir, historical documents, b/w photos. 1994, 70 pp.

Help from Prison – Verwehte Spuren
An account of Jake Friesen family in Siberia and how they received help from Anna Martens in prison. Translated and edited by Hugo Friesen.

Henry & Elsie Brucks Autobiography 1986 or God's Hand on My Life.
Bound photocopy. One photo, otherwise all text. Story of missionary and ministerial life. Includes experience in the Belgian Congo. 91 pp. Also obituary of Henry Brucks, reprinted from the MB Herald, April 11, 1987.

Henry and Sara (Reimer) Kornelson
Contains the autobiographies of Henry Kornelson (1890-1974) and Sara Reimer (1897-2003) with some photos and a brief genealogy.

Henry B. Tiessen: 50 Years
Includes book and translation by Mary Nickel.

Henry L. & Anna Friesen Family, The: Then & Now
Edited by Levi Dueck. Large volume focusing on family trees and genealogies, but with some prose narrative, including the “Diary of Henry L. Friesen.” Mennonite family history of immigrants to Canada from Russia in the 1870s stream. Replete with photos and detailed information. Rosenort, Manitoba, 2001. 560 pp.

Henry Petker Family Tree, The
No date or author listed. Large glossy bound paperback. Life stories, genealogies, many photos, some in colour. The book deals with the Russian Mennonite stream, some of whom did not escape the Soviet Union until the Great Trek of 1943. 76 pp.

Heppner. See also God’s Chosen Path for Me: Memoirs of Katherine Dyck Heppner

Heppner. See also Heppners in Prussia, Russia and America

Heppner. See also Memories of By Gone Days

Heppner. See also Prairie Memories

Heppner. See also Recollections & Reflections

Heppners in Prussia, Russia and America.
Early Anabaptist and Heppner history is included. Extensive Heppner genealogy including Jacob Hoeppner (1748-1826), his ancestors and their descendants. Includes and exhaustive name index.

Hepting. See also Unpublished Memoirs of Henry Hepting.

Heritage of Faith, A
By Edwald H. Wiens. Subtitled The life and journey of Edwald H. Wiens, his family, parents and siblings. By Edwald H. Wiens. As much an autobiography as family history. Maps, documents, photos both colour and b/w. Bibliography. 2014. 147 pp.

Herman Kornelius Klassen
Covers the history of the Mennonites briefly and then goes on to describe life in Russia and the developments in the Klassen Family in particular. Also included is a Family Tree by Eleanor Schartner as well as many family photos.

Hershey. See also History and Records of the Hershey Family

“He Who Promised Is Faithful . . .”
By Herbert D. Neufeld, who had a long career as a pastor in the Fraser Valley. The book is subtitled Sharing My Story of God’s Faithfulness. Photos, appendices. Since Neufeld served extensively with the BC and Canadian Mennonite Brethren Conferences, the book is also a church history. Self-published. 186. pp.

Heydebrecht. See also Peter Heydebrecht und seine Nachkommen

Hiebert. See also Abraham P. Hiebert And Descendants

Hiebert. See also Descendants of William Hiebert and Katherine Esau

Hiebert. See also family of Abram N. Hiebert & Maria Wiebe Hiebert, the

Hiebert. See also Genealogy of Peter & Maria (Hiebert) Bergen

Hiebert. See also Genealogy of Reinhard Hiebert and Anna (Gunther) Hiebert

Hiebert. See also Genealogy of Wilhelm Hiebert & Katherine Esau

Hiebert. See also Hiebert Heritage to 2010

Hiebert. See also Jacob S. Hiebert and Katherina and their Descendants

Hiebert. See also Johann and Magdalena Hiebert and their Descendants

Hiebert. See also Kornelius Hiebert & His Descendants 1833-1991

Hiebert. See also Our Hiebert Family

Hiebert. See also Peter Hiebert Genealogy, The

Hiebert. See also Two Tinas and their Children, The

Hiebert. See also Wilhelm and Katherina (Esau) Hiebert Family Story

Hiebert Heritage to 2010.
Compiled by Al Hiebert. Subtitled Wilhelm and Anna Hiebert Descendants and Ancestors. Large glossy paperback. Russian Mennonite stream. Numerous b/w and lists of families, genealogies, maps, brief history, with thorough index. Self-published, Steinbach, Manitoba, 2011, 117 pp.

Hildebrand. See also Ancestry and Descendants of Daniel Johann Hildebrand and Anna Dyck.

Hildebrand, A Family History-- 300-199l.
Printed by Fraser Valley Custom Printers, Chilliwack, B.C. Other family names include Boschman, Daniels, Giesbrecht, Heidebrecht, Hooge, and Thiessen. This history begins with the origin of the name Hildebrand. It can be traced to an early ballad, "Das Hildebrand Lied," the oldest surviving manuscript of a German epic. There are sections on early Anabaptist history, the immigration from Prussia to Russia, and the later period of the Revolution. Includes information concerning those who came to Canada and those who remained behind in Russia. Includes photographs and family charts.

Hildebrand Family in Canada.

Hildebrandt. See Also Crossing Continents: The Stories of Henry and Anna Hildebrandt

Hildebrandt. See also Katherina Hildebrandt – Diary and Eichenfeld

Hildebrandt Genealogy
Edited and compiled by Clara M. Klassen. Large hardcover. Numerous photos, both colour and b/w. Family trees and genealogies. Abbotsford, 2002. 570 pp.

History and Memoirs of Daniel and Annie Klassen
Written by Annie (Schmidt) and Daniel Klassen. Small paperback, with historical background, photos, memories, meditations. Undated. 48 pp.

History and Memories of the Tobias A. Schmidt Family
Compiled by Louise Schmidt.

History and Record of the Tieszen Family
By Rev. David D. Tieszen. Genealogies, index, Canadian and American Mennonite, 1954.

History and Records of the Hershey Family
From the year 1600 By Scott Funk Hershey PhD; LLD

History Hinges on a Buried Letter
Subtitled “The Journey of Peter J. and Margarita Warkentin.” Russian Mennonite refugee story. Paperback, well-designed and edited, accessibly written. Photos, b/w and colour. DeBolt, Alberta, 2018. 221 pp.

History of Julius Hoock and Susanna Janzen
By Art Hoock, April 1984.

History of Peter Hooge, The
Seventeen-page typewritten story of Peter Hooge, who fled the Soviet Union during World War II and settled in the Fraser Valley. By Peter Hooge.

History of the David G. Klassen Family, The
Memoir of David G. Klassen. Translated by Arnie Neufeld. Brief recounting of village life in Mennonite Russia, followed by emigration. Photocopy. 1972, Linden, Alberta.

History of the Dietrich Johann Friesen Family

By Art Hoock. February 1984.

History of the Krahn Family, The
Bound photocopy. Author, Peter Hoover, of Cuauhtémoc, Mexico. Helpful history of Russian Mennonite Mexican migration. 1982, 49 pp.

History of the Krahn Family, The.
Bound photocopy. Author, Peter Hoover, of Cuauhtémoc, Mexico. Helpful history of Russian Mennonite Mexican migration. 1982, 49 pp.

History of the Tiefengrund Friesens, A

Hoeppner Family Tree
Ancestors and descendants of Jacob Hoeppner (1850 – 1936) and Aganetha Dueck (1853 – 1922) are organized on a very large chart (in a roll).

Hoock. See also Art and Vicky Warkentin Hoock Story.

Hoock. See also Friesen/Hoock – Nick and Helen

Hoock. See also History of Julius Hoock and Susanna Janzen.

Hooge.See also History of Peter Hooge, The

Horst. See also The Daniel and Annie (Weber) Horst Family Book.

Horst. See also The Samuel M. and Magdalena (Brubacher) Horst Family Book.

House of Heinrich, The
Subtitled “The story of Heinrich Epp (1811-1863) of Rosenort, Molotschna and His Descendants.” Compiled and edited by Ann Epp Ens. Enormous hardcover. Begins with narratives, with the last part of the book devoted to genealogies. Indexed. Winnipeg, 1980. 333 pp.

House of Jacob, The
Ancestors and descendants of Jacob Janzen (1822-1885) and Maria Waldner (1831-1914) and an earlier (unnamed) wife.

How God Leads
Photos, genealogies, brief memoirs. 1974.

how hard can it be? Peter Wiebe – 1915-2010
By Peter Wiebe, as told to his daughter, Diana Cruchley. The life-story of a man who grew up in Dust Bowl Saskatchewan and spent his later life in British Columbia. The book is an oral history, consisting entirely of Peter Wiebe’s verbal telling. Printorium Bookworks, 2017. 136 pp.

Hübert. See also Chronik der Familien Hübert und Bückert

Hübert. See also Franz Franz Hübert and His Descendants

Hübert. See also Kurzgefasste Lebensgeschichte von Peter und Maria Hübert

Huebert. See also Aron Esau and Descendants

Huebert. See also History of Julius Hoock and Susanna Janzen

Huebert. See also Life of Gerhard David Huebert, The: Living the Word

Huebert. See also Muensterberg Hueberts, The

Huebert Family Tree, The
Large bound photocopy. Photos b/w, some brief family stories, family trees, genealogies. 1979. 54 pp.

Hubert. See also Memoir, A

Hunsbergers, The.
In three hardcover volumes. The first two volumes contain nearly exclusively genealogical data. The third consists of an index. A few photos interspersed. George S. Hunsberger, historian, seems to have been chief editor, presiding over a committee. 1995. 1,781 pp.


Im Wandel Der Jahre
Sarah Froese (Mrs. Heinrich DeFehr).

In Days Gone By ... The Memoirs of George Henry Falk
Story of a Russian Mennonite family that emigrated to Canada and settled in the Fraser Valley. Mostly text, but colour and b/w photos towards the end of the book. 2014. 225 pp. John B. Toews Collection.

In God We Trust: Kroeker Reunion 1973, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Edited and compiled by L. Kroeker. Large bound paperback. 42 pages of b/w photos, followed by family information and some brief personal memoirs. 92 pp. + appendices.

In Retrospect: The Alvin and Irene (Wiens) Ens Story
By Alvin Ens. Entertaining tales told with a sense of humour. Ens was born on the Canadian prairies, eventually moving to British Columbia where he taught at the Mennonite Educational Institute. Photos, essays, genealogies, meditations. Abbotsford, 2020. 221 pp.

Invisible Hand, The
By Abram A. Olfert. Beautifully designed Russian Mennonite story. Based on articles, clippings and photos by the author. Genealogies, photos. From Prussia to Russia to Canada. Glossy paperback. Edited by Ruth Bock, design and layout by Heidi Olfert. Color Centrix Printco, Abbotsford, 1999. 179 pp.

In Remembrance of My Father
"J.A. Kroeker: As I remember him." Hymnology is compiled by Esther Mary Kroeker Unruh, 1990.

I Remember
By David Henry Neumann. Bound photocopy. Well-written memoir by a Russian Mennonite who immigrated to Canada in the 1920s. Nearly all text. Entertaining writing style. Self-published. No date. 91 pp.

Isaak.See also Cornelius Jacob Isaak (1887-1968) & Lydia Adolf Pidde (1887-1967)

Isaac. See also Edna's Journey

Isaac. See also Family Book of Jacob W. Isaac 1879-1964

Isaac. See also Family Book of Jacob W. Isaac 1879-1964.

Isaac. See also Family Book from 1694-1916 and Personal Experiences by Peter Isaac, A

Isaak. See also Gerhard (1836-1886) & Agatha Hiebert Issac (1836-1912) – An Isaac Family Record

Isaak. See also Mennonites and Kornelius Kornelius Isaak’s Sojourn (1866-1935) Among Them in Russia and America, The

Isaac. See also Molded by the Master

Isaak. See also Peter Cornelius Isaak, Nov 13, 1920-Oct 29, 1962

Isaak. See also Story of My Life, The

Isaak Derksen and Helene (Bergen) Derksen
This family history book begins with Abram Derksen (1823 – 1883) and Margaretha Regier (1826 – 1902) but is the story of Isaac Derksen (1864 – 1926) and Helene Bergen (1865 – 1902). Ancestry, descendants, stories and photos are all included.

Isaac & Maria (Penner) Doerksen
A family genealogy which includes information from 1847 to the 1980s.

Isaak Family
Compiler unknown. Detailed genealogies, photocopied and bound. Descendants (and some forebears) of Henry Peter Isaak (1861-1920) and Anna Braun Isaak. Some photocopied maps. Date unknown.

Isaac Family History. Subtitled Genealogy of the Gerhard Isaac Family Beginning with Phillip and Maria Isaak (1694-1975).
Bound paperback. Genealogies. German language. Prepared by Maria Janzen, 1975. Reworked by John Friesen, 2008. 27 pp.

Isaak F. Peters
1870-1951. By Katharina Peters. Genealogies, lists, 54 pp.

Isbrand Johann Friesen – A Family Tree
The Family Tree of Isbrand Johann Friesen (1853-1933) and Katarina Krause (1855-1896) and their descendants. Genealogy, photos and stories included.

It’s Been Good: Anecdotes and Episodes from My Life
Memoir by Ernie Reimer, born in Canada to a Russian Mennonite family. Glossy paperback. Numerous colour photos, well-written. Fort St. John, 2013. 206 pp. John B. Toews Library.

Iwanowka. Die Geschichte der Familie Epp aus Iwanowka (Eppchutor) in Sibirien und deren Stammbaum (beginnt bei Peter Epp, geb. 1690).
The Story of the Epp Family from Ivanovka (Epp Khutor) in Siberia and their Family Tree (beginning with Peter Epp, b. 1690) German language. A thorough family history beginning with Peter Epp, born 1690 in Danzig. Meticulous genealogies, maps, photos b/w, sketches. Well-indexed. Russian Mennonite line. Large hardcover. By Johann Epp, self-published, Bielefeld, Germany, 1995. 460 pp.


Jacob: An autobiographical sketch by Jake H. Friesen
Family story of a descendant of Russian Mennonites, the 1920s stream. Life in Canada. Large bound photocopy, undated. Text only. 126 pp. J. B. Toews Library.

Jacob H. Boehs Family Record
A genealogy of Jacob H. Boehs family covering the years 1858-1977. In addition to Boehs, key family names are Frantz, Koehn, Ratzlaff, Schmidt and Wedel. Jacob H. Boehs was born to Henry B. and Helena (Koehn) Boehs, August 23, 1858, in a village in Poland, Russia. He came to America in 1874 and settled in Oklahoma. The book includes family stories of that pioneer period. Compiled by Louise Schmidt.

Jacob and Anna (Wiebe) Esau
Compiled by Henry Esau, 2002. Bound photocopy. Genealogical data with some introductory material. Jacob Esau 1873-1929. Anna Wiebe Esau 1876-1953. Kanadier stream of Mennonite immigration. Birth and death dates, but locations often not noted.

Jacob and Helena Konrad
In this history are listed the descendants of Jacob Abram Konrad and Helena Janzen of Rosenort, Molotchna. They were both born about 1930 and died around 1892.

Jacob & Helena (Peters) Siemens and descendants
The binder contains the family history and genealogy of Jacob and Helena (Peters) Siemens covering the time period of the 1850s to the 1980s. It contains stories, photographs, family trees and a summary index. It was produced by Henry J. Siemens and Katharina and Jacob Bergman. Published in 1983.

Jacob and Justina: Pilgrims. The Odyssey of a Family
By Carl Edward Hansen. A family story told almost novelistically. Russian Mennonite history, flight in the 1920s. Jacob and Justina Friesen farmed the Prairies and raised a family through the Depression years and beyond. Well-indexed. Morgantown, PA, Masthof Press, 1998. 202 pp.

Jacob & Margareta Mierau Family Ancestors & Descendants
Compiled by Gredel McCray. The story of Russian Mennonites by way of Paraguay. Margareta’s unmarried name was Boldt. Bound photocopy. A few photos, maps, narratives, but mostly genealogies and family trees. No date.

Jacob B. and Margaretha (Loewen) Toews Family Register 1855-1938

Jakob C. Reimer Diaries 1915-1926
There are four parts: Diary from the Medical Corps Service – Book I - 1915-1916, Book II – 1916-1917, Book III - 1917-1918, Book IV - Revolution and Journey to America, 1918 -1926. Translated by Edgar Reimer.

Jacob Dyck Family Genealogy (1754-1929)
Compiled by Abe and Helen Dyck. Some introductory material. Bound copy of photocopied genealogies. Some handwritten. Very detailed material, Russian Mennonite stream.

Jacob Friesen and descendants
Jacob Friesen and (unknown) Baerg.

Jacob Harder and Maria Abrams
Compiled by Menno Giesbrecht. Large hardcover. The Kanadier stream of Mennonites, who immigrated to Canada in the 1870s. Besides the introduction, family histories and photos. Friesen Printers, 1988. Index of names. 194 pp. John B. Toews Collection.

Jacob Klassen Family 1856-1926
Compiled by M. Neufeld. Large paperback with numerous b/w photos. Russian Mennonite Story. No publication data. 36 pp.

Jacob Krause
Subtitled Born August 21, 1930, Married Rita Epp on April 5, 1956. German-language memoir, some genealogy and documents. Bound photocopy. Krause was born in Russia and died in Germany. No author, date, pages.

Jacob Niebuhr Descendants (1766-1835)
Large glossy hardcover, compiled by Bill Klassen, photos, detailed genealogies, index, no date, 456 pp.

Jacob S. Hiebert and Katherina and their Descendants
Genealogy and Family history of Jacob S. Hiebert (1833-1906) and Katherina Hiebert (1855-1916) and their descendants.

Jacob Siemens Family Since 1658
Subtitled Includes Early Mennonites: Sawatzky, Bergman, Enns, Andres, Dyck, Janzen, Martens, Kehler, Quiring, Neufeld, Friesen, Penner, Goertzen, and More. Compiled, edited, and written by Elma Schemenauer. Beautifully designed book, large paperback, with photos, anecdotes, family trees, illustrations, and a fine index. Toronto: Farland Press, 1998. 201 pp.

Jacob Thielman and Helena Kroeker
A Family History and Genealogy of their Descendents by Alfred N. Redekopp.

Jacob Wall Diary 1824-1859
Includes an index from the April, 1997 issue of Mennonite Family Heritage, a handwritten index of names in the diary, a translation of the diary and a copy of the handwritten diary itself.

Jaeger. See also Descendants of Jacob Dyck and Elisabeth Jaeger.

Jahnke Family Book.
This family genealogy begins with Jakob Elias (1808-1902) and Maria Dueck (1812- ?) and includes notes and information regarding this family from Russia to Canada.

By Werner Falk. A follow-up to his autobiographical family history of 1996: My Journey – An Autobiography. Falk has entertainingly rewritten his autobiography as a historical novel. Nearly all text. 2003. 492 pp.

Jakob A. Loewen
Translated by G.I. Peters. Professor of Geology in Russia. Russian story, b. 1903, d. 2001. Photocopied and bound, 54 pp.

