Mennonite Historical Society

of British Columbia

Genealogical Resources

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EWZ Requests

Thank you for reaching out to the Mennonite Historical Society of BC.
What we request when looking for EWZ records:

            Full name, birthdate, EWZ Film# and Frame#

You can locate the EWZ Film# and Frame# by searching a couple of places:

Black Sea German Research website When you find the profile of the person for whom you are looking, the EWZ Film# and Frame# are at the bottom of the profile.

Odessa War Documents and the second choice of EWZ Film Indices.

            When requesting EWZ documents, please request up to a maximum of five EWZ Film# 's per week.

Send your request and questions regarding genealogy to:

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Mennonite Migration to Molotschna: ca. 1848

Transfer of Households in Molotschna: ca. 1848

Internal Movement of Mennonites in Russia: 1848

Mennonite Movement from Molotschna to Chortitza: 1848

Miloradovka 1897 Census

Petrovka, Naumenko Colony 1897 Census

Prangenau, Molotschna List, 1924

Vassilyevka, Naumenko Colony 1897 Census

Yazykovo Colony Census Lists

Mennonitische Rundschau Obituaries Index: 1930-2001

Der Bote Obituaries Index: 1924-2008

Mennonite Brethren Herald Obituaries Index

Cemetery Lists

The Canadian Mennonite Obituaries

Mennonite Church USA Archives - North Newton.
Biographical wiki containing obituary indexes to Mennonite periodicals and local newspapers.

For further resources see the British Columbia Genealogical Society Website.

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