Mission statement: "The Mission of MHS BC shall be the collection, preservation, and dissemination of knowledge of the historical heritage and the current life and times of Mennonites in BC."
Included in this collection are materials from Mennonite churches and conferences, schools, agencies (such as MCC BC), genealogy, books, periodicals, audio-visual materials and miscellaneous manuscripts.
The Archives seeks to collect materials relating to the development of the Mennonite story in BC from the 1920's to the present. Materials relating to the earlier Anabaptist/Mennonite story,
particularly in Prussia and Russia and other regions subsequently inhabited by Russian Mennonites, are also relevant to this collection. The following collecting levels serve as guidelines for the collection policy.
Comprehensive Level: All relevant files and scholarly works. The goal is to support basic research in B.C. Mennonite history and genealogy.
Basic Level: A selective collection that elucidates the subject
Minimal Level: Books and materials generally considered outside of the scope of the collection. Only the most basic references will be acquired.
Based on these collecting levels, the Historical Society collects the following types of archival and library materials at the levels indicated.
Materials relating to the Conference of Mennonites of BC and the Mennonite Brethren Conference of BC. These would include conference and congregational records and files,
histories, biographies and books published in the area.
Comprehensive Level
Materials relating to educational institutions such as Bible schools and high and elementary schools which have operated and/or still operate in BC.
Comprehensive Level
Family Histories and other genealogical materials of Mennonites with Prussian/Russian antecedents.
Comprehensive Level
Records and files of agencies such as Mennonite Central Committee of BC, Clearbrook Golden Age Society, homes for the aged and business agencies which are operated by Mennonites in BC.
Comprehensive Level
Audio-visual materials such as photographs, tapes and microfims that relate to the Mennonite experience.
Comprehensive Level
Books and periodicals written by or about Mennonites.
Basic Level
Personal Collections of individuals who have resided or still reside in BC.
As Space Allows
Materials relating to the Canadian Conference of Mennonites and the Canadian Mennonite Brethren Conference. Include conference-wide or provincial histories, major biographies and related works.
Basic Level
Materials relating to the history and activities of Polish/Prussian and Russian Mennonites during their sojourn in these regions. Since historically the majority of Mennonite people of BC derive
from this tradition this collection should include biographies, histories, works on theology or biblical studies, periodicals, hymnals, and such manuscripts or microfilms as may be donated to the library.
Basic Level
Materials relating to pacifism in the Mennonite tradition as well as the Believer's Church tradition in general.
Basic Level
Materials relating to North American churches within the Swiss-South German Mennonite tradition including the Amish, Hutterite, and Church of the Brethren groups.
Minimal Level
Materials related to non-North American Mennonite churches.
Minimal Level