Jakob Wiebe: Schoenau-Molotschna, Province Taurien, South Russia, 1799-1856.
This bound photocopy contains strictly genealogies and family data. The genealogy begins with with Jakob Wiebe, 1799-1856, although his father, Peter Wiebe born 1755 is also mentioned.

Jantz. See also Unrau Family: Heinrich Unrau and Anna Jantz, Branches A to H 1795-1970

Jantzen. See also Nachkommen von David Jantzen.

Janz. See also B. B. Janz & M. Rogalsky: Janz Reunion 92

Janz. See also Come Walk With Me: the autobiography of Margaret Martens Janz

Janz. See also Rogalsky/Janz – The Next Generation

Janzen. See also Agnes Janzen

Janzen. See also Family Chronology of the Janzen Family

Janzen.See also Family of Peter & Margarethe (Janzen) Dueck, The

Janzen. See also Family History and Genealogy of Jacob (1840-1912) and Susanna (Baerg) Janzen, A (1842-1917)

Janzen. See also Genealogy of Abram Janzen 1724-1979

Janzen. See also Genealogy of Johann Janzen 1752-1823 and Maria (Bergmann) - 1758-1808

Janzen. See also Genealogy of the Schoenweiser Janzens 1752-1979

Janzen. See also Heinrich and Sara (Tiesen) Janzen Family

Janzen. See also Heinrich F. Janzen Family Record, The 1849-1992

Janzen. See also Heinrich Janzens Familie! Die

Janzen. See also History of Julius Hoock and Susanna Janzen

Janzen. See also House of Jacob, The

Janzen. See also Jacob and Helena Konrad

Janzen.See also Journey of Courage

Janzen. See also Life and Heritage of the D. K. Janzens

Janzen. See also Life and History of the D. K. Janzens, The

Janzen. See also Life Story of Henry Jacob Janzen

Janzen. See also Meine Erinnerungen: Lebensbericht eines Russlanddeutschen

Janzen. See also My Life’s Journey

Janzen. See also Our Heritage

Janzen. See also Remembering Our Heritage: The Story of Anna & Cornelius Janzen

Janzen. See also Tribute to Peter My Husband, A

Janzen. See also Two Tinas and their Children, The

Janzen. See also "Unsere Familie."

Janzen Memoirs - compiled by Anne Friesen.
Glossy hardcover, numerous photos, colour and b & w, genealogies, life sketches. Abbotsford: Mimmo FX, 2009, 297 pp.

Janzen, Julius (1782).
Duplicated copy of family information beginning with Julius Janzen. Collected by Katharina (Katie) Banman. Includes a great deal of genealogical information along with numerous photographs.

Johann and Agatha Klippenstein
Johann Klippenstein (1845-1923) and Agatha (1843-1927) lived in Southern Manitoba. Extensive genealogy, photos, and a fine historical background are included.

Johann and Magdalena Hiebert and their Descendants
This is a genealogy and family history of Johann Hiebert (1747) and Magdalena (1754).

Johann and Maria Nickel
Dedication, Reminiscences by Tony.

Johann Bergen’s Story
From Russia to Germany to Vladivostok

Johann F. and Aganetha Giesbrecht

Johann Gottlieb Lehmann 1777-1827 & Descendants
Prussian family who moved to the Canadian prairies in the 1890s. Large bound photocopy. Aside from a brief narrative and introductory photos, the book is devoted to genealogies and family histories. The author is unlisted. 104 pp.

Johann Johann Loewen
Includes the story of this family beginning with Johann Johann Loewen (1883-1973) and Anna Janzen (1885-1966). Also includes photos and genealogical information.

Johann P. and Maria Schmidt
Family history of Johann P. and Maria Schmidt. Included is a narrative account of the family, as well as some b/w photos and maps.

Johann Plett: A Mennonite Family Saga
By Delbert F. Plett. Subtitled Johann Plett, Ellerwald: A Mennonite Family Saga with Biographies to the Fifth and Sixth Generation. A hardcover of considerable weight, with numerous b/w photos, family data, stories and brief memoirs. With extensive endnotes and well-indexed. Russian Mennonite family history. Steinbach, Crossway Publications, 2003. 856 pp.

Johann S. Rempel and Family 1830-1899
Scanned copy only.

Johann Wiebe Family
Johann H. Wiebe (1873-1939 and Agenetha Friesen (1876-1907) married in 1895 and lived near Altona, MB most of their lives. Contains family stories, photos and genealogical information. 1873-1992.

John and Helena Thiessen Story, The
By Clara Thiessen. Large soft cover, bound, numerous photos both b/w and colour, narratives, well-written, genealogies, bibliography, Russian Mennonite memoir as told by daughter. Globe Printers, Abbotsford, 2010.

John Froese and Katherine Dyck/Dueck
A two-volume history and genealogy of the Froese – Dyck – Dueck families.

John G. Warkentin Family
This family genealogy includes written memoirs of people referenced in the lists. Lists of birth and death dates. A few graphics. n/d. 77 pp.

John H. Epp: A Biography
By John Mark Epp. Russian Mennonite story from the 1920s immigration stream to Canada. Numerous b/w photos, including many of slain big game. Hardcover. Self- published, Winnipeg, 1993. 104 pp.

John J. M. Klaassen Family Tree, The
Compiled by Ruby Hamm and Norma Janzen. Bound photocopy. Strictly genealogies. Klaassen m. Maria Baerg; m. Helena (Penner) Dyck. No date.

John P. and Margaretha Stobbe 1968-1993
Life stories, short memoirs, testimonies, poems, family tree.

John Peter and Maria Froese Klassen
This is the history of the Steinfeld Klassens beginning with John Peter Klassen (1871-1930) and Maria Froese (1876-1910). Included are family stories, genealogical information and numerous family photographs.

John Peters Family Tree 1863-1993
Scanned copy only.

John Redekop: My Memoir
As told to Lily Eng. Glossy paperback, Russian Mennonite story, World War II stream. Well-organized book, photos both colour and b/w, documents. Self-published, c. 2011. 63 pp. + appendix.

John Warkentin and his Descendants 1820-1990
Includes notes and genealogical information as well as photographs. Large hardcover. Compiled by Ike Warkentin. Winnipeg, 1990. Includes insert with genealogies. 324 pp.

Jonas and Ida Schmidt: Genealogy, Biography and Memories
Jonas and Ida (Boehs) Schmidt 1893-1985. Compiled by Your Sister and Your Aunt, Louise.

Journey Home, A: The Story of Anne Louise Wiens (Rempel), her parents, Anna and Johann Rempel and Family
Written and compiled by Anne Louise Wiens. Russian Mennonite story of a family who escaped west in 1943 on the Great Trek and emigrated to Canada. 81 pages of text, the remainder of the book being photos, some genealogy, and bibliography. 121 pp.

Journey of Courage
By Lena (Friesen) Janzen. Bound paperback. Jacob and Lena Janzen were part of the 1920s refugee stream of Russian Mennonites. The book describes life on the prairies and in British Columbia, including the story of the great Fraser Valley flood of 1948. Photos, b/w and colour. Abbotsford, 1995. 64 pp.


Kaethler - Goossen - Wiebe Familie & Nachkommen bis 2005.
Family history compiled by Ingrid (Kaethler) Epp of Paraguay. This book is in German and it contains 253 pages of information and index. It begins with the Goossen family in 1680 and Kaethler family information beginning in 1750.

Kampen. See also Last Train, The

Kampen. See also Resting in God Alone

Kasdorf. See also Family History of Isaak Kasdorf

Kasdorf. See also Generations Come and Go

Kasdorf. See also Schoenfeld/Kasdorf Family History Book

Kasper. See also Heinrich Kasper Genealogy

Kasper. See also Memories

Kasper. See also Warkentin Family History

Käthe (Schartner) Hamm 1923-1992: Journals 1946-1948 and Life Story
The story of a Russian Mennonite World War II refugee and her immigration to Canada. Well-designed, numerous photos. The journals constitute a major portion of the book. Edited by Caroline Hamm. Self-published, Abbotsford. 161 pp.

Katherina Hildebrandt – Diary and Eichenfeld

Katherina Regehr Black Book
Includes poems, notes about Rev. Peter Regier and church events in the Tiefengrund, Saskatchewan area.

Katherine (Boldt) Kasper
Compiled by Katherine Kasper’s son, Art Kasper. Loosely bound photocopy. Russian Mennonite family history. A great many photos of good quality, both colour and b/w. Handwritten and typed genealogies. 124 pp.

Kith & Kin: D. Friesen Family Record.
Bound photocopy. Helen Friesen, compiler, updated by Bill Friesen. Detailed Genealogies, some b/w photos, documents, 2005, 171 pp.

Klaassen. See also John J. M. Klassen Family Tree, The

Klaas Wiebe Family History / Klaas Wiebe Familienregister
Compiled by Peter Wiebe, designed by Debbie Wiebe. Text is in both German and English. The book is a hardcover and contains mostly family trees. Well-organized, with an excellent index of names. Steinbach, Derksen Printers, published by Wiebe Family Committee, 1986. 230 pp.

Klassen. See also All in a Row: The Klassens of Homewood

Klassen. See also Children and Heirs

Klassen. See also Chronicles and Genealogy of the Abram Edmund Klassen Family (Insel Chortitz)

Klassen. See also Deep Sorrow, Great Joy

Klassen. See also Defer and Klassen

Klassen. See also Descendants of Gerhard Klassen & Anna Klassen.

Klassen. See also Family Book of David and Aganetha Klassen, The

Klassen. See also Family Story of Johann and Maria (Walde) Klassen, The

Klassen. See also Franz & Justina Klassen Family Book

Klassen. See also From the Steppes to the Prairies

Klassen. See also Gerhard & Anna Klassen Genealogy

Klassen. See also Gerhard J Klassen: Collected Memories

Klassen. See also God’s Grace in the Family: John and Erika (Rahn) Klassen

Klassen. See also Herman Kornelius Klassen

Klassen.See also History and Memoirs of Daniel and Annie Klassen

Klassen. See also The History of the David G. Klassen Family

Klassen. See also Jacob Klassen Family 1856-1926

Klassen. See also John Peter and Maria Froese Klassen

Klassen. See also Klassen Book, The 1974

Klassen. See also Klassen Genealogy: John Julius Julius Klassen and Family, 1798

Klassen. See also Life and Family of Wilhelm Abram Matties

Klassen. See also Life and Times of a Renaissance Mennonite Teacher: Cornelius A. Klassen

Klassen. See also My Life's Memories

Klassen. See also My Life Story

Klassen. See also Our Journey

Klassen. See also Paethkeau: The Book – 1714-1987

Klassen. See also Remembrances

Klassen. See also Remembering God’s Faithfulness: The A. J. and Betty Klassen Story

Klassen. See also Unsere Lebensgeschichte

Klassen, A Family Heritage.
Edited by J.J. Klassen. Large hardcover, photos some colour, histories, genealogies, Russian Mennonite family, D.W. Friesen, 1980, 528 pp.

Klassen, The Book 1974.
Copyright reserved The Penners. Large book, paper bound, family data, 417 pp. Russia and Canada.

Klassen, Erica (Rahn).
Photocopies of letters written by Greta (Dueck) Pauls (the aunt of Erika Klassen) to another aunt Liese (Dueck) Becker. Sent from Waldheim, Omsk to Narem, north of Tomsk (Siberia) Time period is 1931 to 1938.

Klassen, Klassen Family History Collection.
Peter J. & Liese Klassen family genealogy and history recorded on 4 CDs:
- Primary CD - Tributes & Genealogical Records
- Photo CD - 532 photographic images
- Oral History CD (2) - Volume I & 2.

Klassen Genealogy: John Julius Julius Klassen and Family, 1798.
This 636 page genealogical study includes maps, a historical context, coat of arms followed by the history and photographs of ten generations of Klassens.

Klaus Dueck and Descendants
Compiled by J. P. Dyck, Springstein, Manitoba. Printed by Regehr’s Printing. Genealogy of the Dyck/Dueck family. 122 pages. Key family names include Epp, Peters, and Thiessen. Included are maps, photographs, clippings and copies of letters.

Kliewer. See also Legacy of Kornelius Kliewer, A

Kliewer. See also My Life Story/The Story of My Life

Klippenstein. See also Genealogy of Bernhard Klippenstein

Klippenstein. See also Genealogy of Heinrich Klippenstein

Klippenstein. See also Genealogy of Johann Klippenstein

Klippenstein. See also Johann and Agatha Klippenstein

Klippenstein. See also Genealogy of Katherina Klippenstein

Klippenstein. See also Genealogy of Peter Klippenstein

Klippenstein. See also Thicker than Water: The Uncensored, Unabridged and Completely Unbiased Account of the Life and Times of the Dietrich Klippenstein Family, by Henry Klippenstein

Klippenstein Sisters, The.
Compiled by Gwen Isaak Rempel. This is the story of the Klippenstein - Unger family beginning with Johann (1845-1913) and Helena Wall (1855-?) Klippenstein. It includes stories, photographs, and genealogical information.

Koehn, A. T. and Mary. 1914-2001 Descendants.
This family history includes descendants of (a) A.T. and Mary Koehn: (b) Elmer and Susanna Koehn, (c) Jesse and Elsie Koehn, (d) Clifford and Minnie Koehn, (e) Herman and Irene Nightingale Family, (f) Duane and Mildred Johnson Family, (g) Vernon and Evelyn Smith Family, (h) Kenneth and Betty Koehn Family, (i) Delano and Neoma Koehn Family, (j) Stanley and Joyce Koehn Family, (k) Obituaries.

Köhn. See also Familienstammbuch der Familie Köhn 1776-2003

Konrad. See also And in Their Silent Beauty Speak.

Konrad. See also Jacob and Helena Konrad

Konrad. See also My Story (As I Remember ...). Memoir of Abraham J Konrad.

Konrad. See also Staunen und danken ... Geschichte der Familie Abraham Konrad

Koop family genealogy (untitled)
Russian Mennonite family genealogy printout. Mostly data, except for some brief narrative and a few photos. Original couples include unmarried names of Martens and Barkman.

Koop. See also Peter, A Man of Stamina and Courage

Kornelius and Anna Driediger Family Roster 1876-2018
Compiled by Herman Driediger. Large hardcover, well-designed. Strictly family trees. A few photos. 2018. 54 pp.

Kornelius Heinrichs and his descendants 1782-1979
Compiled by Neil Heinrichs, Marianne Heinrichs Janzen and Arthur Heinrichs Toews Published by Kornelius Heinrichs History Society Printed by D. W. Friesen & Sons Ltd., Altona, Manitoba Other family names include Bergman, Dick, Epp, Hildebrand, Klassen, Loewen Martens, Peters, and Wiens. Includes an index.

Kornelius Hiebert & His Descendants 1833-1991
A comprehensive family history, including numerous black and white photographs, genealogical charts and maps.

Kornelsen. See also He Has Qualified Us

Kornelsen. See also Our Family Tree: Cornelsen-Kornelsen

Kornelson. See also Frank and Marriane Goossen

Kornelson. See also Genealogy of Heinrich Kornelson

Kornelson. See also Henry and Sara (Reimer) Kornelson

Kornelson. See also Life Before Canada

Koslowsky Family, The 1769-1979
Compiled by Agatha Ratzlaff. Russian Mennonite story. Family histories, genealogies, narratives. Photos b/w. Large paperback. 69 pp. John B. Toews library.

Koslowsky, Our Family History.
A revision of the 1979 Register of the Koslowsky Family (1769-1979). This book contains the historical background of the Koslowskys and the history begins with David Koslowsky (1769-1846) and Anna Willms (1792-1846) and lists the family descendants. By Agatha Ratzlaff.

Krahn. See also Ben & Käthe Krahn: A Family Tree

Krahn. See also David J. Peters & Katharina Krahn Family History 1895-2016

Krahn. See also Family Tree of George Krahn

Krahn. See also Genealogy of Bernhard Krahn 1847-1930 and Helena Peters 1849-1919

Krahn. See also The George Krahn Family 1839-1999.

Krahn. See also The History of the Krahn Family.

Krahn. See also Our Family Story Book by Grandpa K.

Krause. See also Isbrand Johann Friesen – A Family Tree

Krause. See also Jacob Krause

Krause. See also My Life Story

Kreider, Lloyd & Adelia.
(The family of Jacob & Barbara Greiter) - 1996.

Kreider. See also Genealogy Prepared for the Descendants of Lloyd and Adelia (Stover) Kreider, A

Kroeker. See also F. P. Unrau Family

Kroeker. See also Genealogy of Abraham Kroeker

Kroeker. See also In God We Trust: Kroeker Reunion 1973

Kroeker. See also In Remembrance of My Father

Kroeker. See also Jacob Thielman and Helena Kroeker

Kroeker. See also Kroeker Family Genealogy, The

Kroeker. See also Life Was Good: The Life of Franz Kroeker and his Ancestors From Prussia and Russia to the US and Canada

Kroeker. See also Memoirs of Corney Corneyevich Wiebe

Kroeker. See also Stitch in Time, A

Kroeker Family Genealogy, The. The Ancestors and Descendants of Abram A. Kroeker and Elizabeth Nickel
Compiled and edited by Bert Friesen. Large bound photocopy. Consists almost entirely of family trees and genealogies, along with a few brief narratives. The story of a Kanadier Mennonite family. Well-indexed. Self-published, Winnipeg, 1998. 93 pp.

Krueger. See also Nostalgic Recollections of Jacob Krueger.

Kulchiski. See also Descendants of These Kulchiski's.

Kurzgefasste Lebensgeschichte von Peter und Maria Hübert
"Short Life Story of Peter and Maria Hübert." By Peter and Maria Hübert. German- language story of Russian Mennonite family that fled to North America and later engaged in missions work. Large bound photocopy. 2005. 49 pp.


Langemann. See also Personal Reminiscences of Cornelius Wilhelm Langemann (1899-1988).

Last Days of the H. Bahnmann Family in Russia and their voyage to North America in 1903, The.
Information from the diary of Margaretha Bahnmann, the journal of Nicolai Bahnmann and the diary of Henrietta Bahnmann. Includes some genealogical information.

Last Train, The
By Chris L. Peters. Paperback, well-designed. Photos, histories, family stories from the Russian Mennonite stream. Family names Peters, Quiring, Kampen, Epp. Private publication, 2018. 347 pp.

This extensive family history begins with Peter and Sara Siemens and Peter and Katharina Braun in the late 1700s when they moved from the Danzig area to Chortitza. The bulk of the story is about the life of Gerhard Siemens and his family in Russia, Paraguay, and Canada. Includes many fine photographs. Gerhard married Maria Penner.

Lebensgeschichte Jacob und Elisabeth – Regier – Dueck
By John and Erika Rahn Klassen. German-language account of a Russian Mennonite family living in Russia, Paraguay and Canada. Hardcover. Maps, b/w and colour photos. Indexed. 415 pp.

Lebensgeschichte oder Tagebuch von Hermann u Katarina Neufeld Nikolajewka.
(Life Story or Diary of Hermann and Katarina Neufeld, Nikolayevka) Written by Elder Hermann Neufeld, 1860-1931. Transliterated by Gertrude Harder. Translated by Hermann A. Neufeld and Jacob (Jack/Josh) Neufeld with the aid of Abram H. Neufeld. Four binders of diary and family information of Hermann Neufeld and
Katharina Klassen Neufeld. Hermann was a minister, farmer, and entrepreneur. The family immigrated to Canada in 1923, settling in Winkler, Manitoba. A wealth of material.

Legacy of Kornelius Kliewer, A
Family history and Genealogy of Kornelius Kliewer (1869-1956) and his descendants.

Lehmann. See also Johann Gottlieb Lehmann 1777-1827 & Descendants

Lemke. See also Chronik über den Zeitabschnitt 21.Januar 1945 bis Ende 1946

Loeppky. See also Peter Kornelius Froese & Descendants: What Is my House?

Lepp. See also Lost Dreams, New Beginnings.

Lest We Forget ... the Lord’s Grace in Our Lives 1917-1990
Story of Herbert and Mary Mirus

Let Me Tell You My Story
By Mervin Driedger. Born on the Canadian prairies, the author went on to mission work in Africa. He married Myrl Neufeld. Large paperback, numerous photos of family and mission operations. 2006. 188 pp.

Letters and Memories.
Bound photocopy. Family history of Johann and Maria Neufeld, compiled by an unnamed daughter. Letters from Russia translated by the unnamed compiler. This is an interesting mix of translated letters, a biography of the Neufelds, some brief historical and geographic background, and photos. Self-published, undated, 24 pp. text.

Letters Saved by Katharina Rempel, Covering the Years from 1926 to 1978.
Translated by Hilda Neufeld Rempel. Numerous original letters, with translations. Meticulously documented book, includes documents from Canadian Board of Colonization. Family tree, genealogies, keepsakes, photos. All laminated and bound.

Life and Family of Wilhelm Abram Matties.
The life and times of Wilhelm Abram Matties (1888-1958) and Justina Wiebe (1887-1920) br> and second wife Agnes Klassen (1891-1993). Includes photos and a family tree. Large bound photocopy.

Life and Heritage of the D. K. Janzens.
By David Janzen and Adelina Mehmel. Undated. Photocopied and bound. Lively
account of Russian Mennonites and their immigration to Canada. Numerous b/w photos.
Family trees. Includes a German-language appendix written by David Janzen: a
hand-written family tree. 221 pp.

Life and History of the D. K. Janzens, The

Life and Times of Alfred (Fred) Rempel, The.
By Herman Driediger. The story of a Russian Mennonite who fled with the retreating German troops during World War II. Glossy hardback, large print. Many photos, mostly in colour. Self-published. 60 pp.

Life and Times of a Renaissance Mennonite Teacher: Cornelius A. Klassen (1883-1919) and Beyond
Written and compiled by Robert L. Klassen. Diaries translated by Olga Funk. Internet print-out. Strictly text, some detailed and articulate Russian Mennonite history. Appendices include Klassen’s poetry and genealogical information on his siblings. 93 pp.

Life Before Canada
By Selma Kornelson Hooge and Anna Goossen Kornelson. Well-written and edited story of Russian Mennonite families who managed to escape the Soviet Union via the Great Trek in 1943. Kornelson and Goossen are the base family names. Large paperback, beautifully designed, photos, graphics. Abbotsford: Judson Lake House Publishers, 2018. 107 pp.

Life Filled with God’s Leading, A: The Life Journey of Peter & Elsa Tielmann (nee Funk)
By Peter and Elsa Tielmann. A translation of a German volume, also available. This is a story from the Russian Mennonite stream, and in particular the flow of refugees during and after World War II. Numerous b/w photos. Documents and letters. Large bound photocopy. 125 pp.

Life of Gerhard David Huebert, The: Living the Word
The life story of G. D. Huebert, beginning in 1906 in Russia, ending with chapters on Gerhard the writer, conference man, preacher and theologian.

Life Story from 1925 to 1943
Twelve-page document written by Agnes Amalie Willms Froese. A vivid description of life during the years of the Great Depression in Canada. Also digitized.

Life Story of Gerhard and Maria Siemens
Autobiography of Gerhard Siemens, translated originally by Jakob Friesen, edited by Maria Siemens Matty. Large glossy bound paperback. Numerous b/w photos. The story of a Russian Mennonite who fled the Soviet Union with the German army during World War II, resided in Paraguay for a time, and finally immigrated to Canada. No date. Self-published. 443 pp.

Life Story of Henry H. Boldt, The
Written by Henry H. Boldt, edited by Janet Boldt and Beverly Boldt Klassen. Large glossy paperback, well-designed, with numerous photos interpolated. Russian Mennonite story. 2019.

Life Story of Henry Jacob Janzen.
Bound photocopy. Russian Mennonite story and emigration to Canada. Description of life in Yarrow, BC. 1984. 16 pp.

Life Story of Henry Wiebe from Margenau to Canada, The
A 23-page document tracing the Wiebe family history. Includes maps, photos, and a neatly typed script.

Life Story of John D. Reimer 1922-2000
Memoir of John D. Reimer. No date. 162 pages text, followed by 64 pages photos b&w and colour.

Life Story of Peter P. Dick and Margareta Harder, The
This family history begins with Peter P. Dueck and Louise Peters in Prussia in the mid-1800s. The bulk of the story traces the family history through Russia to Canada against the backdrop of early Mennonite history. Definite genealogical information begins with Peter P. Dick (Dec.2, 1898) and Margareta Harder (March 20, 1904). Subtitled "In the Shadow of the Almighty."

Life Story of Sue Warkentin Doerksen, The
Told through interviews with Sue Warkentin Doerksen, edited and compiled by Janet Boldt. A story from the 1920s Russian Mennonite stream. Photos throughout, some genealogy. Self-published, 2020. 59 pp.

Life Was Good: The Life of Franz Kroeker and his Ancestors From Prussia and Russia to the US and Canada
History, family stories, maps, b x w photos, timelines. Appendix of historical documents such as Schleitheim Confession. Self-published, Courtenay, 2009, 378 pp. By Keith D. Kroeker.

Link the Past. A Family History of Victor David Sawatzky born in 1939 to David Gerhard Sawatzky and Sara Helene Thiessen in Nieder-Chortitza, Ukraine.
By Linda Epp Sawatzky. Large glossy paperback, with some family stories, many photos both b/w and colour, generational charts, letters. Russian Mennonite story. Winnipeg, Eppisode Publishing, 2014. 142 pp.

List of Descendants of Philip and Anna Wiebe, A
For the Philip Wiebe Family Reunion, Winkler, Manitoba, 1977. “This is not an official Family Tree but is based on the information sent to us for this occasion. Compiler unknown. 10 pp.

Living Wisdom
Written by Phyllis Pellman Good, photography Paul M. Schrock. Published by Herald Press. Paul and Alta Erb. Alta was a teacher and Paul a writer/editor. Phyllis Good interviewed them when they were in their eighties and the book is made up of those interviews.

Loeppky. See also Peter Kornelius Froese & Descendants: What Is my House?

Loettkemann. See also Thielmann family information

Loewen. See also Abraham Jacob Loewen: 100 Years Celebration 1874-1974

Loewen. See also Abraham Jacob & Maria Loewen Family: A Journey Under God’s Providence

Loewen. See also Aganeta Loewen Genealogy Chart

Loewen. See also Dietrich Loewen Family History and Genealogy, The 1820-1985

Loewen. See also Elias Elias Loewen (b. ca. 1764), his wife Helena Fast (b. ca. 1773), and their Descendants

Loewen. See also Exodus: One Refugee Family’s Story of Coming Out of War, Loss and Poverty

Loewen. See also Family life in Speedwell, Sask. 1930-1943

Loewen. See also Friesen-Loewen Family History

Loewen. See also From Prussia to Russia to Canada: The Sawatzky Family 1802-2009

Loewen. See also Heinrich Penner and Margaretha (Loewen)

Loewen. See also Jacob B. and Margaretha (Loewen) Toews Family Register 1855-1938

Loewen. See also Jakob A. Loewen

Loewen. See also Johann Johann Loewen

Loewen. See also Mein Lebenslauf und Die Familie Löwen (My Life Story and the Loewen Family)

Loewen. See also Memories

Loewen. See also Memories of Susanna (Braun) Loewen

Loewen. See also William D. Loewen

Lohrenz. See also Peter Lohrenz Family

Look at the Past, A - The Memoirs of Heinrich Wiens translated by H.E. Wiens.
These are the memoirs of Heinrich Wiens from 1917 to the 1950's.

Lost Dreams, New Beginnings: The Jacob Aron and David Aron Lepp Family Saga.
By Kenneth Peter Petkau. Subtitled From the Mid 1700s to 1955. A large glossy paperback telling the story of a Russian Mennonite family. Excellent and detailed history of the Russian Mennonite colonies before and during the Bolshevik Revolution. Numerous photos, some colour graphics, detailed genealogies. Well-indexed, a glossary of German terms, and several appendices. Saskstoon, Globe Printers, 2008. 290 pp.

Löwen. See also Mein Lebenslauf und Die Familie Löwen.

Love & Remembrance. From the Journals of Dietrich & Katharina (Matthies) Rempel. Volume 1. Origins to 1927.
Compiled, edited and translated by Helene (Rempel) Klassen. This beautifully designed book begins with background history, then moves on to the journals of the translator’s grandfather. Many b/w photographs of good quality. Indexed. Mennonite colonies in Ukraine. Judson Lake House Publishers: Abbotsford, 2012. 186 pp.


Man of Peace in a Time of War, A
Dairy of Henry Harder, 1914-1918, who served in the Russian Army as a medical corpsman. Translated by John C. Dyck. Henry Harder was born 1893 in Wohldenfürst, the Kuban. He emigrated with his family in 1926 to Canada. Fascinating diary filled with vivid details. Included are some photos and documents. Printed 2000. 75 pp. + photos.

Mantler, Peter (1748) - The Mantler History.
Begins with Peter in Altendorf, Grosswerder, Prussia whose second wife was Margaret Sawatzky (1773). Contains genealogical information and family history and a descendant chart.

Marie Cornelsen geb. Wieler: Stationen eines Mutterlebens in Briefen und Bildern
By Marianne Cornelsen-Ullrich. German-language narrative on a family living in Germany. Colourfully designed with photos, letters, maps, genealogies. 1997. 70 pp. + appendices.

Maria Mierau, The Loving Trail Blazer
Author unnamed. Slim mimeographed document of a Russian Mennonite who left the Soviet Union in the 1920s. Photos, some background history. Undated. 41 pp.

Maria, Our Mother.
Illustrated story of Mary Penner Froese. Written by daughter Margaret D. Tiessen. 1999, 67 pp.

Maria’s Century
Born Klassen, married as Maria Martens.

Martens. See also Come Walk With Me: the autobiography of Margaret Martens Janz

Martens. See also Days Gone By: The Wilhelm Wiebe-Elizabeth Martens Family

Martens. See also Genealogy of Aron Martens

Martens. See also Gerhard A. & Ageneta Martens Wiens

Martens. See also Maria's Century

Martens. See also Martens Family, The. 1843-1975

Martens. See also Memories of John R. Martens

Martens. See also One Hundred Years on the Martens Family Farm 1903-2003: Main Centre, Saskatchewan

Martens. See also Penner Family Genealogy: Heinrich Penner and Catharina Martens

Martens. See also Search for Faith, Peace, & Home, A: A History of The [sic] Bernhard Jacob & Katharina Martens Dyck

Martens. See also Where Have the Years Gone?

Martens Family, The: 1843-1975
Small paperback, well organized and indexed. Exclusively photos with family histories. A. Olfert & Sons, Clearbrook, BC, 1975. 98 pp.

Martens Family Heritage, The. Author unknown.
Genealogies, some basic Mennonite history,
in soft binder, 8x11, Gestetner copy, date unknown.

Martin. See also On the Wheel of Life: The story of Paul and Ruth Martin

Martin Thiehsen und seine Nachkommen
1737-1977. Vorwort Hermann Thiessen.

Matthies. See also Love & Remembrance. From the Journals of Dietrich & Katharina (Matthies) Rempel

Matties. See also Life and Family of Wilhelm Abram Matties

Medley of Memories, A
A family history starting with the non-Mennonite name, Pump. The family integrated itself into the Russian Mennonite community after emigrating from Germany. This delightfully designed book includes memoirs, narratives, and numerous photos. Compiled by Lydia Schroeder. Integrity Book Services, Abbotsford, 2003. 74 pp.

Meine Erinnerungen: Lebensbericht eines Russlanddeutschen (My Memories: Account of a Life of a Russian/German)
Personal memoir by Peter Janzen, German language, Russian Mennonite story, paperback, elegantly told, some photos b/w, printed in Germany, 2002, 178 pp.

Meine Lebensgeschichte
By Helena Neumann Wiens (nee Friesen). An account of her life with a brief family history and photographs. German language photocopy. Self-published, c. 1976.

Mein Lebenslauf und Die Familie Löwen (My Life Story and the Loewen Family).
Written by Gerhard Löwen and Harward Krushel. The story of the Loewen family in Russia and the USSR from the 1920s through to the 1970s, when some of the family emigrated to Germany as Aussiedler. German language, printed in Germany where the author resided at the writing of this book in the 1970s. Large 8x11 paperback with numerous photos, colour and b/w. 122 pp.

Mein Lebensweg "Er führet mich ..."
The life story of Elfriede Penner Friesen. Includes an excellent selection of b/w photographs.

Memoir, A
By Agnes Hubert. Life after the Bolshevik Revolution and immigration to Canada. Large bound paperback. Photos. 1989. 42 pp. John B. Toews library.

Memoir, A
By John Ratzlaff. Russian Mennonite background. Covers a career in teaching. Glossy bound paperback. Family trees, photos. No date. 83 pp + appendices. John B. Toews Library.

Memoir, A: My Life’s Journey.
A well illustrated biography of Abram J. Berg, covering the years 1903 to 1997. The life story of Abram J. Berg, 1903-1997, edited by Betty and Dick Epp. In addition to the narrative of Berg’s life, this autobiography includes maps, charts, photos and an extensive genealogical chart.

Memoir of Frank Wiens
Subtitled That’s the Way It Was. Events and Stories of the life of Frank J. Wiens. Bound photocopy. Photos b/w, family tree. Russian Mennonite story that moves from Molotschna to Siberia to North America. 1993.

By J. M. Ewert. Bound paperback. Story of descendants of Russian Mennonite immigrants. Interesting narratives of family life in the prairies and on the West Coast, including Vancouver. Well-illustrated with photos. Undated. 102 pp.

Russia to Canada Mennonite story, b/w photos. By Reverend John J. Unger.

Memoirs from the Lives of Peter P. Giesbrecht and Elizabeth Giesbrecht.
Translated by the children of the couple. Bound photocopy. Dramatic story of the lives of Peter and Elizabeth Giesbrecht during the times of the Russian Revolution, and later their experiences in Mexico. Ends with their life in Yarrow, BC. Originally in German. 1963. 14 pp.

Memoirs of Abram J. Esau
This comprehensive memoir begins in the 1800s with Johann J. Esau (b.1838) and Helena Pauls (b. 1884) in Halbstadt and Schoensee, Russia. Memories of life in Russia, Saskatchewan, B.C. and the Congo comprise an interesting account of a full life. Included is a large collection of fine photographs.

Memoirs of Alex Neumann
Russian Mennonite memoir of the Revolution, immigration to Canada, life on the farm, raising a family. Succinctly told. Photos, paperback. 34 pp. John B. Toews library.

Memoirs of Anna (Braun) Brown, The
Translated by Margaret (Brown) Froese, typed by Trudy (Froese) Voth, 2 volumes, 335 pages. This is Anna’s life story. She begins with a first recollection of standing in a doorway in the sunlight at two years old. Her father was a schoolteacher who was forced to give up teaching in the late 1800s. They moved to the village of New York in New Russia. She provides a great deal of detail about her own teaching experience, the period of revolution, health problems of her sisters and her own and their medical care, their weddings and the emigration to Canada. The second volume covers her life in Saskatchewan and British Columbia. The story ends on July 25, 1976 when Anna is 82, alone and lonely.

Memoirs of Corney Corneyevich Wiebe
This Wiebe Family history begins with Gerhard Wiebe (1781 – 1848) and Elisabeth Kroeker (1783 – 1844). Their descendants moved from Prussia (1868- 1872) to Russia. Corney Wiebe’s story is one of tragedy and confession regarding his life and his family’s life in Soviet Russia.

Memoirs of Isaac Abram Dyck
The voice is that of a Russian Mennonite, born 1903 in Chortitza. Dyck worked in education, became involved in care home services, and served with the Mennonite Central Committee. He taught at Yarrow Bible School before achieving a degree in education. Strictly text. Well-written.

Memoirs of Peter Daniel Loewen
A story of God’s grace and faithfulness.

This family history begins in the 1800s and outlines the beginnings with Peter J. Reimer (1887-1953) & Maria Kasper (1890-1968) and their children. Special attention is given to their daughter Helen who married John Loewen. It is the family of Helen & John Loewen which are featured in this thoughtful writing done by Helen (Reimer) Loewen.

By Anna Wiebe Block, 1906-1994. A short overview of my childhood, youth and marriage in Russia, and then our life here in Canada. Large photocopy, photos, mostly narrative. Winnipeg, 2002.

Memories. Emilie Warkentin.
Bound photocopy, Russian Mennonite memoir, documents, maps, 33 pp. Author, nee Ulbricht.

Memories Are Made of This: The Story of the Johann and Liese Dick Family of Coaldale, Alberta.
Compiled and edited by David Dick. Well-organized family history, numerous black and white photos, genealogies, timelines, memoirs. Large bound volume. Calgary, self-published, 2000, 267 pp.

Memories from my Life
By Heinrich J. Friesen. Life during the Russian civil war told in detail. The family immigrated to Canada. Some of the story is told in the style of a diary. Paperback, photos. 1995. 192 pp. John B. Toews library.

Memories of By Gone Days
By Anna Windels. Large photocopy, all text. The story of the Heppner family, who were of Kanadier Mennonite descent. Pioneer life on the Canadian prairies. 49 pp.

Memories of David Dietrich Guenther
The autobiography of D. D. Guenther, a Russian Mennonite who fled the Soviet Union, immigrated to the Canadian prairies, and moved to Yarrow, BC. Large bound copy. 2006.

Memories of Heinrich Sudermann of Frankenthal, Germany: As He Grew Up in the Ukraine, Russia and Made His Way to Germany
German language memoir. Typed, bound, pages in plastic covers. Detailed memoir of a survivor of Stalinist USSR. No photos. 237 pp.

Memories of Jacob & Katherina Dueck
Compiled by Elvira Dueck. Paperback. Life story simply told. Russian Mennonite story. Photos. John B. Toews Library.

Memories of John R. Martens
1985. Compiled by John R. Martens. (We also have a large roll on which the family genealogy of the Martens is written out which is stored on the Family History shelf in the Archives Room.)

Memories of Susanna (Braun) Loewen
Brief narrative with photos and genealogies. Photocopy. 16 pp.

Memories that Linger: Autobiography of J. Sandy Friesen
Large hardcover. Charmingly told story of a Russian Mennonite family that fled to the Canadian prairies in 1926 only to endure the Great Depression. Photos. Comanche Publishing House, 1983. 161 pp.

Memory of the Righteous will be a Blessing, The: The Wilhelm Isaak Dyck Family
A handsome glossy paperback. Some of this is translation. A Russian Mennonite family history. Part 1: “Memories of My Parents, Maria and Wilhelm Isaak Dyck,” by Maria Dyck Martens. Part 2: “My Parents, Your Grandparents,” by Elfrieda Dyck Balzer. Graphics, photos. Winnipeg, 2008. 122 pp. John B. Toews Collection.

Mennonite Heritage, A: A Genealogy of the Suderman & Wiens Families, 1800-1975
By Carolyn L. Zeisset - begins with Heinrich Suderman (1806-1842) and Adelgunda.

Mennonite Legacy of My “Kanadier” Grandparents, The
By Hilda Bergen Riediger Dueck. Handsome hardcover, photos, genealogies. The book tells the story of the author’s maternal grandparents, Heinrich Bergen and Margarethe Rempel, who were among the earliest Russian Mennonites to immigrate to Canada in the 1870s. Friesens History Book Division, 2022. 217 pp.

Mennonites and Kornelius Kornelius Isaak’s Sojourn (1866-1935) Among Them in Russia and America, The
Compiled by Robert Klassen. Bound photocopy. Articles, brief life stories, some genealogy, obituary, short histories. No date, no pages.

Mierau. See also Jacob & Margareta Mierau Family Ancestors & Descendants

Mierau. See also Maria Mierau, The Loving Trail Blazer

Miller. See also Descendants of the Daniel P. Miller Family

Miller. See also Descendants of Levi J. Miller and Mattie Zook

Mirus, Herbert and Mary.
Lest We Forget ... the Lord's Grace in Our Lives 1917-1990

Molded by the Master.
Autobiography of Art Isaac. Large glossy paperback, numerous photos. The book tells the story of Isaac's birth in Manitoba to Russian Mennonite immigrants, his boyhood, marriage, family life, and ministry in BC. Chilliwack, Fraser Valley Custom Printers, 2007. 179 pp.

Mother's Heart, A.
Elizabeth Reimer Affleck, as told to her daughter, Esther Dyck. Attractive paperback, self-published, well-told Russian Mennonite life story, numerous b/w photos, profiles, vignettes from various authors, 139 pp, 2010.

Muensterberg Hueberts, The
A family history and genealogy of the descendants of Claas Huebert 1785-1853 and Maria Thiessen 1788-1827, second wife Anna Rempel (died in 1835) and third wife Elisabeth Toews 1814-1902.

Muller. See also My Path of Life: An Autobiography

My Background and Life’s Experiences
By A. J. Thiessen. Life reminiscences—business, politics, church, family—of a man whose ancestors immigrated to Manitoba in the 1870s. Large hardcover, numerous photos. Altona, 1982. 102 pp.

My Experiences: By the Grace of God
Brief narrative of a Mennonite who escaped the emerging Soviet Union via Constantinople. Photocopy. Memoir of Jacob G. Sawatzky. 12 pp.

My Family - My Memories.
By Erna Buhler. The story of Frank and Helena Andres Peters. Russian Mennonite narrative written by the daughter. Bound photocopy. Photos, drawings. Simple and well-told story. Some genealogy and maps. Self-published, 1997. 94 pp. + appendix.

My Father Jacob Jacob Friesen
His father’s story told, self-published, bound 8x11, 60 pp, plus 9 pp b x w photos. By Jacob Herman Friesen.

My Father’s House
By S. A. Derksen. Large hardcover. Well-written family history of Isaac and Anna Derksen. Mennonite family was part of the 1870s immigration to Canada and the United States. Photos, family trees. 1980. 74 pp.

My Journey: My Autobiography
A self published autobiography. Werner and Margaret (Willms) Falk. Key family names: Falk, Schapansky, Wieler, Dueck, Adrian. A short introduction on grandparents, paternal and maternal. A personal story from birth in Hepburn, Sask. To life in various areas of British Columbia. Experiences, as student, teacher, social worker and retiree.

My Legacy
By Paul Goerz. Intriguing story of a Russian Mennonite family, their flight from the Soviet Union, and settlement in Brazil. Photos, family trees, maps. Bound photocopy. 1994.

My Life: as written by Abraham Henry Falk
Large glossy volume with colour and b/w photos throughout. The family history of Russian Mennonites – but the stories originate from the family’s Canadian experience, for example, Abbotsford and Dawson Creek. As told by Falk to his daughter Carol. No date. 306 pp. Also in the John B. Toews Collection.

My Life in Retrospect 2012-09-12.
By Jake Balzer. Large bound photocopy. Memoir of a Russian Mennonite. Well-written story of the flight from Russia, his education, life as a missionary, auditor and translator. Accounts of travels abroad. 72 pp.

My Life in the Twentieth Century: Memoirs of William Peter Voght.
This memoir was written in 1985, then edited by Margaret Voght Ediger in 2005. Well-written and nicely organized autobiography of a Russian-born Mennonite migrant to Saskatchewan and British Columbia. Large glossy paperback, photos both b/w and colour, footnotes. No date or publisher noted. 307 pp.

My Life on Fast Forward
Memoir by Jacob J. Friesen. Paperback. Friesen was born in Canada to Russian Mennonite parents, earned several degrees at academic institutions, served with MCC, then had a career as a pilot. Numerous photos, entertainingly written. CreateSpace, 2016. 179 pp.

My Life’s Journey
Double-spaced type, bound. By Agnes Janzen Theodor. The engaging first-person narrative of a woman, born in 1919, who worked as midwife and teacher during Stalin’s years, lived under the German occupation, joined the Great Trek westward, and finally immigrated to Canada. One photo. 52 pp.

My Life’s Memories
Memoir by Ruth Klassen. Large bound photocopy. Well-written life narrative from a talented musician who lived much of her life on Canada’s west coast. b/w photos interspersed throughout. Self-published, 2001. 37 pp. text + photos.

My Life Story
Typed, bound. 32 pages. Elizabeth Klassen.

My Life Story/The Story of My Life
Memoir by Sara Kliewer (nee Kliewer) born 1911 in Wymyschle, Poland. Bound photocopy. Well-told story of a Mennonite life in Poland and the subsequent flight to Canada. Some b/w photos. No date. 56 pp.

My Life Story.
By Elizabeth Krause Penner, September 7, 1903-September 1, 1981. Translated and edited by Frank Penner, 2005. Brief Russian Mennonite memoir, with maps and documents appended.

My Life’s Story
This is the story of Anna (Wall) Gunther (b. 2 July 1909) and her family from 1909 to 1986. Also included are the Gunther and Wall Family Trees.

My Life: The Russian Years 1900-1919
By Gerhard Wiens, edited by James Urry. Photocopied manuscript, 8x11, 61 pp. with appendices. John B. Toews Collection.

My Memoirs
Susie N Schroeder (1888-1966) tells her life story in Mountain Lake, MN. A genealogy is included beginning with Johan Baerg (b.1777) and Catrina______(b. 1787).

My Memoirs
By Helen Rempel Wiens.

My Mother's Prayers Have Followed Me: Memoirs of Henry Warkentin (1923-2000).
A well-written memoir, large paperback, Russian Mennonite story. Many b/w photos. n/d. 142 pp.

My Path of Life: An Autobiography
By Henry H. Muller. Translated and edited by Bruno Muller. Published by David F. Loewen. Nicely designed hardcover. From Russia to BC’s Fraser Valley. Numerous b/w photos. Translated 2004, published 2017. 132 pp.

My Pilgrimage
By Nicholas N. Fransen.

My Pilgrimage
By Reuben Ratzlaff. Reminiscences of an individual who immigrated to Canada in 1906. Large paperback. Photos, poems, graphics. Linden, Alberta, 1984. 33 pp. John B. Toews Collection.

My Remembrances in Four Books
An interesting account of Jacob Dyck’s life in the Soviet Union during the 1920s to the 1950s, including war and imprisonment, 268 pp. By Jacob Dyck.

My Story (As I Remember...).
Bound photocopy. Detailed memoir of Abraham J Konrad, 1926-2004. Photos b/w, 2004, 224 pp.


Nachkommen von David Jantzen. (Ancestors of David Jantzen).
Bound photocopy. Detailed family tree. 2010, 47 pp.

Neudorf See also Aus Meinem Leben

Neudorf. See also He Leadeth Me: Genealogy.

Neudorf Family
Peter D. Neudorf, dating back to the early 1600s by Jake P. Neudorf. Begins with Abram Neudorf b. 1761 in W. Prussia.

Neudorf Family, The
Compiled by John J. Neudorf, Henry J. Neudorf, David J. Neudorf. Paperback. Mostly photos with life sketches. Focus on Osterwick, Russia with maps and a brief history. 1967, 71 pp.

Neufeld. See also Descendants of Johann & Agatha (Neufeld) Peters

Neufeld. See also Dietrich P. Neufeld and Anna G. Sawatzky

Neufeld. See also Down Memory Lane: the Kornelius J. & Maria Neufeld Family

Neufeld. See also Family Chronicle.

Neufeld. See also From the Urals to the Fraser Valley

Neufeld. See also Genealogy of Tina Plenert neé Neufeld

Neufeld. See also God’s Miracles on our Journey

Neufeld. See also Heinrich Fehr (1846-1911 and Sarah Neufeld (1847-1922)

Neufeld. See also “He Who Promised Is Faithful . . .”

Neufeld. See also Lebensgeschichte oder Tagebuch von Hermann u Katarina Neufeld Nikolajewka

Neufeld.See also Let Me Tell You My Story

Neufeld. See also Neufelds & Borns of Kubanka, The

Neufeld. See also Neufelds of Waldheim 1744-1985, The

Neufeld. See also Peter and Helena (Neufeld) Esau

Neufeld. ee also Reflections

Neufeld. See also Salomon Neufeld Descendants

Neufeld. See also Sara's Family – My Family

Neufeld. See also Stitch in Time, A

Neufeld. See also Zur Erinnerung an unsere Groß- und Urgroßeltern Jakob Friesen und Anna Friesen geb. Neufeld

Neufelds of Waldheim, The 1744-1985
Compiled and edited by Wm. Neufeld. Large hardcover. Russian Mennonite stream. This book contains some text but is heavily devoted to family histories, accompanied by a treasure trove of photos. Self-published, c. 1985. 204 pp.

Neufelds & Borns of Kubanka, The
Edited by Colin Neufeldt, Kevin Neufeldt, David Wiebe Neufeldt. Subtitled “A Pictorial History of Two Families.” Large glossy hardcover, numerous photos b/w, genealogies, documents. Russian Mennonite family history. Self-published, 2006, 358 pp.

Neufeldt. See also Call to Remembrance: Abraham C. Neufeldt & Elisabeth Heinrichs

Neufeldt. See also Family Genealogy Schroeder & Neufeldt

Neufeldt. See also Neufeldt Family History

Neufeldt. See also Trek nach Westen, Der

Neufeldt. See also Unser Lebenslauf: Hellmut und Margarete Neufeldt

Neufeldt. See also Unser Stammbaum (Family Tree)

Neufeldt Family History
This is a photocopy of a book about the descendants of Albert Neufeldt (1875-1945) and Hedwig Penner (1882-1936). Photos, stories, documents and genealogy are all included.

Neuman, Neuman-Friesen Family History.
Life Story of Johann and Helena Neuman, Neuman Reunion '93.

Neumann. See also Canadians Through Miracles: Heinrich Dietrich & Sarah Neumann Family

Neumann. See also I Remember by David H. Neumann

Neumann. See also Meine Lebensgeschichte

Neumann. See also Memoirs of Alex Neumann

Neustaeter. See also Family Tree of George Krahn

Never Come Back
By Karen Jensen. Handsome coffee-table size paperback. Story of Aaron and Susanna Rempel’s life in pre-revolutionary Russia, the ensuing troubles, and flight to the United States. Written in novelistic form. Well illustrate and designed. Pittsburgh: Dorrance Press, 2019. 333 pp.

Never Complain! The Life Story of Anna (Dyck) Rempel
Co-authored by Anna Rempel, who gives a first-person account, and her son Dave Rempel. A moving story of a Mennonite who survived Stalinist oppression, retreated with German forces in 1943, and immigrated to Canada. Photos, documents. 80 pp.

Nickel. See also Descendants of Peter Andreas & Katharina (Nickel) Vogt, The

Nickel. See also Family Register of Peter and Maria Nickel

Nickel. See also Genealogy of My Grandparents Johann and Aganetha (Nickel) Thiessen

Nickel. See also Great Is Thy Faithfulness, Oh God our Father: Life & Experiences of David Nickel

Nickel. See also Johann and Maria Nickel

Nickel. See also Kroeker Family Genealogy, The. The Ancestors and Descendants of Abram A. Kroeker and Elizabeth Nickel

Nickel. See also The Nickel Family Tree.

Nickel, The Nikkel-Nickel Family of Prussia, Russia, America and Canada.
Compiled by John P. Nickel and Gene M. Nikkel

Nickel. See also Peter Nickel Genealogy

Nickel. See also Story of Abram P. Nickel and His Descendants, The

Nickel. See also Story of Jacob A. Nickel and His Family, The

Nickel Family Manuscript, The: A Family History to Be Proud of
Researched and compiled by Alice Nickel Funkenhauser. Large bound photocopy. Mostly family trees, but includes numerous b/w photos and graphics. A German-language excerpt from Der Bote. Russian Mennonite stream.

Nickel Family Tree, The
Theodore Nickel (1832-1894) and Eva Ratloff (d. 1872) and second wife Anna Ewert.

Nikkel-Nickel Family of Prussia, Russia, America and Canada, The
Compiled by John P. Nickel and Gene M. Nikkel

Niebuhr. See also Anna: Anna Niebuhr Story

Niebuhr. See also Descendants of Peter Niebuhr (1828-1894) & Margaret Paetkau (1834-1916)

Niebuhr. See also Records: Jacob H. Niebuhr

Compiler/editor unknown. Large bound paperback. Photos, sketches, an article photocopied and inserted. Russian Mennonite family. John B. Toews Collection.

Von Niessen - See also Sara's Family - My Family.

Nightingale. See alsoHearts Set On Pilgrimage.

Nikkel. See also Frank and Tina (Dueck/Nikkel) Their Story.

Nikkel. See also Nikkel-Nickel Family of Prussia, Russia, America and Canada, The

Njunja, the Little Girl from Franzovka, by Gerhard Peters.
Large paperbound book, life story of Anna Friesen Peters, Russian Mennonite narrative, numerous b x w photos, original accounts, memoirs, as well as additions by husband G. Peters, interesting compilation of articles, published in memory of< Anna/Njunja, Steinbach, Derksen Printers, n.d., 48 pp.

Nostalgic Recollections of Jacob Krueger
This is a candid account of Jake Krueger’s life in Canada.

Not Only With You...The Story of Kornelius Penner (1876-1923) & Katharina (Bergen) Penner (1877-1959)
Compiled and edited by Martin Penner. Russian Mennonite family story which centres around the Great Trek during World War II. A family tree ... interspersed with anecdotes from their lives and that of their children, and with poems by Martin Penner. Paperback. Photos, genealogies. No publication data. 93 pp.

Not Without Zeal. Lessons from Life: The Story of Henry R. Baerg.
Russian Mennonite life story. Life on the Canadian prairie. Some photos. Entertaining narrative. Written and self published by Elfrieda and David Dick. Calgary, 2000, 192 pp.


Olfert.See also Daniel Olfert Family Story, The: Our Heritage

Olfert. See also Invisible Hand, The

One Hundred Years on the Martens Family Farm 1903-2003: Main Centre, Saskatchewan
Assembled and written by a number of Martens family members. Prepared for the centennial observance of the Martens farm, June 2003, in conjunction with a Martens family reunion. Some brief histories, poetry, genealogies, but mostly photos, many in colour.

One Hundred Years on the Prairies: A History of the Priebe Family 1874-1974
Author not noted. History, narratives, documents, photos, family trees. Bound photocopy. 1974. 167 pp.

On the Wheel of Life: The story of Paul and Ruth Martin
By Paul Martin. Memoir of Ontario Mennonites. Entertainingly written. 1997. 160 pp.

Other DeVeers, The
Genealogy of Gijsbert Jansz DeVeer born 1556 in Schiedam and Debora Harnasveger in 1580. Includes a name index.

Our Enns Family History. Compiled by Agatha C. Enns Ratzlaff.
Large bound book, detailed genealogies, numerous photos b/w, some brief accounts. A revision of the 1975 Family Register of the Johann J. Enns Family. 1995, 89 pp.

Our Family.
Compiled by Linda Willems Fast. Meticulous genealogies of the Schmidt family, beginning with Martin Schmidt, born 1766. B/w photos, maps and sketches, and some creatively written profiles. Even a couple of stories. St. Jacobs Printery, 1985, 161 pp.

Our Family Heritage
The ancestors and descendants of Peter Dyck (1847-1881) and Maria Bestvater (1839-1889). Includes extensive genealogical information, many photos plus family stories.

Our Family Heritage
Genealogy of Peter P. and Anna (Schroeder) Ratzlaff, 1600 to present, by Agatha Ratzlaff.

Our Family Story Book by Grandpa K.
Edited and compiled by Lorlei Barkman. The Krahn family history begins the volume. Following that are numerous childrens’, adults’ and folk stories that relate to the Russian Mennonite immigrant experience. Nicely designed and entertainingly told. Grandpa K. is John J. Krahn. Altona: Friesens, 2000. 176 pp.

Our Family Tree: Cornelsen-Kornelsen
Subtitled “The Johann Jacob Kornelson Family 1884-1974.” Compiled by Helen Kornelsen. Large paperback. Brief profiles and genealogies. Numerous photos, graphics. Indexed. Watrous, Saskatchewan, 1998. 212 pp.

Our Heritage
Compiled by Hedy Janzen. Photos, genealogies, memoirs. Russian Mennonite history, hardcover 8 1/2 x 11, 147 pp.

Our Heritage: Peter N. Wolf (1850-1934) & Sarah Vehr (1851-1902) Family History 2006.
Massive 2-volume hardcover work. Mennonite genealogy with Mexican connections. Detailed genealogies, family trees, replete with b/w photos. Any German passages are in parallel English translation. Includes brief life stories. These are two volumes that involved an enormous amount of research. Friesen Printers. Published by Wolf Family History Book Committee, La Crete, Alberta. Total 1190 pp. + indices in each volume.

Our Heritage: The Story of the Philip Wiebe Family from Russia to Canada
Told by Tina Wiebe Sawatzky. Written by Hedy Sawatzky Hein. Detailed genealogies and family profiles. Some brief narrative. Philip Wiebe married Anna Bestvater. 1998.

Our Hiebert Family 1864-2008.
Bound 8 1/2x11, numerous photos b/w & colour, genealogies, lists, no compiler or date noted, 185 pp.

Our Journey
Personal memoirs by Henry and Clara Klassen. Russian Mennonite story, photocopied, bound, some genealogies.

Our Trip Around the World to Mission Fields
Nov.4, 1969-Mar.31, 1970. Paul and Sarah Wiebe

Our Wiensz Heritage: Our Mennonite Heritage and Our Place Among the Descendants of Heinrich Wiensz (1774-1819).
Compiled by Esther J. Wiens et al. Heinrich Wiensz. 1774-1970s.
Website: Our Wiensz Heritage by David C. Wiens.


Paethkeau, The Book - 1714-1987.
This is the history of the Jacob Jacob Paetkau (1789-1843) and Margaretha Klassen (1791-1864) family. Includes extensive genealogical information with numerous photographs and some maps.

Paetkau. See also Descendants of Peter Niebuhr (1828-1894) & Margaret Paetkau (1834-1916)

Paetkau. See also Patkau-Harder Family Album – 1759-1980

Pankratz. See also Familienstammbuch der Familie Pankratz 1804-2004

Pankratz. See also Gerhard G. Derksen (1866-1933) and Anna J. Pankratz (1871-1969)

Partial History and Genealogy of the Ancestors and Descendants of Kornelius Nickolai Wittenberg and Agatha and Elisabeth Regehr, A
Compiled by their great-grandson Douglas K. Siebert, Eugene Oregon. Detailed genealogies. Mimeographed/photocopied in binder. The book begins with a few well-written life stories. No pages. 1968.

Patkau-Harder Family Album – 1759-1980
Jacob Paetkau (1759-1818) and Magdalena Froese (1762-1831) lived in Tiegenhagen, West Prussia and later the family moved to Russia and then to the Americas. Included are family stories and photographs along with genealogical data.

Pauls. See also Pauls/Toews Engagement Letters – 1926-1929

Pauls. See also From the Ural Mountains to the Canadian Prairies

Pauls. See also "Unsere Familie."

Pauls/Toews Engagement Letters - 1926 - 1929.
These are letters written by Helen Toews and David Pauls while they were waiting to be reunited after three years. David Pauls arrived in Arnaud, MB in 1926 and Helen Toews arrived in 1929.

Pauls. Also see "Unsere Familie"

Pauls/Toews Engagement Letters – 1926-1929
These are letters written by Helen Toews and David Pauls while they were waiting to be reunited after three years. David Pauls arrived in Arnaud, MB in 1926 and Helen Toews arrived in 1929.

Penner. See also 65 Years of Freedom: Penner-Sawatsky 1923-1988

Penner. See also Abraham Penner Book 1783-2003

Penner. See also And Johann Begat ...

Penner. See also Chronology of the Toews Family, The

Penner. See also David F. & Helena Penner Family Picture Book

Penner. See also Escape from Arkadak: The Gerhard Penner Story

Penner. Also see Familien Johann und Kornelia Penner und deren Nachkommen 1790-2006.

Penner. See also Familien Johann und Kornelia Penner und deren Nachkommen, Die 1790-2006

Penner. See also Family Tree of Peter and Katherina Riediger (Penner), The 1782-1983

Penner. See also Franz Penner and Sarah Buhler

Penner. See also Heinrich Penner & Anna Woelk

Penner. See also Heinrich Penner and Margaretha (Loewen)

Penner. See also Isaac & Maria (Penner) Doerksen

Penner. See also Lebensgeschichte

Penner. See also Maria, Our Mother.

Penner. See also Mein Lebensweg "Er führet mich ..."

Penner. My Life Story

Penner. See also Neufeldt Family History

Penner. See also Neufeldt: Unser Stammbaum (Family Tree)

Penner. See also Not Only With You…The Story of Kornelius Penner & Katharina (Bergen) Penner

Penner. See also Penner Family: Faithful Through Adversity, The

Penner. See also Penners, The: John and Katherina and Family

Penner. See also Sara's Family - My Family.

Penner. See also Story of My Life, The

Penner. See also Three Hundred Years: Peter Penner and Margarethe Wiebe

Penner. See also Unser Stammbaum (Family Tree)

Penner. See also Wiens and Penner Families

Includes Mennonite History background, family stories, recipes, songs, etc.

Penner and Family - 1898-1995.
The story of John Penner (1898-1983) and Katherina Friesen (1905-1968) in Schoenwiese, MB and later Altona, MB. Family stories, photos and family register are all included.

Penner Family, The: Faithful Through Adversity
Compiled by Katy Penner. Large paperback. This is a Russian Mennonite narrative. Numerous genealogies, dates, and names carefully compiled. A few maps, photos, and brief narratives. Self-published, Saskatoon, 1996. 490 pp.

Penner family genealogy. Untitled.
Compiled by Arnold Penner with assistance from his wife, Jean. Arnold passed away in 1976 before completing the genealogy. The manuscript was finished by Erna Penner Gossen. Some brief Mennonite background history, but detailed genealogies of the Penner family, beginning with Peter Penner 1, born c. 1759, Lower Saxony. Bound photocopies. 59 pp.

Penner Family Genealogy: Heinrich Penner and Catharina Martens

Penner Family History Book 1680-2000 The Descendants of Peter O. Penner (1832-1910) and Margaretha Friesen (1832-1891).
Text, numerous photos, detailed genealogies.

Penner Family Tree - 1808-1985. By Mary Giesbrecht.

Penners, The: John and Katherina and Family
Edited by Don Penner. Family stories of the Mennonite immigrants to Canada and the United States in the 1870s. Nicely designed, with b/w photos and a family register as an appendix. Self-published, Altona, Manitoba, 1995. 62 pp.

People of Peter and Margaretha Epp, The
Compiled by Henry P. Epp. Subtitled “A collection of pictures and writings by family members.” Large paperback. Mostly photos and associated dates, with a few life sketches. Published in Leamington, Ontario, 1986. 66 pp.

Perseverance Prayer & Progress: The Friesen Story, Canada - 1967.
A large glossy paperback. R. A. Friesen is the compiler: "Together They Built: Presented at the Friesen Reunion, August 13, 1967, Laird, Saskatchewan." Numerous b/w photos, family trees. Some anecdotes and history. Attractive compilation with detailed genealogies. Kanadier story: the original immigration to Canada took place in the 1890s.

Personal Reminiscences of Cornelius Wilhelm Langemann (1899-1988).
Translated by Hugo Unger, who was Langemann's neighbour in Corniesheim, Friesland Colony, Paraguay from 1948-1954. Bound photocopy. The story of a Mennonite fleeing the Soviet Union after the First World War and settling in Paraguay. This is the tale of the early very difficult years of settlement in the Chaco. Vividly told. 67 pp.

Perspectus, Dick family: footprints on the sands of time
Written and compiled by Henry Dick. Nicely designed mid-size paperback. History and narrative, Russian Mennonite story. Life on the prairies. Unpaginated. 2003.

Peter, A Man of Stamina and Courage
Peter and Mariechen Dyck Koop

Peter and Anna (Reimer) Regehr Biography
This biography includes the ancestors and descendants of Peter Regehr (1883-1977) and Anna Reimer (1883-1977). Includes an extensive account of family history and genealogical listings.

Peter and Helena (Neufeld) Esau
This is the genealogy of Peter Esau (d.1794) and Helena Neufeld (b.1772) and their descendants.

Peter Cornelius Isaak, Nov 13, 1920-Oct 29, 1962
The story of a Russian-born Mennonite who joined the Canadian military and served overseas. He died in a mining accident. Good compilation of documents and records. Numerous photos. Large bound photocopy. By Ron Isaak, submitted by Cheryl Isaac.

Peter D. Friesen Family History 1500-1950.
Bound photocopy. Detailed family trees, some short histories, maps. No date or author (compiler) available.

Peter Dyck Family, The
This genealogy begins with Frank Dyck (1817-1887) and his (unnamed) wife (1822-1897). The story begins in 1873 in Hierschau, Molotschna, S. Russia although a previous generation had moved there from West Prussia. Included is a good selection of family photographs. By Ernest Dyck.

Peter Heydebrecht und seine Nachkommen
Compiled by Hermann Thiessen. German-language. Hardcover, strictly genealogies. The genealogies are extremely detailed, going back to the 1700s to Russia and beyond. Burgdorf, Germany, 1990.

Peter J. Fehr Family, The
Compiler and editor is not noted. Manitoban Mennonites, “Kanadier.” Strictly photos and family trees. Hardcover. 128 pp.

Peter Hiebert Genealogy, The
Compiled by J. W. Wohlgemuth. Brief foreword, otherwise exclusively genealogies.

Peter Kornelius Froese & Descendants: What Is my House?
This is the story of Peter K. Froese – 1828-1901 and Maria Block and second wife Maria Loeppky and their descendants in the 1900s.

Peter Lohrenz Family
Peter Lohrentz I (1781-1856), Grossweide, W. Prussia and Maria Dyck (1785-1858), Dychsmuehle, W. Prussia. Extensive family documentation is given.

Peter Lotkeman and Helena Dirks
Peter 1885-1917. Helena 1863-1903.

Peter Nickel Genealogy
Large binder. Strictly genealogy, some photos. Russian Mennonite family.

Peter P. Harder & Gerhard P. Quiring
From Prussia to Russia to North America: 300 Years from the 1500s to the present and the family tree.

Peter Unger 1855-1936: A Memoir, An Ancestry Story
Compiled and edited by Peter and John Pauls. Large glossy paperback, large print. This book includes “Peter Unger’s Memoir,” “The Ancestors of Peter Unger,” and notes on Unger descendants. A Russian Mennonite story. Maps and photos. Guelph, Ontario, 2017. 32 pp.

Peters. See also Aron F. Peters (1893-1972) and Elizabeth Dueck (1895-1963)

Peters. See also Bernhard Peters: Ancestors & Descendants

Peters. See also Celebration of Family, A.: The Heinrich P. & Helena (Wiebe) Peters Family

Peters. See also Daniel John Peters

Peters. See also David J. Peters & Katharina Krahn Family History 1895-2016

Peters. See also Descendants of Daniel D. Peters 1794-1879, The

Peters. See also Descendants of Johann & Agatha (Neufeld) Peters

Peters. See also Family History of Nickolai and Sara (Peters) Reimer, The 1625-2017

Peters. See also Family Tree of Gerhard Peters

Peters. See also From Moscow to Plum Coulee: Escape from Russia of the Paul P. Peters Family

Peters. See also Genealogy of Bernhard Krahn 1847-1930 and Helena Peters 1849-1919

Peters. See also Genealogy of Gerhard Peters

Peters. See also He leadeth me in the right path

Peters. See also How God Leads

Peters. See also Isaak F. Peters

Peters. See also Jacob & Helena (Peters) Siemens and descendants

Peters. See also John Peters Family Tree 1863-1993

Peters. See also Last Train, The

Peters. See also My Family: My Memories

Peters. See also Njunja: The Little Girl from Franzovka

Peters. See also Once There Was a Man

Peters. See also Sharing Memories

Peters. See also There Once Was a Man ... Events in the Life of Cornelius C. Peters

Peters. See also Three Generations: A trilogy of autobiographies covering three generations of the Plett/Peters families

Peters. See also Twice Abandoned: The John Peters Story

Peter’s Story: A Journey Through Life’s Challenges
Autobiography of Peter H. Sawatsky. Hardcover. The author left Russia as a young boy with his family and grew up on the Canadian prairies. Well-designed, numerous illustrations. 178 pp. John B. Toews library.

Peters Family Heritage Album
By Ernest H. Baergen

Petkau. See also Search for a Peaceful Land: The Peter David Petkau Family Journal

Petker. See also Dankt Dem Herrn Mit Frohem Mut

Petker. See also Henry Petker Family Tree, The

Petker. See also Story of Mary Dück Petker, The

Philippsen, Alvin (1929 to present)Life story.

Pictorial History and Genealogy of the Thiessen and Friesen Families, A
Book 1 and Book 2. This is an extensive history and description of Mennonites in general and the Thiessen and Friesen families in particular from 1752-2001. Includes extensive genealogical information.

Pidde..See also Cornelius Jacob Isaak (1887-1968) & Lydia Adolf Pidde (1887-1967)

Pilgrims and Strangers
The story of our Exodus from Russian and Settlement in Canada - 1800s-1970s. Translated by David Ewert, Jr., written by David Ewert, Sr.

P. J. Fehr Reunion August 92, Hague
Compiled and edited by Justina Fehr. Family data. 30 pp.

Place of Kindness, A
As told by Henry W. Redekopp to Susan Hiebert. Paperback. Photos b/w. The life of a Russian Mennonite who immigrated to Saskatchewan in the 1920s. Derksen Printers, Steinbach, 1990. 78 pp.

Plenert. See also Genealogy of Tina Plenert neé Neufeld.

Plett. See also Familienregister der Nachkommen von Groszeltern Kornelius und Sarah Plett 1953

Plett. See also Johann Plett: A Mennonite Family Saga

Plett. See also Three Generations: A trilogy of autobiographies covering three generations of the Plett/Peters families

Poetker. See also Wiesenfeld: They Came from Wiesenfeld

Prairie Memories
Small paperback written by Nancy (Siemens) Hoeppner. Tales of pioneer life charmingly told. Numerous photos, b/w. Keswick, Ontario, 1994. 42 pp.

Preuss. See also Family Genealogy of Anthony Dueck

Priebe. See also One Hundred Years on the Prairies: A History of the Priebe Family 1874- 1974

Pries. See also Family Register of David Aron and Anna Pries 1870-1970

Pump. See also Medley of Memories, A


Quiring. See also Last Train, The

Quiring. See also Peter P. Harder & Gerhard P. Quiring


Rahn. See also Family Story of Peter J. and Susanna (Rempel) Rahn

Rahn. See also God’s Grace Is Sufficient: The Life Journey of Peter and Catarina Rahn

Rahn. See also God’s Grace Is Sufficient: The Life Stories of the Children of Peter and Catarina Rahn

Rahn. See also Klassen. see also God’s Grace in the Family: John and Erika (Rahn) Klassen

Ratzlaff. See also Andrew B. Ratzlaff

Ratzlaff. See also From the Don to the Fraser

Ratzlaff. See also Genealogy of the Descendants of Heinrich Ratzlaff (1848-1922), The

Ratzlaff. See also Memoir, A

Ratzlaff. See also My Pilgrimage

Ratzlaff. See also Our Family Heritage

Ratzlaff. See also "Unsere Familie."

Ratzlaff. See also Vater Abram: Von der Ukraine &uumbl;ber Sibirien und China nach Paraguay und Kanada.

Ratzlaff. See also Von Don an den Fraser: Forschung und Erinnerung

Ratzlaff Family Register
By Eric Ratzlaff, 1971. Family trees, genealogies.

Recollections & Reflections
Memoir of family, growing up, ministry on the Canadian prairies. As much reflective as historical. Colour and b/w photos appended. Large bound photocopy. 70 pp. + photos. John B. Toews library.

Recollections: As it happened.
By Hugo Unger, written between 1999 and 2009. Both memoir and family history. No photos. Some hand-drawn maps and genealogies. Russian Mennonite story, a well-written narrative of post World War II flight and life in Paraguay. Large glossy book, 361 pp. + maps/genealogies.

Recollections: As it happened
Updated version. Written 2019-2023 by Hugo Unger.

Recollections of My Life
Life story of Katharina H. Regehr (1894-1982) from birth to about 1950.

Records: Jacob H. Niebuhr.
Records kept by Jacob Niebuhr: Section one: Birth and death dates of family members and others. Section two: Listing of memorable events, including family events, political, etc. Bound photocopies. All hand-written. No date. Russian Mennonite line.

Redekop. See also John Redekop: My Memoir

Redekop(f) Clan, The
A committee effort. Hardcover. Mostly family photos with genealogical information. Some narrative. 1980. 145 pp.

Redekop (P) Book, The – The Descendants of Redekop (P) Book, The – The Descendants of
Benjamin Redekop (1833-1907) and Anna (Wiebe nee Baerg) Redekop (1819-1899) Freda Pellman Redekop-Editor.

Redekopp. See also Gerhard & Anna (Redekopp) Wiebe: From Prussia to Russia, to Canada, USA, Mexico, Paraguay

Redekopp. See also Place of Kindness, A

Redekopp. See also Sawatzky Family Album 1742-1976

By John J. Neufeld. A Russian Mennonite story that is as much memoir as family history. Neufeld taught at Mennonite Educational Institute in Abbotsford and expressed his gifts in music. Large hardcover. Photos, both b/w and colour. 2006. 185 pp.

Reflections and Memories Based on My Life
By Ron Thiessen. Large glossy paperback, attractively designed, numerous photos. The story of an entrepreneur on the Canadian prairies. 2010. 137 pp.

Reflections and Recollections
By Albert John Rempel, published on the occasion of his 80th birthday, November 20, 2008. Bound photocopy. The author was born in Canada to Russian Mennonite parents. The book chronicles life on the prairies and British Columbia, and relates Rempel’s experiences with the East Chilliwack Co-op and Mennonite Disaster Service. Photos b/w. 39 pp.

Reflections of Herman Driediger: My First 65 Years
A carefully produced pictorial and written biography, plus family history of the Driedigers.

Regehr. See also Abram L. and Helena Regehr Family Book

Regehr. See also As It Was: Experiences in the family of Henry and Katie Regehr

Regehr. See also Familienstammbuch & Geschichte der Familie Regier (1700-1995)

Regehr. See also From Russia ... with Love: Diaries of Jacob I. Regehr (1897-1989)

Regehr. See also Genealogy of Berend Dyck

Regehr. See also Gerhard & Aganetha Regehr 1853-1993

Regehr. See also Katherina Regehr Black Book

Regehr. See also Partial History and Genealogy of the Ancestors and Descendants of Kornelius Nickolai Wittenberg and Agatha and Elisabeth Regehr, A

Regehr. See also Peter and Anna (Reimer) Regehr Biography

Regehr. See also Recollections of My Life

Regehr. See also Shepherd David and His Flock, The

Regehr. See also So Wie Es War

Regehr. See also Story of the Family Regehr 1700-1995, The

Reger. See also Familienstammbuch & Geschichte der Familie Regier

Reger. See also Story of the Family Regier, The 1700-1995

Regier. See also Lebensgeschichte Jacob und Elisabeth – Regier – Dueck

Regier. See also Remembrances of My Life in Russia 1866-1895

Regier. See also Through the Years with C. W. Regier

Reich erfülltes Leben, Ein: Tina Stahl erzählt aus ihrem Leben
Story of Tina Stahl, and her journey from Paraguay to Canada. Transcribed by Elfriede Reimer. Well-designed paperback, photos, all German language. Abbotsford, 2018. 107 pp.

Reimer. See also Abraham J. (1877-1943) and Maria Froese (1882-1935) Reimer

Reimer. See also Abraham R. Reimer 1841-1891 Book 1

Reimer. See also Aron R. Reimer 1885-1953 Margaretha L. Dueck 1885-1968

Reimer. See also Autobiography of Abram H. Reimer

Reimer. See also Cornelius Reimer Story

Reimer. See also David F. & Helena Penner Family Picture Book

Reimer. See also Familienregister der Nachkommen von Klaas und Helena Reimer

Reimer. See also Family History of Nickolai and Sara (Peters) Reimer, The 1625-2017

Reimer. See also Family Tree of Johann A. Reimer, Margaretha Funk and Descendants 1780-1985

Reimer. See also Henry and Sara (Reimer) Kornelson

Reimer. See also It's Been Good: Anecdotes and Episodes from My Life

Reimer. See also Jakob C. Reimer Diaries 1915-1926

Reimer. See also Life Story of John D. Reimer 1922-2000

Reimer. See also Memories

Reimer. See also Mother's Heart, A

Reimer. See also Peter and Anna (Reimer) Regehr Biography

Reimer. See also Reimer Family Book

Reimer. See also Two Tinas and their Children, The

Reimer. See also Wiesenfeld: They Came from Wiesenfeld

Reimer. See also Wooden Shoes and Gum Boots: It’s all about the journey

Reimer Family Album.
Descendants of Abraham J. & Maria Reimer, 1887-1996.

Reimer Legacy: A Compilation of Historical Voices.
Edited and translated by Katherine Martens and Edgar G. Reimer. Paperback. Chapter entries on various individuals in the Reimer family, entertainingly and vividly written. Russian Mennonite stories, some regarding Stalinist Russia and Gulag survivors. Some chapters translated from German. Self-published, 2015.

Reimer Family Book
Herein are contained the biography and descendants of Peter R. Reimer of South Russia. The compilation ends as of 21 October 1984. Some 848 descendants are accounted for. Peter Reimer lived 1845-1915.

Reinke. See also Remembering the Jacob and Maria Reinke Elias Family

Remembering God’s Faithfulness: The A. J. and Betty Klassen Story
Russian Mennonite stream, Canadian story. By Elizabeth Gertrude Suderman Klassen. Photos, maps, family trees. Both husband and wife were prolific writers. 2023.

Remembering Our Heritage: The Story of Anna & Cornelius Janzen
As told by Anna Wiebe Janzen. Retold and compiled by her daughter Linda Janzen Unruh. Russian Mennonite family history, hardcover, well-designed. Family members retreated with the Germans during World War II. Numerous photos. 2013. 217 pp.

Remembering the Jacob and Maria Elias Reinke Family.
By Arthur Hoock. Bound photocopy. Story of Ukraine Mennonites and their immigration to Canada. Narratives, letters, and diaries. Photos colour and b/w with identification, as well as documents and maps. Detailed family trees. Self-published, 2013, 108 pp.

Remembrances. By Susie Klassen Dirks. Written to brother David Klassen, October 9, 1981. Translated from the German by Jacob Klassen, October 1993. Story of Russian Mennonites Simply and accessible told, with photo, map, and glossary. Self-published, 24 pp.

Remembrances of My Life in Russia 1866-1895
This book covers the period from 1859 -1936. Besides personal comments it contains extensive genealogical information beginning in the 1800s for the Wiens, Bahnmann, Janzen, Rempel and other families. Katherine Wiens Bahnmann Dyck Regier.

Reminiscences From the Lives of Peter & Anna Epp
8 1/2 x 11 bound, bxw photos, family tree, Russian Mennonite history.

Rempel. See also Building Life's Bridges

Rempel. See also Einlage, Chronik des Dorfes 1789-1943

Rempel. See also Erinnerungen

Rempel. See also Erinnerungen eines Ruβland-Deutschen

Rempel.See also Familien Chronik Erster Band von David D. Rempel
Familien Chronik Zweiter Band von David D. Rempel

Rempel. See also Family Chronicle.

Rempel. See also Family History of Johann W. Rempel and Katharina (Epp) Rempel.

Rempel. See also Family Story of Peter J. and Susanna (Rempel) Rahn

Rempel. See also Frag deine Eltern, was damals geschah.
Lebensgeschichte meiner Eltern Peter und Eugenie Rempel.

Rempel. See also From Bolshevik Russia to America: A Mennonite Family Story

Rempel. See also Genealogy of Jacob Rempel

Rempel. See also Heinrich H. Rempel Story, The

Rempel. See also Johann S. Rempel and Family 1830-1899

Rempel. See also Journey Home, A

Rempel. See also Letters Saved by Katharina Rempel, Covering the Years from 1926 to 1978

Rempel. See The Life and Times of Alfred (Fred) Rempel.

Rempel. See also Love & Remembrance. From the Journals of Dietrich & Katharina (Matthies) Rempel

Rempel. See also Mennonite Legacy of My “Kanadier” Grandparents, The

Rempel. See also My Memoirs

Rempel. See also Never Come Back

Rempel. See also Never Complain! The Life Story of Anna (Dyck) Rempel

Rempel. See also Reflections and Recollections

Rempel. See also Rempel Family, The 1797-1976

Rempel Family, The: 1797-1976
Paperback. Written, edited, and compiled by Hans Rempel. The members of this Rempel family took part in several migrations from Russia to North America. The book contains numerous b/w photos with family data and histories. Some brief vignettes. Clearbrook, BC, 1976. 337 pp.

Rempel Family Book.
Documents the history, ancestral roots and genealogy of Wilhelm Rempel (1820-1901) and Agatha Sawatzky (1825-1882). This is a large book containing extensive family history.

Rempel Family History
The family history of the Rempels dating back to 1735. This account includes genealogical charts, narrative history and photographs. Margaret Pump.

Rempel Family History.
The Rempel Family 1797-1976. This family history, written by Dr. Hans Rempel, covers the generations from David Rempel 1840 onwards. Included is a brief overview of Mennonite history, some genealogical family trees, a bibliography, a very fine collection of b/w photos of each of the families listed in the book.

Resting in God Alone
By Stephan A. Kampen. Bound photocopy. Contains a short narrative of Albert Davidovich Kampen and family. Seventh Day Adventist and Mennonite connections. Photos. In the John B. Toews Collection. 81 pp.

Richert. See also Tina Richert Goertzen

Richly Fulfilled Life, A: Tina Stahl’s Recollections of Her Life
Written by Elfriede Reimer. Translated by Ernie Reimer. Beautifully designed mid-size paperback. Story of a Russian Mennonite who found a career as a nurse in Paraguay. Judson Lake House Publishers, Abbotsford, 2019. 108 pp.

Riediger. See also Family Tree of Peter and Katherina Riediger (Penner), The 1782-1983

Riediger. See also Genealogy of Abraham Riediger

Riediger. See also Wie Gott Fuehrt

Riesen. See also Genealogy of Johann von Riesen - Friesen

Rogalsky. See also B. B. Janz & M. Rogalsky: Janz Reunion 92

Rogalsky/Janz - The Next Generation by Linda Friesen.
This family history book brings the Janz story up to date (2005). Contains many family photos along with family updates. Also included are descendant charts and family group sheets as well as a "Short History of Our Forefathers" written by J.B. Janz

Roots, Life and Reflections of Peter P. Unger and Family
By Paul Unger, 1996.

Russia Letters
Letters written from Russia to Edward Esau and family in Kansas and to Gerhard Esau II and family in Nebraska. By Elma E. Esau.

Rutt, Aaron B. & Elizabeth Weaver.


Salomon Neufeld Descendants
Genealogy of Salomon Neufeld, born in the early 1700s (spouse unknown) and descendants are listed to the 1800s.

Samuel M. and Magalena (Brubacher) Horst Family Book, The. 1841-1925.
Large bound photocopy. Compiled by Orvie Horst. The story of Swiss Mennonites who emigrated from Europe to the United States and from there to Ontario. Numerous genealogies and family trees, along with anecdotes and some excellent sketches. Lengthy surname index. No date or place of publication given. 489 pp.

Sara's Family - My Family: Stories and Pictures of the Funk and Neufeld Von Niessen.
Penner Ancestors and Descendants Large attractive paperback, compiled by Erna Schmidt Unrau, Waterloo, ON, no date. Russian Mennonite story, with numerous b/w photos, documents, genealogies. 375 pp.

Sawatsky. See also 65 Years of Freedom: Penner-Sawatsky 1923-1988

Sawatsky. See also Anna (Van Eitzen) & Helena (Sawatsky)

Sawatsky. See also Twig on a Branch of the Harder Family Tree, A

Sawatzky. See also Link the Past. A Family History of Victor David Sawatzky born in 1939 to David Gerhard Sawatzky and Sara Helene Thiessen in Nieder-Chortitza, Ukraine

Sawatzky. See also Dietrich P. Neufeld and Anna G. Sawatzky

Sawatzky. See also From Prussia to Russia to Canada: The Sawatzky Family 1802-2009

Sawatzky. See also Heinrich Sawatzky Family

Sawatzky. See also Mantler History, The

Sawatzky. See also My Experiences: By the Grace of God

Sawatsky. See also Peter’s Story: A Journey Through Life’s Challenges

Sawatzky. See also Rempel Family Book

Sawatzky. See also Sawatzky Family Album

Sawatzky. See also Sawatzky Genealogy

Sawatzky. See also Twig on a Branch of the Harder Family Tree, A

Sawatzky Family Album 1742-1976.
This is a record of Johann Sawatzky (1863-1941) and Justina Redekopp (1868-1934) their ancestors and descendants, 1742-1976.

Sawatzky Genealogy, 1760-1980.
Compiled by Helen C. Andres 1980. Large bindered photocopy. Almost strictly genealogical material, with a few photos interspersed. 75 pp.

Sawatzky Heritage
Compiled and edited by Anne Kroeker. Large bound photocopy, nicely illustrated and designed. Nearly exclusively family trees. Numerous photos. Russian Mennonite stream. 1993. 195 pp.

Sawatsky, Jacob and Anna von Eitzen
Genealogy compiled by Helen Nickel.

Scenes From My Life
1886-1951 Prologue Leone (Wiebe) Gislason. By P. P. Wiebe.

Schartner. See also Käthe (Schartner) Hamm 1923-1992: Journals 1946-1948 and Life Story

Schartner. See also Dear John: A Schartner Saga

Schellenberg. See also Abe and Susie

Schellenberg. See also Descendants of Aron Gerhard & Helena and Family Relations

Schellenberg. See also Schellenberg Descendants 1634-1995, The

Schellenberg. See also Descendants of Paul Schellenberg 1634-1719 & their Families.

Schellenberg. See also Der Stammbaum Epp / Der Stammbaum Schellenberg.

Schellenberg: Descendants of Aron Gerhard & Helena and Family Relations Through Marriage.
A History 1773-1996. Russia-Manitoba, Canada. Compiled and written by George Henry Schellenberg, Victoria, BC, 1996. Photocopied and bound. Interesting mix of family trees, genealogical listings, personal memoir of George Schellenberg, archival documents, history of Steinback, MB, and writings on Mennonites in Canada. Also includes phone listings of Schellenbergs, 1996. No page numbers.

Schellenberg Descendants, The: 1634-1995
Compiled and edited by Benjamin Dueck. A Kanadier Mennonite family history. Large bound photocopy. Nearly the entire book is family trees and genealogies. A few family narratives and brief histories. Self-published, Steinbach, 1995. 82 pp. + appendix.

Schellenbergs, The
Parts I and II. Written by Maria Schellenberg-Kröcker. Part I is a large hardcover that relates the Schellenberg family story within the larger European context of the German lands, Switzerland, and the Netherlands. Intensive history with some photos and graphics. Rigorously researched. Prince Rupert, 1992. 172 pp. + appendices. Part II is historical in nature as well, but focuses on the experiences of family members as Russian Mennonites. Photos, graphics. Port Hardy, 1992. Pagination continues to page 263 + appendices.

Schmiedeleut Book.
Compiled by David Gross with the help of many others. Genealogical mapping of the Schmiedeleut Hutterite families.

Schmidt. See also Ancestry/Descendants of David Dick and Katharina (Schmidt) Dick

Schmidt. See also Dick, David and Katharina (Schmidt) Parts 1 and 2

Schmidt. See also Genealogy of Bargen, Schmidt, Wittenberg and Friesen

Schmidt.See also History and Memoirs of Daniel and Annie Klassen

Schmidt. See also History and Memories of the Tobias A. Schmidt Family

Schmidt. See also Johann P. and Maria Schmidt

Schmidt. See also Jonas and Ida Schmidt: Genealogy, Biography and Memories

Schmidt. See also Our Family.

Schmidt. See also Schmidt-Enns Story, The

Schmidt. See also Schmidt Family Record

Schmidt. See also Solomon and Marie (Fehr) Schmidt

Schmidt - See also There Were Thirteen.

Schmidt. See also Unsere Familie.

Schmidt-Enns Story, The: Family History Volume 1
Compiled and edited by Jacki Miller. A mid-size glossy hardcover, beautifully designed, with many photos, maps, documents, and family stories. This book also contains some brief histories. Colourful and imaginative. The family history is of Russian Mennonite origin. Sel-published, 2015. 392 pp.

Schmidt Family Record.
Contains names, birth dates and places, wedding dates and places of death. Descendants of Heinrich Schmidt (b.1784) and Sara Harms (b.1792).

Schmidt Family Record.
John J. Schmidt (b.1843) and Elsie Schultz (b.1843).

Schoenfeld - Ens.
Traces the ancestry of John Schoenfeld (1931 - ) and Anne Ens (1935 - ). Including Lehn, Ens, Funk, Penner, Scoenfld, and Tessman families.

Schoenfeld/Kasdorf Family History Book
Compiled by Trudy Louise Claassen. Large coiled paperback. Family trees interspersed with numerous stories and photos. Saskatoon. Unpaginated, undated.

Schönwiese: ein deutsches Dorf in Sibirien.
Compiled and written by Margarete Pasytsch. German language. (Schönwiese: a German village in Siberia) Stories of Russian Mennonites who continued to live in Russia (USSR) between and after the World Wars. A treasurehouse of genealogy. Numerous family stories, but based on the ancestry of Wilhelm Giesbrecht and Johann B. Unruh. Good quality photos. Published in Gummersbach, Germany, 2010. 140 pp.

Schroeder. See also Family Genealogy Schroeder & Neufeldt

Schroeder. See also Family History Epp-Friesen from 1822 and 1760

Schroeder. See also My Memoirs

Schroeder. See also Our Family Heritage

Schroeder. See also Schroeder Book, The I & II

Schroeder. See also Stepping Stones.

Schroeder Book 1 1967, The.
No author. Large bound book, photos, documents, genealogies, 458 pp. Detailed information.

Schroeder Book II 1990, The
No author. Large bound book, photos, documents, genealogies. Detailed information.

Schroeder, Gerhard P.
German text, 115 pp.

Schultz. See also Autobiography of Elizabeth (Unruh) Schulz, The

Schultz. See also Schmidt Family Record

Genealogy compiled by Clara Klassen.

Schult, Book The.
By Elizabeth Schultz: Autobiography of Mrs. Elizabeth Schultz née Unruh. Assembled by Verney Unruh. Russian Mennonite story, migration through China. 1973. 147 pp.

Search for a Peaceful Land: The Peter David Petkau Family Journal
By Kenneth Peter Petkau. Stories from the Russian Mennonite stream. A large glossy paperback, well-laid out. Brief histories and family stories, numerous photos, maps, detailed genealogies. Documents, letters. Self-published, Saskatoon, 2003. 140 pp.

Search for Faith, Peace, & Home, A: A History of The Bernhard Jacob & Katharina Martens Dyck Family
Compiled and edited by a number of people. Inside title varies: "Bernhard Jakob Dyck Family Book." Russian Mennonite family history. Large hardcover. Mostly family stories and genealogies with numerous photos, b/w and colour. Detailed index. No publication data. 249 pp.

Sharing Memories
By Nettie (Wiens) Peters. Bound photocopy, memoir of a Russian refugee Mennonite, some photos. Lively narrative. No date, c. 1990s. 52 pp.

Shepherd David and His Flock, The.
The David and Katharina Regehr Family of Steinbach and Molotschna, 1835, by Michael Penner 8 1/2 x 11 bound, Russian Mennonite history, mostly taking place in Russia, photos, maps, genealogies, bibliography, index; some short biographies, lengthier memoirs and narratives, compiled and written by M. Penner, self-published, 2010, 102 pp.

Sherk-Shirk 1732 Freundschaft 1982.
Compiled by Lyle R. Sherk

Shirk. See also Family History of Peter Shirk.
Genealogies, photos, index, 73 pp.

Side by Side: A Memoir of Parents, Anna Enns & Heinrich M. Epp.
By Linda Epp Sawatzky. Glossy hardcover, numerous photos, maps, genealogies. Russian Mennonite stories. Eppisode Publishing, Winnipeg, 2010, 183 pp.

Siemens. See also Jacob & Helena (Peters) Siemens and descendants

Siemens. See also Jacob Siemens Family Since 1685

Siemens. See also Lebensgeschichte

Siemens. See also Prairie Memories

Siemens. See also Story of Peter Jacob Friesen and Elisabeth Siemens Friesen and their Family, The

Siemens. See also Trials and Triumphs of a Mennonite Lady: The Life Story of Elisabeth (Siemens) Enns

Siemens. See also Life Story of Gerhard and Maria Siemens

Solomon and Marie (Fehr) Schmidt
Genealogies, photos, 702 pp. 1818-1991.

Something for Posterity: The Esau Family Story 1740-1933
Collected and published by Johan K. Esau. Translated from German by Susan Peters. Story of a Russian Mennonite family who settled in the Red River are in the 1870s. Large paperback, mostly text. Family data. Linden, Alberta. 17 pp. John B. Toews Collection.

So Not to Forget
Bound photocopy. Compiled and edited by Peter W. Fast in 1981. Almost exclusively family photos, all b/w. Individuals are identified, along with birth, marriage, and death information.

Sonyas Geschichte (Susie's Story): From me to you.
Genealogy of Frank (b 1886) and Susanna (b 1908) Warkenten/Warkentin. Bound and photocopied. Part I is a translated memoir by Sonya/Susie Warkentin Klippenstein. Part II is a listing of descendants. Includes information on the massacre in Eichenfeld, South Russia, October 26-7, 1919. Some of the story is a bit sketchy, but still a fascinating insight into the life of a Russian Mennonite who emigrated to Saskatchewan. 16 pp.

So Wie Es War
The story of the H. Regehrs born in Annowka, later of Winnipeg and retirement in Clearbrook.

Spuren: Die Chronik der Familie Duerksen/Dirksen.
"Traces: The Story of the Duerksen/Dirksen Family." By Erwin Rempel. High quality hardcover, self-published in Harsewinkel, Germany, 2011. The story of Umsiedler, that is, Mennonite "resettlers" who migrated to Germany from the Soviet Union when the doors were opened. Replete with photos. Good genealogies and family trees. 125 pp.

Stahl. See also Reich erfülltes Leben, Ein: Tina Stahl erzählt aus ihrem Leben

Stahl. See also Richly Fulfilled Life, A: Tina Stahl’s Recollections of Her Life

Stalter Stories from Z to A: The Stalter Family in Zweibrücken; Illinois; Alberta
German Mennonite family genealogies from Europe to North America. Whimsically told and thoroughly researched. By Donald D. Kauffman. Edmonton, 2008. 213 pp.

Der Stammbaum Epp / Der Stammbaum Schellenberg.
Der Familie Jakob Epp und Katharina, Geboren Schellenberg (Epp Family Tree / Schellenberg Family Tree. he Family of Jakob Epp and Katharina nee Schellenberg) Compiled and written by Johann Epp. Russian Mennonite line. Genealogies and family trees, numerous photos b/w. Thorough work. German language. Self-published, Bielefeld, Germany, 1986. Hardcover. 80 pp.

Stammbaum Warkentin
Compiler is not listed. German-language. Some Russian Mennonite history, followed by family photos and information. Many of these families are Aussiedler, leaving the USSR after the 1970s. No dated.

Stammbuch der Familie des Abraham und Margeretha (sic) Giesbrecht
Compiler unknown. Margaretha’s maiden name, Bergen. Large bound paperback, a few b/w photos. Strictly genealogies. Druckerei Friesen, Loma Plata. 109 pp.

Stammbuch der Voreltern Jakob und Maria L. Dueck 1839-1955
Mostly German language, some English. Author/compiler is unlisted. Paperback. Mostly family trees with a few brief life sketches interspersed. 56 pp.

Stammtafel der Familie Driedger 1962.
"Genealogical table of the Driedger family." Compiled by Paul Schowalter, secretary of Germany's Mennonite Historical Society and minister of Weierhof Church. German language. Bound photocopy. Mostly genealogy, Prussian Mennonites, with some background material. 40 pp. + appendices.

Stammtafel der Familie Driedger 1962
Small paperback. German-language version of the above.

Staunen und danken ... Geschichte der Familie Abraham Konrad
By Margaret Pasytch. Family story of Mennonites who lived through the Stalinist regime and were ultimately successful in immigrating to Germany. Large glossy paperback, numerous photos, both colour and b/w. Gummersbach, 2010. 256 pp. John B. Toews Collection.

Steegstra. See also Wooden Shoes and Gum Boots: It's all about the journey

Stepping Stones.
By Susie Schroeder Wilkie, as told to Debbie Fieguth. Brief life story, folksy narrative style, b/w photos. Canadian Mennonite story.

Stitch in Time, A
The story of Helena G. (Kroeker) Neufeld includes ancestors in Prussia, life in Russia and Canada.

Stobbe. See also Autobiography of Abraham Stobbe

Stobbe. See also John P. and Margaretha Stobbe 1968-1993

Stobbe Family Album: Descendants of John and Margaretha Stobbe
Compiled for the Stobbe Reunion '93 by George D. Falk.

Stories of My Life / Dyck Family Register: 200 Years of History
The book begins with a vividly told narrative of a Mennonite family’s life in Russia and their escape by retreating with the German army in 1943. They eventually settled in Canada. The rear end of the book (upside down) contains twenty pages of family data. Edited and compiled by Bruno Dyck and David Dyck. 161 pp. life narrative. 1999.

Stories of Faithfulness: The Journeys of Peter & Tina Wiens
By Victor Wiens. A glossy mid-size hardback. Photo history, with text, of a Russian Mennonite family.

Story of Abram & Anna Wiens, The - The Wanderers.
By John Wiens - (found in our Library - Biography section) This is the story of Abram and Anna Wiens containing a history of the Mennonites and their development from Prussia to Russia and to Canada. It also includes genealogical information beginning with Peter Wiens (1804-1881) and Maria Penner (1810-1890) as well as Martin Dueckmann (1802-1869) and Katharina Fast (1815-1898).

Story of Abram P. Nickel and His Descendants, The.
Compiled by Frieda Siebert Nickel. This book was put together in sections over the years, corresponding to various family trees. Numerous genealogies, plus maps, photos, and some missionary stories from Dan Nickel appended. Bound photocopy, each page individually laminated. "Russlaender" and "Kanadier" stories. Various genealogical projects were completed in 1996, 2000, 2003.

Story of the Family Regier, The. 1700-1995.
Compiled by Adina Reger and Annie Regehr, translated by Henry Regehr. Large bound volume, many b/w photos, family data, genealogies, some short prose pieces, Waterloo, ON, 2008, 409 pp.

Story of Jacob A. Nickel and his family, The
Compiled by Jacob A. Nickel 1895-1990.

Story of Mary Dück Petker, The
Date and author unlisted. Large glossy bound paperback with numerous photos, many of them in colour. Russian Mennonite story. Some of the individuals listed only escaped the Soviet Union during World War II or later, after the Communist thaw. 71 pp.

Story of My Life: Peter Dueck (Dück)

Story of Peter Jacob Friesen and Elisabeth Siemens Friesen and their Family, The
By Margaret Friesen, Vancouver, 219. 2 volumes.

This bound paperback book chronicles the history of the Peter Jacob Friesen families who immigrated to Canada from South Russia, as well as those left behind in Eurasia (includes Ukraine, Caucasus, Russia, Kazakhstan, and other Central Asian republics: Kyrgystan, Uzbekistan, etc.).

Peter J. Friesen (1867-1943) and Elisabeth Siemens Friesen (1867-1944) immigrated to Canada in 1925. Six of their children immigrated between 1924 and 1926: Peter Friesen (1891-1967), Jacob Peter Friesen (1893-1969), Katherine Penner nee Friesen (1897-1962), John Peter Friesen (1900-1978), Anna Penner nee Friesen (1904-1993), and Susie Walde nee Friesen (1905-2005).

Three of their children remained in Eurasia: Maria Peters nee Friesen (1890-1970), Elizabeth Klassen nee Friesen (1895-1980), Helen Wiens nee Friesen (1899—1936).

The book also includes biographies about John Johann Friesen (1905-2000), Peter J. Friesen’s nephew; Peter J. Friesen’s siblings; and Baerg, Janzen and Siemens ancestors and their descendants.

Maps, photo, genealogies, chronologies, travel documentation, appendices, memoirs/diaries, bibliography, list of places, index of names. Vancouver, 2019. 245pp & 241 pp.

Story of My Life, The
Memoir by Lydia Isaak, telling the story of Russian Mennonite families emigrating to and living in Canada. Large bound paperback. The narrative is interspersed with colour and b/w photos. 2015. 246 pp.

Story of My Life, The
Bound memoir with notes. 74 pp. Russian Mennonite story. By Peter P. Isaak.

Story of My Life, The
Cornelius Penner begins with a brief review of Mennonite history and then goes on to tell about the origins of his great-grandparents and successive generations. Heinrich Penner (1801-1843) and Margaretha Loewen (1804-1869) lived in West Prussia as did Wilhelm Martens (1819-1919) and Katharina Dekkar (1820-1916). The story tells of movements to Russia and Canada and their experiences along the way.

Story of William Baerg, The.
Compiled by the (unnamed) granddaughter of William Baerg. Subtitled "Dad, Grandpa & Great-Grandpa: In honour of your 85th birthday…September 14, 2007." Large glossy paperback. Mostly photos, many in colour. Some text, history and stories. Russian Mennonite story.

Stover. See also Genealogy Prepared for the Descendants of Lloyd and Adelia (Stover) Kreider, A

Strahl See also A Canadian Story: The Bill and Martha Strahl Story.

Suderman. See also Memories of Heinrich Sudermann

Suderman. See also Mennonite Heritage, A: A Genealogy of the Suderman & Wiens Families, 1800-1975

Suderman Reunion 1998, the: Souvenir Book
Compiled by Peter Suderman. Photos and family histories. The reunion took place in Abbotsford, BC, July 31-August 3, 1998. 23-page names appendix. In the John B. Toews Collection.

Sudermans from Alexanderthal, The: 1848-2011.
Compiled and edited by Victor P. Suderman. Subtitled: "A book of Personal and Family Stories, Portraits, Photos, and Genealogy." Large glossy paperback. Story of Russian Mennonites. Replete with b/w photos, genealogies, and brief life stories. Some short histories supplement the book. Published by Victor Suderman, Edmonton, 2011. 257 pp.

Susanne Remembers, by Susanne Willms Thielman.
Glossy 9"x11" memoir, numerous photos and graphics, diary entries, Russian Mennonite experience, ed. Philip Sherwood, Abbotsford, Judson Lake House, 2009, 176 pp.


Tagebuch/Diary of Maria Dyck
Diary account of life in the Soviet Union, German original, text, photos,translation into English by William Schellenberg. 153 pp. Remembrances of her experiences 1942-1946 in Stalino, Kursk and other Russian locations and then to Poland, Germany and finally to Canada.

Tale of Two Families, The: Henry Klaas & Nicolai Goertz Families
By John Goertz. A brief but compelling narrative of Russian Mennonite families. Experiences under Stalin, and in the Peace River area of Alberta. 2011. 12 pp.

Tante Anna: A Women's Life
By Sophie (Fritschi) Peters. Anna Fast.

Teichrob. See also From the Life of D. J. Teichrob and Family

Teichrob Family Story: The Last Journey
By Henry Teichrob - Library - (Biography section) This book briefly tells the story of the Mennonites placing their genesis into their European historical setting. The story of the Teichrob family begins in the 1880s and proceeds from Prussia to Russia and on to Canada.

Teichroeb. See also Diary of Jacob H. Teichroeb, The 1915-1926

Teichroeb: A Family History and Genealogy
Peter Johann Teichroeb (1829-1898) and Justina Wolf (1834-1915?). Resided in Georgstal, Molotschna. Extensive genealogy included, 1830s to 1970s.

Theodor. See also My Life's Journey

There and Then (An Autobiographical Sketch)
By Jacob Toews. The author was born in Russia, taught for some years at Indigenous schools in northern Manitoba, and later taught at Mennonite Educational Institute. Good writing style, sense of humour. Large bound photocopy. Some photos b/w and documents. Written 1992, printed later. 86 pp. + appendix.

There Once Was a Man ... Events in the Life of Cornelius C. Peters.
Bound photocopy. A lively brief memoir written by C. C. Peters for the Mennonitische Rundschau, translated by his daughter Anne Bargen, October 1980. The original article appeared in the 1973 issue. Included in this passionately written and intriguing volume are other translated articles that originally appeared in the German language Mennonite press, including the Rundschau. Documents of a remarkable man. Transcribed by Elisabeth Klassen, edited by Robert Martens.

There Were Thirteen - Stories of the Peter and Anna Schmidt Family Ancestors and Descendants.
Large attractive paperback compiloed by Erna Schmidt Unrau, Waterloo, ON, no date, 222 pp. Russian Mennonite narrative, b/w photos, genealogies, documents.

Thicker than Water: The Uncensored, Unabridged and Completely Unbiased Account of the Life and Times of the Dietrich Klippenstein Family, by Henry Klippenstein.
A frequently humorous memoir presented in incidents, with photos, cartoon drawings; paperback, North Vancouver, Loon Press, printed by Pandora Press, 2004. 134 pp.

Thiehsen. See also Martin Thiehsen und seine Nachkommen

Thielman. See also Susanne Remembers

Thielman. See also Jacob Thielman and Helena Kroeker

Thielmann family information
A listing of some of the Thielman family beginning with Jacob Thielmann (1810-1862) and Agatha Loettgemann (1819-1876) and their descendants.

Thiessen. See also Children and Heirs

Thiessen. See also Descendants of Jacob Heinrich Thiessen

Thiessen. See also Due and Fitting Praise

Thiessen. See also For Thou Art With Me: "A Tribute to My Mother"

Thiessen. See also Franz Thiessen

Thiessen. See also Genealogy of My Grandparents Johann and Aganetha (Nickel) Thiessen

Thiessen. See also Heimat Neuendorf

Thiessen. See also John and Helena Thiessen Story, The

Thiessen. See also Link the Past. A Family History of Victor David Sawatzky born in 1939 to David Gerhard Sawatzky and Sara Helene Thiessen in Nieder-Chortitza, Ukraine

Thiessen. See also My Background and Life’s Experiences

Thiessen. See also Pictorial History and Genealogy of the Thiessen and Friesen Families, A

Thiessen. See also Reflections and Memories Based on My Life

Thiessen. See also Toews-Thiessen Family Tree June 1982

Thiessen. See also Where Did the Time Go? A History of the Thiessen Family

Thiessen Family History, The 1768-2001
Compiled by Paul A. Thiessen. Large bound photocopy. Some photos and brief narratives but mostly family trees. 46 pp. + photocopied documents.

Thiessen Family: Life and Journeys.
This is the story of the Thiessen family as told by Meta (Neufeld) Thiessen
whose husband was Willi Thiessen.

Three Generations: A trilogy of autobiographies covering three generations of the Plett/Peters families
Compiled by Fred Peters. Paperback. The memories of three generations residing in Stalinist USSR and North America. Fascinating stories, photos. Fred Peters is “one of the third generation. No publication data.

Three Hundred Years: Peter Penner (1850-1924) and Margaretha Wiebe (1854-1945).
Large hardcover. A Russian Mennonite story: from Danzig and Elbing to Prussia, Chortitza and Bergthal, and finally to Rudnerweide, Manitoba. Numerous family photos and stories. An exhaustive index of names. Some introductory Mennonite history. Compiled and edited by John Dyck. Winnipeg, Manitoba, 1996. 284 pp.

Through the Years with C. W. Regier
W. Donald Regier

Tielmann. See also Gottes Führungen in unsrem Leben.

Tielmann. See also Life filled with God’s Leading, A: The Life Journey of Peter and Elsa Tielmann (nee Funk)

Tiesen. See also Heinrich and Sara (Tiesen) Janzen Family

Tiessen. See also Bartolomäus Tiessen: 350 Jahre Familientradition

Tiessen. See also Henry B. Tiessen: 50 Years

Tieszen. See also History and Record of the Tieszen Family

Tietz. See also Tante Anna: A Women’s Life

Tina Richert Goertzen
A brief account of her life and a personal account as well.

To Be Born
Episodes in the life of Wilhelm J. and his son Jacob W. Born translated by Tillie Buehler Imprint Press, Publishers. Wilhelm was born in 1897 in Herzenberg, South Russia. He was conscripted in 1916 and assigned to a hospital train. He married and immigrated to Saskatchewan and then settled in Sedalia, Alberta, where son Jacob William was born. Jacob’s story begins with the hardships of farming in Alberta. They move to British Columbia where he establishes a successful dairy business. The book includes family photographs.

Tobias Unruh 1819-1875
By A. J. Unruh. Photocopy. Diary of a Russian Mennonite who immigrated to the United States, where he died. Supplementary text by A. J. Unruh.

Toews. See also Abraham Heinrich Toews and Susanna Martha Friesen

Toews. See also Abraham Toews Family & Descendants 1774-2012

Toews. See also Chronology of the Toews Family, The

Toews. See also Cornelius P. Toews: 1836-1908

Toews. See also Jacob B. and Margaretha (Loewen) Toews Family Register 1855-1938

Toews. See also Pauls/Toews Engagement Letters: 1926-1929

Toews. See also There and Then (An Autobiographical Sketch)

Toews-Thiessen Family Tree June 1982
Compiled by H. Toews, A. Toews, P. Riediger, J. N.Toews.

A Tree Transplanted: From the Russian Steppes to the Canadian Prairies: The Story of Johann H. Epp & Helena Unrau and their Descendants.
Large hardcover. Stories of Russian Mennonites and their descendants. The book begins with a brief history of Mennonites, followed by the stories of Johann Epp and Helena Unrau and their ancestors. The central portion of the book is devoted to particular descendants with their data and usually photos. Appendix includes documents, maps, endnotes, and index. Compiled by Epp History Book Committee, Pilot Butte, Saskatchewan, 2009. 700 pp.

Der Trek nach Westen: Chronik der Flucht der Familie Neufeldt/Groß-Lesewitz aus Danzig und Westpressen im Jahre 1945.
Edited by Arne Willner. German language. Bound photocopy. "The Trek to the West: The Story of the Flight of the Neufeldt/Groß-Lesewitz from Danzig and West Prussia in the Year 1945." Well edited and introduced. The book opens with photos, and proceeds to a diary kept by Anny and Kurt Neufeldt, 1945-1946, during their flight westwards from Poland and Germany. Bound photocopy. 105 pp.

Trials and Triumphs of a Mennonite Lady: The Life Story of Elisabeth (Siemens) Enns.
Story told by Elisabeth Enns. Russian Mennonite narrative, with some Mexican components. Paperback, photos, documents, no date or publisher, 104 pp.

Tribute to Peter My Husband, A
By Mary Dirks Janzen. The journeys of Russian Mennonites, starting in the 1920s, from Crimea to Batum (today in Georgia) and Constantinople to the United States. Well-written narrative. 1984. 111 p.

Trophies, Tributes, Trees
Elsie Willms’ biographical reflections regarding her family and the ministry her husband, Art, and she were involved in.

Twice Abandoned: The John Peters Story.
This is a translation by Justina Funk, edited by Debra Brabant, of a German memoir by John Peters. Originally Das Verstossene Kind. This is as much a novel as a memoir, or perhaps might be designated as "creative nonfiction." Well-written and vivid. Translation of German title: "The Rejected Child." Large bound photocopy. 57 pp.

Twig on a Branch of the Harder Family Tree, A
This 11-page study begins with the marriage of Henry Harder and Susan Sawatsky on 11 July 1911.

Two Tinas and their Children, The.
By David L. Janzen. Large bound photocopy. Family history of Russian Mennonites: Janzen, Reimer, Hiebert. Includes some very good basic history. Many photos, b/w. A play and some poetry make this volume quite unusual. Documents include correspondence and a translated catechism. 1993.


Unger. See also Harvest of Memories: The Story of Heinrich and Maria Unger, A

Unger. See also Klippenstein Sisters, The

Unger. See also Memoirs

Unger. See also Peter Unger 1855-1936: A Memoir, An Ancestry Story

Unger. See also Recollections: As it happened See also Updated version

Unger. See also Roots, Life and Reflections of Peter P. Unger and Family

Unger. See also World Book of Ungers, The

Unger Family Tree.
Begins with Andreas Unger in west Prussia and then Peter Unger II and Sara Froese and their descendants.

Unpublished Memoirs of Henry Hepting, The.
Bound photocopy. Includes photocopied manuscript of Henry Hepting's memoirs, German, cursive script. Translated and with an introduction by Annie Hepting Enns. The author's complete name is Andreas Heinrich Hepting. Genealogies. 38 pp. plus 42 page original manuscript. Russian Mennonite story, emigration to Canada. Compiled and printed in 1985.

Unrau. See also From the Life of Heinrich Unrau & Wife Elizabeth Goertzen & Family

Unrau. See also F. P. Unrau Family

Unrau. See also Tree Transplanted, A

Unrau Family: Heinrich Unrau and Anna Jantz, Branches A to H 1795-1970
Compiled by O. J. Wall, Frazer Montana. Paperback. Except for a brief history of the Unrau family, the book consists exclusively of family trees and genealogies. Thoroughly indexed. Pine Hill Press, South Dakota, c. 1970. 168 pp.

Unruh. See also Autobiography of Elizabeth (Unruh) Schulz, The

Unruh. See also Schönwiese: ein deutsches Dorf in Sibirien.

Unruh. See also Tobias Unruh 1819-1875

Unsere Familie: A Pictorial History of the Ratzlaff, Janzen, Pauls, and Schmidt Families.
Compiled and edited by Colin Neufeldt. Large glossy hardcover, numerous photos, genealogies. Russian Mennonite history. Self-published, 2006, 332 pp.

Unsere Familie Dyck aus Rosental, Suedrussland.
Compiled by Anita Redin Dyck. German language. Thin volume of genealogies and accompanying thumbnail biographies. One b/w photo and brief memoir. Russian Mennonite wing. Published in Rapid City, SD, in 1982.

Unsere Flucht
By Helena Berg. German-language booklet telling the dramatic story of the flight from the Soviet Union during World War II. Undated. Winkler. 18 pp.

Unsere Lebensgeschichte
"von Dietrich Johann Klassen 1901-1986." German-language memoir. The author was born in Osterwick, Ukraine, immigrated to Canada, and spent much time in Ontario. Typewritten photocopy. Klassen was a minister.

Unser Lebenslauf: Hellmut und Margarete Neufeldt
German language. Brief telling of the life story of Mennonites living in Germany when World War II began. Bound photocopy. Strictly text. c. 1983. 24 pp.

Unser Stammbaum (Family Tree)
Johann Neufeldt (1824-1884) and Katherine Penner (1825-1906) and their descendants from Russia to Mountain Lake, MN and Waldheim, Saskatchewan.


Vater Abram: Von der Ukraine über Sibirien und China nach Paraguay und Kanada.
"Father Abram: From Ukraine through Siberia and China to Paraguay and Canada" By Gerhard Ratzlaff. Well assembled large paperback, Russian Mennonite story of the flight from Siberia through Harbin, China, ending in Paraguay and Canada. Written of his father, Abram Ratzlaff. Maps and photos. Self-published, Asunciòn, 2004. 150 pp.

Vehr, Sarah. SeeOur Heritage: Peter N. Wolf (1850-1934) & Sarah Vehr (1851-1902) Family History 2006

Voght. See also My Life in the Twentieth Century: Memoirs of William Peter Voght

Vogt. See also A. Vogt Family

Vogt. See also Descendants of Peter Andreas & Katharina (Nickel) Vogt, The

Vogt Family History, A: The Descendants of Andreas Vogt (1854-1914) and Aganetha Block Vogt (1857-1930).
Large glossy paperback with detailed and well researched genealogies. Numerous b/w photos. Maps and charts. Author/compiler is not listed. Copyright, Mennonite Genealogy, 1994. Russian Mennonite story. 158 pp.

Von Don an den Fraser: Forschung und Erinnerung
By Erich Leonard Ratzlaff. Large bound photocopy. Articulately told story of a Russian Mennonite family. German-language. “From the Don to the Fraser: Discovery and Memory.” Includes some history and data. 174 pp. + appendix.

Von Niessen
Compiled and edited by Clara Klassen. Russian Mennonite family with origins in Germany. Large paperback. Some narrative, mostly photos with family information. No date. 364 pp.

Von Riesen - Friesen Story.
Abraham Von Riesen (b.1769) born in Prussia and Anna Doerksen (b. 1773). Their descendants are listed along with their moves to Russia, USA, and Canada. Extensive genealogy and family stories.

Voth. See also Ancestors of Anna Voth Voth.

Voth. See also Ancestors of Anna Voth Voth

Voth. See also Diary of Franz Voth

Voth. See also Genealogy of the Family Voth

Voth. See also Genealogy of the Voth Family 1800-1974


Walde Family Book.
1795-1978 Compiled by the Family.

Walde. See also Family Story of Johann and Maria (Walde) Klassen, The

Waldner. See also House of Jacob, The

Wall. See also Anna Ediger Wall: A Heritage Story

Wall. See also By His Grace: The memoirs of Nicholas and Elizabeth (Wall) Dyck

Wall. See also Family Tree of Heinrich J. Wall and Maria Peters, The

Wall. See also Jacob Wall Diary 1824-1859

Wall. See also My Life's Story

Wall. See also Walls with Strong Foundations

Walls with Strong Foundations
Family story includes a genealogy listing beginning with Friedrich and Maria Wall.

Warkenten/Warkentin. See also Sonyas Geschichte.

Warkentin. See also Art and Vicky Warkentin Hoock Story

Warkentin. See also But for the Grace of God: Life Story of Jacob Warkentin

Warkentin. See also History Hinges on a Buried Letter

Warkentin. See also John G. Warkentin Family

Warkentin. See also John Warkentin and his Descendants

Warkentin. See also Life Story of Sue Warkentin Doerksen, The

Warkentin. See also Memories.

Warkentin. See also My Mother's Prayers Have Followed Me: Memoirs of Henry Warkentin (1923-2000)

Warkentin. See also Sonyas Geschichte (Susie's Story): From me to you

Warkentin. See also Stammbaum Warkentin

Warkentin. See also Warkentin Reunion Handbook and Directory

Warkentin Family History.
Contains a brief background of Mennonite history and includes photos and brief stories of family members. Begins with Peter Warkentin and Helena Kasper but concentrates on the descendants of Jacob C. Warkentin (1874 to 1920) and Dara Guenter (1874-1920). Compiled by Hugo Tiessen. n/d. 97 pp.

Warkentin Reunion Handbook and Directory.
Compiled and edited by Wilfred E. Penner "for the 100th Anniversary of our forebears arrival in America." Second edition. Photocopied and bound. Strictly text. Numerous and detailed genealogies. 2007. 80 pp.

Way We Were, The
The family of Johann and Cornelia Block. This is a pictorial account of the family 1935 to 1961.

Weaver. See also Family History of Aaron B. and Elizabeth Weaver Rutt, The 1985

Weber. See also Daniel and Annie (Weber) Horst Family Book 1876-1955, The

Wedel Family, The
1660-1976. Compiled by John K. Wedel. Genealogies, 35 pp.

Westward Ho!
By Jacob Wiebe. Paperback. Well-organized with lots of photos, documents. This fine book tells the story from the pespective of a Russian Mennonite who participated in the Great Trek from Nieder-Chortitza to Germany, and then westward ho to Canada. Edited by Alvin Ens. Self-published, Abbotsford, 2012. 169 pp.

What Happened to Grandmother? A gift of letters from the Willms family in Eurasia
By Margaret Friesen. This bound paperback is based on two letters written in 1932-1934 by Margaretha Willms, nee Heidebrecht (1863-1941) and other correspondence between Agatha Willms Friesen (1897-1993) and relatives in Eurasia and Canada, written between 1952 and the mid-1990s. T he book chronicles the lives and deaths of the Willms family members who experienced the years of terror and exile in Eurasia under Stalin. Photographs, letter, translations, maps, chronologies, genealogies, appendices, bibliography, name index. Vancouver, 2015. 136 pp.

Where Did the Time Go? A History of the Thiessen Family
By Katy and Henry Thiessen, as told to Dave Williamson. A well-written and designed family history of Mennonites who escaped the Soviet Union during World War II. The book includes a history section that begins with Anabaptism. Good archival and family photos. Friesens Printing, 2016. 112 pp.

Where Have All the Years Gone: Who Am I? Memoirs of Henry Martens.
Large hardcover, entertaining narrative interspersed with personal poetry, memoir of Henry H. Martens, numerous photos, some colour, 2010, 220 pp.

Wiebe. See also Abraham John and Susie (Ewert) Wiebe

Wiebe.See also See also Ancestors and Descendants of Johann Wiebe August 3, 1866-July 12, 1924

Wiebe. See also Bilder aus Meinem Leben

Wiebe. See also Celebration of Family, A.: The Heinrich P. & Helena (Wiebe) Peters Family

Wiebe. See also Days Gone By: The Wilhelm Wiebe-Elizabeth Martens Family

Wiebe. See also Descendants of Ohm Abraham Wiebe, The 1831-1991

Wiebe. See also Early Lives of Katharina and Gerhard Wiebe, The

Wiebe. See also Family of Abram N. Hiebert & Maria Wiebe Hiebert, The

Wiebe. See also Family Register of George and Anna (Wiebe) Dyck

Wiebe. See also Family Register of Gerhard Wiebe

Wiebe. See also Family Register of Gerhard Wiebe 1847-1934

Wiebe. See also Family Register of Gerhard Wiebe 1847-1934 #2

Wiebe. See also Freuden und Leiden der Familie Olga Wiebe und Johann Epp

Wiebe. See also Gerhard & Anna (Redekopp) Wiebe: From Prussia to Russia, to Canada, USA, Mexico, Paraguay

Wiebe. See also how hard can it be? Peter Wiebe – 1915-2010

Wiebe. See also Jacob and Anna (Wiebe) Esau

Wiebe. See also Jakob Wiebe: Schoenau-Molotschna, Province Taurien, South Russia, 1799-1856

Wiebe. See also Johann Wiebe Family

Wiebe. See also Kaethler-Goossen-Wiebe Familie & Nachkommen bis 2005

Wiebe. See also Klaas Wiebe Family History / Klaas Wiebe Familienregister

Wiebe. See also Life and Family of Wilhelm Abram Matties

Wiebe. See also Life Story of Henry Wiebe from Margenau to Canada, The

Wiebe. See also List of Descendants of Philip and Anna Wiebe, A

Wiebe. See also Memoirs of Corney Corneyevich Wiebe

Wiebe. See also Our Heritage: The Story of the Philip Wiebe Family from Russia to Canada

Wiebe. See also Our Trip Around the World to Mission Fields

Wiebe. See also Remembering Our Heritage: The Story of Anna & Cornelius Janzen

Wiebe. See also Scenes From My Life

Wiebe. See also Three Hundred Years: Peter Penner and Margarethe Wiebe

Wiebe. See also Westward Ho!

Wiebe. See also Wiebe Immigrants and Worldwide Descendants

Wiebe Immigrants and Worldwide Descendants
A standard issue from Halbert’s Family Heritage. Consists mostly of listing of Wiebe names and addresses. 1989. no page numberings.

Wiebe Scrapbook
CD-ROM. Compiled by Erica Suderman 2003. Family trees and genealogies. Names include Klassen, Bestvater, Schellenberg, Ens, Sawatzky. Some Russian village history.

Wie Gott Fuehrt
Family information begins with Abraham Riediger b.1808 and includes family registers, as well as stories and historical information. By S. Hamm.

Wiehler. See also Descendants of Abraham Giesbrecht and Margaretha Wiehler

Wiehlerchronik (Chronicle).
Edited by Frank Wiehler - begins with some historical background and some conjecture about early Anabaptists who may be connected to the Wiehlers. Begins with Cornelius Wiehler, 1786 and his wife Agnete Funk. Mostly German language. Family trees, alphabeticalized index, b/w photos. First edition 1921 by Rudolf Wiehler, published in 1930, revised 1995, 2000. 297 pp.

Wieler. See also Bible and a Plow, A

Wieler/Epp Family History.
Untitled binder edited and compiled by Gustav Klaassen, 1977. The genealogy and family history of a Kanadier family that moved from Ukraine to Saskatchewan (then North West Territories) in 1894. Strictly genealogies.

Wiens. See also Ancestors of Peter Berg & Eva Wiens

Wiens. See also Ancestors of Walter Wiens

Wiens. See also Dahl/Wiens Cousins Family Album

Wiens. See also Descendants of the Bell Ringer, The

Wiens. See also Familien Chronik von Jakob Isaak Wiens.

Wiens. See also Gerhard A. & Ageneta Martens Wiens

Wiens. See also Heritage of Faith, A

Wiens. See also In Retrospect: The Alvin and Irene (Wiens) Ens Story

Wiens. See also Journey Home, A

Wiens. See also Look at the Past, A: The Memoirs of Heinrich Wiens

Wiens. See also Meine Lebensgeschichte

Wiens. See also Memoir of Frank Wiens

Wiens. See also Mennonite Heritage, A: A Genealogy of the Suderman & Wiens Families, 1800-1975

Wiens. See also My Life: The Russian Years 1900-1919

Wiens. See also My Memoirs

Wiens. See also Sharing Memories

Wiens. See also Stories of Faithfulness: The Journeys of Peter & Tina Wiens

Wiens. See also Story of Abram and Anna Wiens, The

Wiens and Penner Families
By Dorothy Garbet. Peter and Helen Wiens.

Wiens Family Chronicle.
Includes information on family name origins and Mennonite history and then zeros in on the Wiens family history. The extensive genealogy dates back to 1561 but details emerge with Johann Wiens (b. 1748) in West Prussia.

Wiens Family of Omsk, The
By Irene Friesen Petkau, for Mennonite Studies under Professor Adolf Enns, Canadian Mennonite Bible College. Some introductory narrative, but mostly family trees. Bound photocopy. 1978. 83 pp.

Wiens Family Register, The.
By Irvin Kroeker. The story of "Kanadier" Mennonites. Narratives, photos, documents, an extensive family register. Small size paperback. Winnipeg, Regehr's Printing, 1963. 64 pages plus register.

Wiensz. See also Our Wiensz Heritage

Wiesenfeld: They Came From Wiesenfeld: Ukraine to Canada: Family Stories.
There are three sections to this family history: A collection of family memoirs and about Wiesenfeld, the Reimer Genealogy, and the Poetker Family Genealogy. The text includes a fine selection of black and white photographs.

Wiesenfeld: They Came From Wiesenfeld: Ukraine to Canada: Family Stories
There are three sections to this family history: A collection of family memoirs and about Wiesenfeld, the Reimer Genealogy, and the Poetker Family Genealogy. The text includes a fine selection of black and white photographs.

Wilhelm and Katherina (Esau) Hiebert Family Story
Wlihelm Hiebert (1847-1908) and Katherina Esau (1849-1940). This binder contains the record of the ancestors and descendants of the Hieberts.

Wilhelm Zacharias and Descendants
1700-1996. By George I. Zacharias.

Willems. See also Gift of Laughter, The: The Story of a California Mennonite Family

Willems Family Story: God Made a Way When There Was No Way.
Begins with Gerhard M. Willems (1792-1815) and Judet Bergen (1797-1826). This is an autobiography of Nick Willems and tells the story of the Willems family including photographs and genealogy records.

Willms. See also Genealogy of Cornelius Willms

Willms. See also Genealogy of Henry J. Willms

Willms. See also My Journey: My Autobiography

Willms. See also Trophies, Tributes, Trees

Willms. See also Susanne Remembers

Willms. See also What Happened to Grandmother? A gift of letters from the Willms family in Eurasia

Willms in Canada, The: Free to Start Over
By Margaret Friesen. This bound paperback chronicles the history of the Willms families who immigrated to Canada in 1924 and 1925: Agatha Friesen nee Willms (1889-1993), Henry Williams (1886-1951), Peter Williams (1895-1976), and Margaret Wiens nee Willms (1889-1966). Maps, photos, genealogies, chronologies, travel documentation, appendices, bibliography, name index. Vancouver, 2016. 222pp.

Wittenberg. See also Genealogy of Bargen, Schmidt, Wittenberg and Friesen

Wittenberg. See also Partial History and Genealogy of the Ancestors and Descendants of Kornelius NickolaiWittenberg and Agatha and Elisabeth Regehr, A

Woelk. See also Heinrich Penner & Anna Woelk

Woelk. See also Heinrich and Katharina (Bergen) Woelk

Woelk. See also Heinrich Woelk genealogy

Wolf. See also Teichroeb: A Family History and Genealogy

Wolf. See also Our Heritage: Peter N. Wolf (1850-1934) & Sarah Vehr (1851-1902) Family History 2006

Wolfe. See also Abraham P. Hiebert And Descendants

Wooden Shoes and Gum Boots: It’s all about the journey
By Mary M. (Reimer) Steegstra. Glossy paperback, numerous photos, b/w and colour. The book tells the story of the family's Russian beginnings and settlement in Yarrow, British Columbia. Very well written and designed. 2015.

World Book of Giesbrechts, The
A standard ancestry book as published on demand by Halbert’s Family Heritage. Contains data obtained from searches on the family name, Giesbrecht. Large paperback. No date.

World Book of Ungers, The
A standard ancestry book as published on demand by Halbert’s Family Heritage. Contains data obtained from searches on the family name, Unger. Large paperback. 1992. 97 pp.




Zacharias. See also Autobiography of Isaak Isaak Zacharias

Zacharias. See also Wilhelm Zacharias and Descendants

Zook. See also Descendants of Levi J. Miller and Mattie Zook

Zur Erinnerung an unsere Groß- und Urgroßeltern Jakob Friesen und Anna Friesen geb. Neufeld
Bound photocopy, German language. Family history of European German Mennonites. Stories, b/w and colour photos, genealogies, poems, documents. The compiler/editor is not named. Self-published, Weierhof, Germany, 1998. 123 pp.


Miscellaneous Genealogy Charts and Family Stories (listed alphabetically).

Bergen, Johann - Johann Bergen's Story - From Russia to Germany to Vladivostok.

Friesen, Jacob and descendants - Jacob Friesen and (unknown) Baerg.

Friesen, Jake - Help from Prison - Verwehte Spuren.
An account of their family in Siberia and how they received help from Anna Martens in prison. (Translated and edited by Hugo Friesen)

Goerzen, Tina Richert - A brief account of her life and a personal account as well.

Hiebert, Reinhard - Genealogy of Reinhard Hiebert (1856-1919) and Anna (Gunther) Hiebert (1860?-1949).
Family tree outlines some of the descendants.

Hildebrandt, Katherina - Diary and Eichenfeld.

Loewen, Aganeta - Genealogy Chart.

Lotkeman, Peter (1885-1917) and Helena Dirks (1863-1903).

Neufeld, Helena G. - A Stitch in Time.
The story of Helena G. (Kroeker) Neufeld includes ancestors in Prussia, life in Russia and Canada.

Thielmann family information.
A listing of some of the Thielman family beginning with Jacob Thielmann (1810-1862) and Agatha Loettgemann (1819-1876) and their descendants.

Unger Family Tree.
Begins with Andreas Unger in West Prussia and then Peter Unger II and Sara Froese and their descendants.